Chapter 14

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I continued to sit in my ship for a little while, until the room changed back into its normal grid color. I got up from my chair, and stretched. I cracked my knuckles, and yawned.

To be honest, I was pretty tired. I was running around, and slicing things down with my lightsaber most of the time. It gets pretty tiring. I stretched, and looked up at the observatory room, seeing the twins sitting next to one another next to their father.

I smiled, and sat down onto the floor and relaxed.

There was a sudden tapping on the microphone, and I looked up. Sure enough, it was Anakin, acting like a five year-old.

"(Y/N). Get up. Off. Of. The floor. You still have training to do."

I groaned and shook my head. "Is it really necessary? I mean, it's... 7:52 in the afternoon, and I'm super tired. "

He looked at Master Windu and Master Yoda, and Master Yoda shook his head."Endurance, a part of a Jedi's life, must have. Take a break, she musn't."

Well, this is going to be harder than I thought, I thought, looking down at the floor.

Another voice came into the microphone. "Well you heard him (Y/N). Is that all you have to complain about? " asked Anakin.

I glared up at my Master. "I want to complain about your sass, but I'm afraid it's very unlikely of a Jedi to be rude," I shot back.

Anakin was silent after that.

"Well, let's just stop the complainimg, and get on with it, shall we? " Suggested Master Kenobi.

I nodded, and crossed my arms.

Soon, the black and yellow grid changed to an island scene. I was surrounded my water, and the only land I could see, was a jungle, about sixty-five meters away from me. The rest of the island, was sand and water.

Just before I could do anything, my comlink beeped. Raising an eyebrow, I pressed the link, and I quickly heard Master Kenobi's voice.

"Hello, (Y/N). Welcome to the seventh round, instinct. Here, you will learn to survive on instinct. Survive one day, and you will be able to advance to the next round. You will also learn to trust your mind and to trust within the Force. Be safe young Padawan. "

Soon enough, the transmission ended, and I sighed.

Here we go again, I thought, looking around the island. The shores were bare, and the jungle was swamped with greenery and wild animals.

I knew that I had to have food, and water, and shelter to survive. Getting water from the sea was very tempting, but it was salt water, which could make you even more thirsty.

Picking up my pace, I started to walk towards the jungle, where I could probably find some water, wood for shelter, and some food.
About an hour later, I had finally reached inside the jungle. I pulled out my lightsaber, and I started slicing my way through all the dead branches, and gigantic leaves.

Suddenly, there was a sudden squawk, that could have been an animal noise. I crouched down, and I silently crept up towards it, sheathing my lightsaber.

Just as I thought, the animal was bending down, drinking from a water hole. Taking out my lightsaber once again, unsheathing it, I crept towards the animal even slower, preparing to attack.

However, the animal seemed to notice me, running off. I sighed.
"Well. There goes my food. "

Going up to the water hole, I once again turned my lightsaber off, and I bent down to get some water with the canister I had with me. Fastly, I scooped it up, and screwed the cap back onto it.

I stood up, and started to go deeper into the jungle, following a path, that seemed to be cut down already, which was incredibly strange.
About a few hours later, I had cut down some trees, and made a little hut for me to live in, near the beach. I quickly had built a campsite, and made a big fire to keep me warm, and to boil the water to remove any germs.

So here I am, sitting on the beach sand, next to the fire, waiting for the water to boil.

Maybe I could go hunting, and see what I find, while I wait for the water to boil, I thought, getting up and grabbing my lightsaber.

I ran to the jungle, disappearing into the trees, away from the campsite. It was nearing sunset, which wasn't exactly a good thing. This meant night prowelers. Good thing my lightsaber was my light (pun intended).

I continued to cut through the trees, searching for animals, hoping I'd get something before sunset.

After what seemed liked forever, I finally came across a giant wild cat, prowling around the gigantic trees. Being desperate to catch my food, I used the Force to make me be able to run super fast, lunging at the cat, and throwing my lightsaber at it, with me of course, rolling on the jungle floor, faceplanting.

Looking up from the mud, I saw my cat already running away. I groaned, faceplanting back into the mud.

Reluctantly, I got up, wiping my hands off on my cloak. I used the Force to pull my lightsaber to me, walking back to the campsite, giving up on finding some food.

Sadly, when I returned back, my fire was out, and my water wasn't boiling anymore. I groaned, and went inside my hut, falling asleep onto the floor, not really caring that I was covered in mud.
Beep, beep, beep.

I shot up, and found that I was laying on wet sand, and open clear blue skys- wait what?

Looking around, I saw that my hut was torn apart, pieces of bamboo lurched out every where on the beach shores. I looked down at my clothes, seeing that half of my shirt on my Jedi outfit was torn apart, probably from the waves that crashed, revealing some of my chest.

I groaned, and got up, my clothes soaking wet of salt water. Quickly, I realized my comlink was beeping. I pressed a button, letting the person speak.

"Good morning (Y/N), " teased Anakin, chuckling. "Guess you got your nap. "

I rolled my eyes. "...Guess I did. "

"Well, welcome to the eighth round. "

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