{15} Mission Cola

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It's been two days since Jayden's death anniversary and a day since the Jared incident. It's Friday now.

When we told Nate, Cole, Reese and Kyla about what happened, my brothers flipped out.

This is how the conversation went,

"Hey guys, guess what. Jared showed up, made Mama Paris cry, wanted custody of Kayden, almost hit me, Kayden hit him, Mama Paris hit him, I hit him-"

"Wait! Back up! He almost hit you?!"

"Well, it was more like an almost slap. Anyway-"

"We're going to kill him!"

Yeah, Kayden and I had to hold them back from hunting Jared down and killing him.

Anyway, I don't know about Kayden, Nate and Reese, but the sexual tension between Cole and Kyla is suffocating me.

I mean seriously, ask me what's stronger, Cola's sexual tension or titanium.

Go ahead, ask me.

Ask me!

Cola's sexual tension!

Cola's sexual tension is stronger than titanium.

I don't know what happened when Kayden and I skipped school yesterday and the day before, but something did!

We're in our second class of the the day right now, and Cole and Kyla have flirted more in the last two hours than I have in my entire life.

That's why I quickly pulled Kayden, Nate and Reese into the janitor's closet while we were walking to our third period class.

"Okay, is it just me, or is there a shit load of sexual tension between Cole and Kyla?" I ask, flicking on the light switch.

What I saw nearly made me piss my pants laughing.

Reese was lying on top of Nate, his ass in his face. Nate was lying on Kayden's back, his face buried in his ass because of the weight Reese is putting on his head, and Kayden is sprawled out, face down on the dirty ground.

Before anyone of them move, I take my phone out of my pocket and snap a bunch of photos.

This'll make great future blackmail.

"Summer-Storm." Reese groans, glaring at me.

"Reese, get off, bro! You're squishing me!" Nate complains, lifting his head from Kayden's butt.

"How do you think I feel?" Kayden questions rhetorically, lifting his head from the ground. "I have two dumbasses on top of me."

Reese gets off of Nate and Nate scrambles off Kayden.

"Aww, I ship it." I tease, making them shoot me glares.

"Anyway, the answer to your earlier question," Nate looks at me. "The answer is yes. There is a shitload of sexual tension between Cole and Kyla."

"Shitload is an understatement." Kayden snorts, running his hand through his soft, black hair.

"Oh my god," Reese exclaims. "There is so much sexual tension between them that Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops is getting ready to use some magic fairy dust to make them fuck!"

"Ooh, I know that look," Nate examines my face. "You have a plan."

"Yes, she does." Kayden and Reese chorus, both examining my face.

I grin before saying the words that describe my whole plan.

"Mission Cola is a go."


So, the plan is to get them to kiss and admit their feelings to eachother before three o'clock, which is when school ends.

Not my most planned out idea, but it's an idea none the less.

Kayden, Reese and I watch from our normal seats at the back of History as Nate walks up to Cole and Kyla who have just walked into class.

"Hey, guys." Nate greets.

"Hey, bro." Cole nods.

"Hi, Nate." Kyla greets back, as they make their way to the back of the class. Kyla sits in her usual seat, next to me and Cole sits in his usual seat, in front of me.

"So," I lean over to Kyla. "What's going on between you and my brother?"

"Nothing's going on between Cole and I." Kyla lies, as she gives me a look.

I smirk smugly. "I never said which brother."

Kyla's cheeks turn red. "I-you-uh, fine!" She huffs when she looks at my face. "I like Cole."

All I have to do is bat my eyelashes and she cracks.

"Like is an understatement. I would use the term, crazy in love." I say but she ignores me.

"But no one knows, so don't tell anyone." She demands.

"Kyla, the whole school knows you and Cole like eachother. Hell, the whole damn state of California knows you and Cole like eachother."

She opens her mouth to argue back, but Ms Hayfer walks in, cutting her short.

An idea then pops into my mind.

I reach onto Kyla's desk and rip a piece of paper from her notebook. I scrunch it up and chuck it at Ms Hayfer.

It nails her in the forehead.

"Good afternoon, class-" she cuts herself off as the paper ball hits her. "Miss TeNana-Williams, did you just hit me with a pap-"

Just then another scrunched up piece of paper hits her in the nose.

I look at Kayden who winks at me.

"Mr Paris, did you-"

Then another paper ball hits her in the cheek. I turn and see Nate smirking at me.

"Mr TeNana-Williams-"

Then a paper ball lands right in her mouth.

I look at Reese who is grinning victoriously before he turns and gives me a thumbs up.

Is it seriously that easy to figure it out when I have a plan?!

"Summer-Storm, Kayden, Nate, Reese, detention!" She screams after spitting the paper out of her mouth.

I then nudge Kyla. "So, Have you and Cole fucked yet?"


I smirk and nod.

I know just how to set her off.

"WHAT?! SUMMER-STORM!" Cole yells, looking at me with wide eyes.

"I-" I start, but am cut off by Kyla.

"Shut up."


"Shut up!"

"Miss Martin-"

"I SAID, SHUT UP, BITC-" Kyla cuts herself of and stares at me wide eyed when she realizes who she's talking to.

"ALL SIX OF YOU," Ms Hayfer points at Kayden, Kyla, my brothers and I, literally shaking in anger. "DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL!"

I guess we get an extra hour for the plan.


The rest of our classes and lunch rolled by quickly and now it's time for detention.

Kyla and Cole aren't talking to me.

Kayden sits next to me and Nate and Reese sit in front of us as we take our seats in the back left corner of the room.

Cole and Kyla sit in the front right corner of the room.

We watch them sit next to eachother awkwardly.

"Hi." Kyla smiles nervously.

"Hi." Cole greets back, just as nervously.

The boys and I share a roll of the eyes.

I sneak a look at the teacher in charge of detention and find him asleep.

I get out of my seat and walk over to Cole and Kyla.

"Yo! Hi, hi, how are you? How are you? Now kiss!" I grab the back of each of their heads and smash them together and back away as they lock lips.

They freeze, both of their eyes wide open, before they relax and start kissing eachother passionately. Cole put his hands on her waist and Kyla wraps her arms around his neck.

"YASSS!" Reese shrieks as he lifts me up in the air, hugging me. "You did it lil' sis! Your got Cola to kiss!"

"I'm older than you!"

"The plan worked!" Kayden cheers, high fiving me.

"Of course the plan worked." Nate say in a 'duh' tone. "Storm came up with it."

"Wait," Cole and Kyla break away as Cole starts speaking. "This was all a plan to get Kyla and I to kiss?"

"And get you idiots to admit your feelings to your oblivious significant other." I nod. "Now hurry up and admit your feeling to your oblivious significant other!"

Cole shakes his head with a small smile on his face before he turns to Kyla.

"Kyla, I really, really like you." Cole rubs the back of his neck with a faint pink blush on his cheeks.

"Cole, I really, really like you, too." Kyla blushes darker then Cole before she grabs his face and presses her lips to his.

"Hell yeah, Cola!"

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