Chapter 2

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*Anakin's POV *

I woke up and found myself laying on the couch, where I remember I was laying. I looked around and saw my children, including my Padawan sleeping on the couch with me. I carefully removed my children from them sleeping on my leg, using the Force to lift them into the air. When I was done getting off the couch, I sat them back down onto the spot where I was laying. I quietly crept over to the cardboard box that was on the table, and took a near by kitchen knife to cut through the tape. I flipped the box open, and sighed, being relieved that my cargo was shipped safely. I closed the box, and looked around the apartment, and knew I had to hide this.

I quickly went to my room and locked the door behind me. I went to the back of my room, and went to my bed. I carefully slid the box under it, and I crawled under as well. I looked at the top from under the bed, and felt around for a button. Thankfully, I found it, and pushed it, and a slot opened. I took the large box, and pushed it inside, hid in the box away. Sighing, the slot closed and I slid out from under the bed. I thought about it foe a while thinking, no one must know...
*Your POV*

After waking up already, I decided to go look for Anakin, to let him know I'm going back to the Jedi Temple, because Master Kenobi said I should start meditating practice with him.

Forgetting to knock, I let myself inside my Master's room, finding him staring at his bed.
He turned around, and glares at me. "Ever heard of knocking?"

I bowed my head respectively, and started to talk. "Sorry for the intrusion. Um... why were you staring at your bed?" I asked, being curious.

He shoved his hands inside his pockets, and started to rock on his feet. "No reason. Now, what was the real reason you came here?"

Instantly, I knew he was hiding something, but I didn't pry, afraid he would go into one of his... "phases."

I bowed my head respectfully, and looked back up at my Master. "Sorry for the intrusion, Master, but Master Kenobi suggested that I should go to the Jedi Temple to meditate. I was going to go, if you didn't mind. "

He shrugged, and looked behind me, and traced his yes back to mine. "Of course. Come back when you're finished. "

I bowed my head thankfully, and left the room, and soon the apartment, leaving Anakin alone with the kids.

"You're late," said Obi-Wan, as I entered the Jedi Temple.

I nodded. "Yeah, I know. Sorry about that, I was helping with the twins-" I tried to apologize, but Obi-Wan waved it off.

"No need for excuses. Next time, just come on time," he ordered, as we vastly walked down the halls of the Temple. I nodded, and followed him into a meditating room, where the lights were dim, and only a small glimpse of the city came from the blinded window. There were two grey cushions for each of us to sit on, and I sat opposite from Obi-Wan.

I quickly relaxed, and closed my eyes, reaching out into the Force.
*Your Dream*

The dream opened up into the Jedi Council Chambers, where all the Council members sat, except Anakin. There was a vivid conversation between Master Yoda, And Master Windu, and the rest of the Council Members.

"If the Chancellor is dead, should we keep Skywalker on the Council?" Said Mace, leaning back in his chair.

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi stroked his whispy beard, and looked at Master Yoda. "Master Yoda, I agree with Master Windu. Skywalker has broken a lot of rules as well, and should be removed from the Council at least."

Yoda remained silent, and looked around the Council Chambers.

Before Yoda could respond, Master Plo-Koon sat up in his chair, and looked at Master Windu. "Skywalker has much to learn. He is not ready for the high Council yet. However, we should let Master Yoda decide, before we get wrapped up in this situation. Master Kenobi, what are your words in this? "

Obi-Wan looked at Plo-Koon, and started to stroke his beard, like any other Jedi would do. "I'm not so sure. This could be a learning chance for Anakin. I honestly am taking up Anakin's side, and I believe in second chances. "

"Anakin has had way too many second chances, Master Kenobi, " Mace Windu responded. "I believe that was his last. "

Obi-Wan shot a distant look at Windu. "Yet, he saved your life, has he not? "

Mace Windu remained silent.

Finally, Master Yoda spoke up, "Decide on this matter I will later. Meditate I will. Meeting dismissed. "

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