Chapter 11

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I glared at my Master who was struggling under my lightsaber. "What the heck man?!" I sheathed my lightsaber, and let him go.

He stood up, and raised an eyebrow. "What? "

I scowled at him. "You just turned into a freaking Sith Lord, and pretended to kill Younglings! Why?!"

Anakin put his hands on his hips. "Well, " he started, while the room changed back to a black and yellow grid. "For one, those were fake... And yeah. Yoda requested I do that... And stuff. "

I rolled my eyes, seeing that he couldn't come up with good excuses. "Whatever. "

Suddenly, the intercom came up. "Skywalker!" Shouted Master Windu. "Get up here! "

Anakin almost fell over by Windu's booming voice. "Y-Yes Master. Coming," he stuttered, walking fast to the observatory room. He made his way around the stairs, and went up into the room.

Finally, he arrived and the Council started the intercom again. "Welcome to the fourth round; anger. You will be tested to see if you can control it, and remain calm..." Said Master Windu. I saw him turn his head toward Anakin a little bit. "If you cannot do this, then you fail. May the Force be with you, young Padawans. "

I raised an eyebrow. When isn't the Force with me? I thought, waiting for the scenery to change.

The background quickly changed from the grid, to a forest scene, with battle droids marching up and down the way.

I looked around for a place to hide, and saw a log placed on the ground. I quickly ran up to it, attempting to not make any noise.

I hid low, and watches the army flow through the forest. The battle droids were painted comoflauge, which were followed by super droids, which were then followed by huge tanks.

The droids finally stopped marching, and approached someone in a big hood. "We found the Jedi Generals sir. "

The hooded figure nodded, and made a deep growl. "Good. Bring them to me. I want them alive. "

The droid in the front nodded, and looked at the rest of them. "Move out! "

I looked around for any signs of familiar faces, but saw none. I sighed, and looked back at the hooded figure. The figure was tall, almost taller than Anakin, and they wore a utility belt, with a lightsaber attached to it. It was black, and a bit curved, so I knew it wasn't Anakin's. Thank the Force.

Just as I was about to move out, I felt a presence around me. It wasn't the figure, but something else. I glanced back behind me, and saw Scout Clone Troopers behind me.

I sighed, thanking the Force that they were here. I looked back at the dark hooded figure who just stood there, waiting for the droid army to return.

Sighing, I Force jumped, and landed where the Scout Clones were, standing right behind them.

One if them jumped, seeing me, and sighed in relief. "Oh, hello Commander. Find any news about the droids? "

I nodded. "Yeah... I guess. They're heading out to find the Generals," I paused. "Speaking of which, who's leading this attack? "

Another Scout spoke up. "Well, General Kenobi is leading an attack on the West side, with Cody. General Skywalker is leading-"

I interuppted him. "General Skywalker? Where is he? "

The third Scout looked at me, rising up from his position. "He's on the South side. Why? "

I looked at him. "Can you take me to him? "

He looked at the other two Scouts. "Sorry, General Kenobi gave me strict orders to stay here and spy on this guy, until we find some information. "

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, you found some didn't you? "

He sighed, and stuck his binoculars into his utility belt he was wearing. "I suppose. " He turned around, and nodded his head for me to follow him. I did as he showed me, and I followed him.

After what seemed forever, we finally arrived in the camp, where Anakin was. I thanked the Scout, who was on his way back to his post, and started to search for my Master.

The camp was filled with comoflauge tents, and hologram tables, including amo areas, and bonfires.

I started to look around for places he might be, but I couldn't find anything. I knew he was around here somewhere.

I walked up to a Clone, and tapped him on his shoulder, which made him turn around. "Oh Commander! Nice seeing you here. The General will be glad to see you. "

I nodded. "Yeah... Uh, speaking of which, do you know where I can find the General? "

He nodded. "Yeah, he's in that tent over there, " he said, pointing to a comoflauge tent, with the Republic symbol on it.

I nodded, thanking him. "Thanks. " I turned around, and made my way to the tent. I was about to knock, but I knew that would be weird, since you can't do it in the first place. I mean, with its fabric, you can't knock.

So I let myself in, and found Anakin pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair over and over again.

"Master? " I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He looked up from the ground, and spotted me. His face beamed; eyes lighting up. "Oh (Y/N). Thank the Force you're here. I thought you were gone for a second. "

I crossed my arms. "I must've hit my head or something, " I said, trying to make something up. "Can you remind me what exactly we're doing...? "

He nodded. "Oh yeah. Sure, but are you okay? Do you need to see the medic or something? Is your head fine? "

I stepped back for a moment. I didn't like it when someone was being overprotective. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm sure. My head is okay. "

He sighed. "Good. I don't want you to get into a coma or a concussion later. "

"Just go on please. "

"Okay, " he agreed, getting a hologram out. "We're going to attack here, on the South flank of the Separatist camp, destroying all of their cargo. Then, they won't be able to send reinforcements, so Obi-Wan can attack on the West flank. It'll be easy, the droids won't see it coming. "

I stepped back, and looked at the hologram. "You sure? There is a possibility of a Sith with them. I saw him... He or she had a lightsaber."

Before he could respond, a Scout showed up into the tent. "General! The droid army has shown up to camp! "

Anakin threw his hands up in the air." What?! That wasn't supposed to happen! This wasn't part of the plan."

I looked at him. "Well, it is now. "

He looked back at the Scout. "Get Rex and his men. Tell them to follow behind me. I'm going to attempt to negotiate. "

The Scout saluted, and ran out of the tent, with my Master following behind him. "(Y/N), stay behind me. "

I nodded, dragging my hand to my lightsaber, getting ready to do the opposite of negotiating.

Anakin walked up to the commanding droid, and looked right at him. "Alright. Why exactly are you here? "

The droid looked at him. "The General said to bring you to the camp, alive. I think he wants to talk to you. "

His hand left to his lightsaber. "I think I'll just stick with aggressive negotiations," he remarked, pulling out his saber, then stabbing the droid right in the chest.

I smirked, nodding along with my Master. "Let's do this. " I grabbed my lightsaber off of my belt, and turned it on. I started to slice down droids, along side of my Master.

"Rex! Move your men towards us! " shouted Anakin, who kept reflecting laser blasts, and slicing droids, as he made his way down the droid army.

I shook my head. "Master, I think it'll be wiser if we get some help!" I shouted, over the sound of blasters firing, slicing a droid's head off. "Obi-Wan might be able to help us! Get Rex to contact him! "

Anakin kept fighting, and completely ignored me. He seemed to just be getting on my nerves today. He was doing everything I hated: Being overprotected, and I hated being ignored.

Oh right... This was a challenge. To test my anger. Well, the Council sure is acing my nerves. I calmed down, and looked back at my Master.

"Master! " I shouted, looking back at him.

He looked back, and tossed his hair, covering his face, while battling. "What? " he snapped, slicing another super droid.

I groaned. "Get Rex, so we can contact Obi-Wan for HELP!"

He nodded, flipping his hair again. "Fine... "

It was super annoying when he flipped his hair over and over again... I mean, it's... Beautiful once he does it the first time, but it just gets annoying when he does over and over again.

He quickly stabbed another droid, and strutted off to the tent. "Rex, send a transmission to General Kenobi to send help!"

Rex saluted, and ran off. Anakin once again flipped his hair, and I just about had it with him.

"Anakin. Stop. Just... Stop, " I said, not wanting to let my anger leave me.

He smirked, and then waved his hand, immediately shutting all the droids down using the Force.

"What?? What the heck...? " I said, looking at him.

He shrugged. "Welcome to the fifth round kid. "

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