Chapter 19

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My breathing was heavy, after running around in a full on gown, it really got me tired. Slowly, the image of the castle in front of me disappeared, and I regained my breath.

"Wha... Wha-what?" I asked, catching my breath, brushing my Padawan braid out of my bun.

"You heard me. You are a Jedi Knight now. Well, that is, until the ceremony," he chuckled, as Obi-Wan came down the stairs smiling, throwing Anakin a shirt. He caught it, slipping it on.

"Congratulations, (Y/N). You should be honored, " said Obi-Wan, crossing his arms. "Many Padawans have not passed the test, and you are one of the few."

Anakin slipped on his simple shirt, however you could see right through it. "He's right you know. Only three made it in. You, Skyler, and Kai-Ruso. "

I chuckled, not believing that little riff raff made it in. I have to admit, he was pretty good in the first round.

Finally, I caught my breath, brushing my hands off on my gown, which still seemed to be here. I don't know why the round wouldn't change clothing back.

"Why am I still in my gown?" I asked, crossing my arms.

There was a marching, of all the Jedi Masters on the Council coming down the stairs. "It's a bug in the system, (Y/N)," said Windu. "We're trying to get it fixed but it's not working. You're lucky. Anakin has wet pants. "

I snorted.

"Did you just snort?" laughed Anakin, then looking down at his pants. He silently cursed to himself. "Excuse me. I... Need to go fix this... " and with that, he ran out of the room, and into the bathroom.

I couldn't hold in my laughter, and just busted out laughing.

Obi-Wan shook his head, and started laughing as well. "That boy has issues. Come along, (Y/N). You should come with me, " he chuckled, as he was still in his outfit as well, with Mace Windu too. I nodded, walking by his side, following him.

"Are you ready to become a Jedi Knight, (Y/N)?" simply asked Obi-Wan, neatly folding his hands together.

I slowly nodded. "I'm sure. Master Anakin has trained me well. "

Obi-Wan nodded. "Quite. He truly has. "

I smiled at the thought of Anakin, brushing my Padawan braid out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. I could tell my cheeks were turning colors, by the way it felt heating up.

"What's the matter (Y/N)? You look flustered," chuckled Obi-Wan, as we walked down the hallway to an empty room.

I slowly shrugged, rubbing my right arm. "I dunno... Guess I'm just... Still caught up in becoming a Jedi Knight. "

Obi-Wan looked into my eyes, his facial expression becoming a bit more serious. "Hmm," was all he could say, clearly hiding something, but I didn't ask.

Before us, there was an empty, dark room, to what it looked like the Jedi Council Chambers. I raised an eyebrow, and looked at Obi-Wan, taking the bun out of my hair and letting my hair fall down while doing so.

"Master Kenobi? What are we doing here? " I asked, putting the rubber bands around my wrist.

He turned to me. "(Y/N), I should let Anakin explain that to you. I should be leaving. " with that, he went inside the dark Chambers, the door shutting behind him.

I looked around for Anakin, as I saw him out of the corner of my eye, he was wearing his Jedi clothes, and he was clipping his lightsaber to his belt.

"It sure was nice to get out of those tuxedo pants," he said, standing beside me.

I chuckled. "I bet it was. "

Anakin smiled, turning to me. "(Y/N), I want to congratulate you on your ranking. "

I softly blushed, fiddling with my Padawan braid. "Oh thanks... All thanks to your training, Master."

His smile faded, turning into a slightly sad, yet serious, soft smile. "However, you won't be calling me Master much longer. "

"Master? What are you saying?"

Anakin threw his cloak over his head, the doors opening up for us, as Anakin walked in first, with me following behind.

The room was dark and quiet, with only the sounds of my shoes clicking against the carpet as I reached the center of the room.

Soon enough, I heard lightsaber sounds go off, the blue and green, and one purple, radiant light making the darkness seem to disappear. I looked around the room for Anakin, and he was beside Mace Windu, smiling as I looked at him.

I turned my head, seeing Master Yoda, standing up in the chair with his green light saber, he was holding out.

"Padawan, step forward, " he put, looking at me.

I slowly came forward, my blue dress dragging across the floor, as I took a knee, bowing my head. The Jedi around me, all slowly lowered their lightsabers in one move, at the same time.

My heart was beating fast. I was excited. I couldn't believe this day had finally come.

Master Yoda put his lightsaber near my bare shoulders, which seemed to feel like I was getting fried.

"(Y/N) (L/N). By the right of the Jedi Order, and the way of the Force, I dob thee I do, Jedi Knight, " he said, his lightsaber cutting my Padawan braid clean off. "Now a server of the Republic. "

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