Chapter 8

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Minutes later they reach Sehgal's Mansion and carrying Bela carefully in
his arms, he took her inside and made her lie on his bed.

He sighed in relief as none had observed them coming inside. He sat beside Bela and then observing the little moment understood that she was gaining her consious.

He became alert and and stood beside her. Bela slowly opened her eyes and adjusting to the light she observed mahir standing infront of her.

"How did I come here?", Asked Bela

Before mahir could answer her, she observed the time on the clock there and was shocked as it was already 9PM. Last night itself her aunt made a fuss and now she's late again.

"Shit, I need to go", said Bela getting up from the bed

She looked around and then looked at mahir.

"Where is my bag?", Bela asked

Surprised at her reaction, mahir just showed her bag which is near the couch.. and picking it she went down to leave. Mahir followed her and found Sumi coming from the kitchen.

"Bela, I was waiting for you only.. did you get the stuff?", Asked Sumi

That's when Bela realised that she went for Sumi's work and then got unconscious there. She looks at mahir as to how she landed in his room out of no where.

"Maa, here is the list of things you asked for", mahir said giving Sumi the bag

Bela widen her eyes as to how mahir got the stuff.. she looked at mahir who's looking away and now Bela understood that it's all mahir who did. Thanking Bela and mahir, Sumi left from there.

"What do you even want to do?", Asked Bela

"Huh? What are you talking about?", Mahir asked back

"Stop acting so naive.. I know it was you who wantedly made me reach that construction site, isn't it?", Bela asked directly

"See I din't expect you to faint like that..", mahir said but Bela interrupted

"What if I die there? Don't you even care of anything other than yourself?", Bela asked furiously

"Why would you even die?", Mahir asked

"Seriously? Did you even see that building condition? And moreover I have Nyctophobia and it was so dark there", Bela said

Mahir now understands why she fainted, it was due to the fear she had for dark and not knowing anything he inturn is being responsible for her condition now.

"Why am I even saying all this to you? It's utter waste to even try explaining things to a stone hearted person like you", Bela shouted and left

Mahir quickly went and blocked her way.

"Where are you going?", Mahir asked

"Graveyard", Bela said

Mahir looked at her confused.

"Then where else I'll go? Of course my house", Bela said as the matter of fact

"Fine, come I'll drop you", mahir said

"No thanks Mr. Sehgal, you have already done a lot to me.. I can manage", Bela said moving forward

Mahir held her hand and pulled towards him.

"I never asked you Ms. Sharma, I just informed you that I'll be dropping you now", mahir said taking Bela near the car

He made her sit in the passenger seat and sitting next to her started driving to her house. Neither of them spoke, one side is Bela who is fuming in anger of how mahir could do this to her and the other side is mahir who dint know how to apologize to her.

"Ms. Sharma actually..", mahir initiated

"Stop calling me that, I'm Bela so you can call me that", Bela said annoyed

"Ok fine, I.. I'm..", mahir stammered

"When you know you can't do it then why do you even try.. and for god sake I don't need you stupid apologies", Bela said angrily

"And no one is even trying to apologize you also", mahir said irritated by her words

"Arre Yaar, what did I do? I was trying to apologize to her and again ended up shouting again!?", Mahir thought

Soon they reached Bela's house and not even glancing at mahir for once, Bela got down the car and closed the door with a thud letting out her anger.

"Don't even know how to close the car door?", Mahir asked coming out of the car

"And don't you know how to talk with people?", Bela asked back

"You...", Mahir was saying but Bela interrupted

"Whatever! It's just utter waste even talking to you", Bela said and left from there

"What the fuck!", Mahir uttered underneath


Two days passed by and successfully Bela ignored mahir as she taught to do so. Here, mahir was also happy that he haven't had any situation to face her again.. not that he don't have guys to, for him it's just a waste of time.

In the evening mahir comes back to home and sees Sumi waking to and fro being tensed.

"Maa what happened, is everything alright?", Mahir asked Sumi

"Mahir, you remember I recently bought a diamond necklace for Anu?", Sumi asked mahir

"Yes maa, I do remember.. Anu herself choose that", mahir said

"Yeah, and I'm not able to find it now", Sumi said

"What?", Mahir uttered

"Yes mahir, I was just arranging all those so I kept it on my bed and I went to the washroom.. when I came back I dint find it there", Sumi said

"Where would it go maa? Did you search around?", Mahir asked

"I did mahir, it's no where", Sumi said

"It's ok maa, not an issue.. let's take another one for Anu", mahir said casually

"No mahir, Anu really loved it a lot and that's a rear piece too", Sumi said

Sighing, mahir looked around and found Bela coming down to go home.

"I think I know where the necklace is!", Mahir said making Sumi confused

Without another word, mahir took few steps towards Bela making her confused of his acts.

"Where is it?", Mahir asked

"Where is what?", Bela asked confused

"Mahir no, stop it", Sumi tried stopping him

"No maa just wait.. here everyone are our trusted workers who are working since years and if you din't find it around then only she must have took it", mahir said looking straight into Bela's eyes

"Can you first tell me what's the matter?", Bela asked mahir

"Mahir please, I trust Bela and I know she can't do this at any cause", Sumi said

"What can't I do aunty?", Bela asked

"Our diamond necklace is missing and I doubt you took it", mahir said

"I'm not at all surprised that you suspect me for this, after all your thinking is always like that", Bela said being hurt

"Cut the crap", Mahir said

He took Bela's bag from her hand to check.

"No, you don't check my bag", Bela said

"I knew, it's coz the necklace is inside right?", Mahir asked

"No, I don't mind Sumi aunty checking my bag but I don't want you to do", Bela said

"Then I'll surely check now", mahir said


Clever Bela could easily make out that it was mahir who did this and as always ended up fighting again. And now mahir suspected Bela and let's see how she would react to it later.

Hope you guys are enjoying reading this, and let me know your views through the comments.

And I'm so happy to share with you all that I have completed 1year, 6 months here in Wattpad as well in Insta and had completed 8 complete books with all your love.. and thanks a ton for that 😌
Till then big hugs and bye guys!

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