{36} I'm Gonna Kick her Ass all the Way to Outer Space

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"Shit." I mumble, gently pushing Kayden off me as I hear Lilly's heels clicking through the hallway and down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" He asks in confusion, looking down at me.

"That bitch is going to tell mamá what just happened." I tell him, clenching my fists.

"So? Your mom's pretty chill." He furrows his dark eyebrows.

I shake my head. "Not when Aunt Helga's around."






"I'm gonna kick her ass all the way to outer space." I growl as soon as mamá, Aunt Helga and Lilly walk away after mamá's hour-long lecture. And on top of that, she gave me the birds and bees talk again.

Kayden turns to papá. "What exactly did Sally Snitch tell Aria?"

"That she walked in on you two doing...it." Papá admits with a shudder.

"What?! That's not what fucking happened." I stand up from my seat on the couch, outraged. "Im'ma kill that bitch!"

I start towards the kitchen but Cole pulls me back. Reese pushes me down on the couch and sits on my back.

"Wha-Reese, get off!"

"Never!" He screams, shoving my face into a cushion. "Now shut up, you monkey."

I lift me face from the cushion, throwing it aside. "I'm a monkey? Have you seen your armpits?"

I turn to my side, throwing him off me.

"Hey!" He whines from the floor, rubbing his butt.

I ignore him and walk into the kitchen.

"Okay, listen here you little bitch!" I walk up to Lilly, who is standing next to the fridge. "I don't know who you think you are, but you're sure as hell not the motherfucking queen, so what makes you think you can lie to my mother about something that didn't happen?! Oh right, because your mother's Helga Smith-"

"Summer-Storm Lele TeNana-Williams!" Aunt Helga cuts me off. "You have no right to talk to my daught-"

"Shut up, you old hag!" I snap, cutting her off, seeing her shocked expression before I turn back to Lilly.

"Don't talk to my mom like that!" Lilly exclaims. "Bitch!"

I roll my eyes. "Ooh, bitch. I'm wounded." I drone sarcastically, putting my hand to my heart.

"Summer-Storm, stop it!" Mamá snaps, glaring at me.

"No, mamá!" I decline. "You whole life, your bitch of an older sister has been harassing you and you never stood up to her! I'm just doing what you should have done years ago." I turn to Lilly. "I'm going to skin you alive with a cheese grater!" I then turn to Aunt Helga. "I'm going to slit your throat and smoke weed with your windpipe!"

Aunt Helga turns to mamá. "Do something! Your bitch of a daughter has no right to talk to Lilly and I that way!"

I see mamá's eyes flare in anger.

Oh shit. It takes a lot to make my mom mad.

Your in trouble, Helga. I'll make sure a dog takes a shit on your grave.

"Did you just call my daughter a bitch?!" She questions rhetorically. "Oh hell no, you old hag! I'm going to rip your small intestine out of your mouth, your large intestine out of your ass, and use you as a skipping rope!"

"Now I know where Summer-Storm gets her death threats from." I hear Kayden's voice behind me. I turn around and see Kayden, my brothers and papá watching the scene in front of them from the kitchen doorway.

"Stop it, Aria." Aunt Helga says, trying not to let her shock and fear seek through her words. I didn't work.

"What're you going to do?" Mamá asks, rolling her eyes. "Tell mom like the little snitch you are? Well, guess what, I'm a grown woman and she can't do anything!"


"Get the hell out of my house. I'm going to count to 5...If I get to three and you're still here I will crush your skull. If I get to four...I'll rip out all of your limbs, slowly. And then I'll cautrerize the stumps. If I get to five...I'm going to throw your torso through that wall down 20 stories and then...then I'll jump down myself to see if you're alive. And if you are...I'll finish the job. Slowly." Mamá threatens lowly. "One..."

"Come on, Aria-"


"Aria! I-"


"Come on, mom. I'm too pretty to die!" Lilly cuts mamá off by grabbing Aunt Helga and high tailing it out of the house with Uncle Bob following.

"Actually, a donkey's prettier than you!" Nate, Cole, Reese and I yell after them in unison. We turn to eachother with matching grins before highfiving. "Quadruplet telepathy!"

"It's about time you stood up to her." Papá nods at mamá.

"Yeah." Mamá nods in agreement. "She really is the reincarnation of Satan in the body of a witch."

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