{24} I Like Kayden Freaking Paris

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As soon as the bell rings, I'm out the door.

I really don't want to face Kayden.

I like Kayden.

I like Kayden freaking Paris!

"Summer-Storm!" A very familiar voice calls from behind me. Stupidly, I turn around, only to be met with the bright blue eyes of Kayden.

"Kayden, hey." I greet with a small smile.

My stomach flutters when he gives me a smile. Not a smirk. A full, dimpled smile.

His dimples!

My stomach flutters again.

Stop it, stomach!

"Can I talk to you?" He questions. I open my mouth to speak, but he starts talking again. "If you say no, I'm going to throw you over my shoulder and kidnap you."

"I was going to say yes, but if saying no keeps me from having to walk, then no." I say cheekily.

He shakes his head before turning his back to me. "Hop on."

I jump on, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He walks into an empty Health classroom, setting me down on the teacher's desk and standing in front of me.

"Summer-Storm, I am so, so, so, so, so fucking sorry!" He blurts out. "I should have believed you. You were right. Daezahn is a bitch. I've known you my whole life. We may not have been the best of friends, but I have known you my whole life and I should have believed you. Not only that, but we became friends a month ago, and I ruined it by believing Daebitch over you. Summer-Storm, I care about you, a lot. I never want to hurt you again. I'm sorry, Summer-Storm."

Woah, I was not expecting that. An 'I'm sorry, now forgive me', but not that.

I stay silent for a minute before speaking up. "Kayden?"

"Yeah, Summer-Storm?"

"Call me Summer."

He gives me a huge grin, his dimples popping, making my insides melt.

He wraps me up in a big hug, standing between my legs seeing as I'm still sitting on the desk.

"I'm so sorry, Summer." He apologizes again, burying his face in my hair.

"It's alright, Kade."

"Princesa, I'm so sorry."

And Princesa is back.

"Kade, it's okay, really."

"I'm so sor-"

"Kayden, stop saying sorry!" I snap, pulling away. I grab his face in my hands and run my thumbs over his high cheekbones. "It's okay. I forgive you."

He smiles at me and pulls me into another hug. His face buried in my hair and my face buried in his lean chest.

We stay like that for a few minutes before I hear a sniffing sound.

"Are you sniffing my hair?!" I pull away, looking at him in shock.

"It smells good." He defends himself, twirling a lock of my light brown hair. "And it's soft."

I chuckle before running my own hand through his shiny, messy black hair. "You have really soft hair, too."

He kisses my forehead and turns around. "Want to get out of here now?"

I grin and happily jump onto his back. "Yup."


Kayden, Nate, Cole, Reese, Kyla and I all sit at a booth in Le Café, talking and laughing.

Everything is perfect.

Le Café is the best. It means The Café in French, seeing as the owners are from France. They serve the best drinks and snacks. This is our usual food place, the owners are good friends of ours.

"Then Reese jumped on him, yelling 'Don't diss the unicorn! You have no right to disrespect Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops, you giant lizard'!" I tell them about the time Reese kicked Nate's ass for dissing Foo-Foo, laughing along with everyone else.

Just then, The Wicked Bitch of the West walks into the cafe and to our table, making everyone sober up from their laughing.

"Kayden, baby! How could you forgive her?! She slapped me and called me nasty names!" She whines.

Kayden shoots her a cold glare, making her flinch. "I don't now if what I said in school was clear or not to you, but usually when someone tells you to 'Fuck off and never talk to us again', they usually mean fuck off and never talk to them again."

"But Kayden, she slapped me!" She screams, gaining the attention of all the other customers in the cafe along with the owners.

"No, she didn't. We know everything you told us was a lie." He says.

I chuckle as Daezahn's face turns bright red.

"What're you laughing at, bitch?" She spits, turning to my. "I'm not the one with a dead best friend!"

Oh hell no!

I'm about to get the chancla!

Kayden, my brothers, and Kyla's eyes all widen. Kayden looks at her in anger.

I stand up, taller than her even though she's wearing high heels.

"Kayden?" I steal a glance at him.

"Punch her."

So I do.

I throw my fist out, catching her right in the nose.

She falls into a table, clutching her nose which is gushing blood.

Jackie, one of the owner's of the cafe walks over, pulling Daezahn's arm, making her stand up straight as she cups her nose. "I think you should leave."

Daezahn looks at her in shock. "But she punched me!"

"You deserved it. Leave." Jackie leads her to the door and makes her leaving.

Oh how I love Jackie.

Jackie smiles at me, which I return before she walks back to her office.

"Nice punch." Kayden high fives me.

"Stayden!" My brothers and Kyla yell simultaneously, giggling like a bunch of idiots.

Kayden and I share a roll of the eyes before he makes me sit back down in my seat, pulling me into his side, his arm wrapped around me shoulder.

Oh yeah, I like definitely like him.

I like Kayden freaking Paris.

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