{33} Stayden

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I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck, not caring that he's soaking wet.

Our lips mold together our mouths move in sync. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer before one of his hands travel up and tangles itself in my light brown hair.

My hands slide down to his chest and clench his drenched t-shirt, pulling myself closer to his body.

A few moments later, we break away to breathe.

"Summer-Storm, I like you." He rests his forehead on mine, his eyes closed.

"Kayden, I like you." I admit, tracing his lip with my fingers.

I don't say 'too'. To me, it means that you're just saying 'I love you' or 'I like you' because you feel like you have to.

His eyes open and he smiles at me.

"Be my girlfriend?"

"Hell yeah."

He grins widely as he kisses me again.

"Now I can do this whenever I want." He smiles, kissing me again.

"I'm going to go get you a towel and some dry clothes." I hesitantly pull away from him. "You can take a shower in my bathroom."

"Your brothers aren't going to kill me, are they?" He questions, rubbing the back of his neck.

Right, my overprotective brothers.

"If they were going to kill you, they would have stopped eavesdropping and broken down the door by now." I say, opening my bedroom door, making three dumbasses tumble through the doorway.

"HELL YEAH, STAYDEN!" Reese jumps up, fist pumping in the air, not even caring that he just got caught pressing his ear against the door.

Cole and Nate start whooping and cheering, too, ruffling Kayden's hair and high fiving him.

I smile at my brothers and boyfriend -wow, it feels good to call him that- before walking to Nate's room to get him a pair of sweatpants. I didn't grab a t-shirt knowing he wouldn't wear it.

Kayden Sin Paris is my boyfriend.

Holy shit.


I lean on my locker as Kayden stands in front of me. He leans forward and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

Three different squeals erupt from three different parts of the hallway before Kayden is pulled off me and I'm being squashed in a bone-crushing group hug.

"Yay, finally!" Cassie shrieks, jumping up and down as they let me go.

"Oh my god, yesss!" Hannah dances around.

"The Stayden ship has sailed!" Kyla screams happily. "It's about time."

"When did this happen?" Cassie asks as my three friends calm down.

"Last night." I smile at them.

"Wait," Kyla interrupts. "I need to do something first."

She turns around to face Kayden, who is now talking to my brothers.

"Listen here, mister." She grabs his attention. "If you hurt my best friend, I will rip your dick off and shove it down your throat. Got it?"

Kayden gulps and nods. "Got it."

Kyla smiles before shouting, "STAYDEN!"


Miss McKlay looks up from her sketchbook as Kayden and I walk into art hand-in-hand.

Her face breaks out into a huge smile.

"So, are you two..."

Kayden nods. "Yeah. We're dating."

"When did this happen?" She asks, the grin not leaving her face.

"2:30 AM yesterday." I answer. "He knocked on my window and kissed me. Then he told me that he liked me and I told him that I do too."

"Wait, during the storm?" She questions.


"Oh my god, that is so cute."

"I also paid for eight packs of Oreos for her." Kayden butts in, his face sporting a small smile as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side.


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