Chapter 22

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*Anakin's POV*

It was ten o'clock in the morning, and I had just waken up. I looked over at (Y/N), and contently sighed at her pure beauty. She was beautiful. Especially in her current state.

I softly brushed my fingers against the top of her head then pulling my hand back under the covers.

Slowly, (Y/N) woke up, and looked around, then she spotted me, and softly smiled.

"Morning princess, " I chuckled, looking at her as she sat up.

"Don't call me that, " she yawned.

"What would you like me to call you?"

"Something other than that please."

"Hmm.... How about babe?"

Her cheeks instantly turned an immense amount of red. "Uh, no. That's just gonna get me flustered."

I laughed at her statement. "Of course then. You get flustered so easily, it's kinda funny. "

She flicked my arm. "Meanie."

I laughed again, leaning over and kissing her cheek. "That I am. "

She rolled her eyes, and pulled the covers up to her chin, protecting herself from the cold.

"You're very beautiful, " I mentioned, my eyes roaming her facial features.

"That's not something you say to a girl who's naked, Anakin."

I shrugged. "It's true. Especially right now."

She scoffed, and slapped my arm."Pervert!"

I laughed, "Well excuse me for being honest!"

She simply rolled her eyes, throwing off the covers, revealing herself. "I'm going to get dressed. You should too. "

I stared at her, a smirk growing on my lips, my eyes wandering her body. "I'll stay here and watch. "

"What? No. I'm going to the bathroom to get dressed. "

"Awe, come on. We've seen each other naked before. "

"That was one time, genius. "

"Well I'm glad you can do math."

She rolled her eyes, walking to the bathroom, and getting dressed. I sighed, getting up as well, and getting dressed too.

*Your POV*

I sat in the bathroom, thinking about what happened last night. I could never look at Anakin the same. It would be very, very, different now. Heck, we're not even married or in a... Complete relationship yet. This is so wrong on so many levels.

I'm only 20 years old. And he's 26. I can't believe I lost all of my innocence already. Gone. All of it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "(Y/N)? You okay in there?"

I shot up off of the floor and stood up, clearing my throat. "Yeah! I'm fine. "

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. "

"If you say so... "

After that, I heard the footsteps go away.

I put the toilet lid down, and sat down on it, which got me thinking, what if I was pregnant?

Well, I'm not puking. Yet. I don't feel any different. He used protection. But it could've broken.

Quickly, a huge lump started to grow in the back of my throat, as I started to worry more and more about what could happen.

What if I did get pregnant? Would he be angry? How would the Council react? How would the Twins react, if I told them, and Anakin and I weren't even married?

I stood up off of the toilet, and started pacing back and forth, starting to braid my hair, the lump in my throat growing.

This was very stressful. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I got out of the bathroom, and walked up to Anakin.

"Anakin," I said in a very worried, yet stern voice.

"Yes?" He asked, turning on the TV for the twins.

"I need to talk to you." My voice started to quaver.

Anakin's eyes changed from a bright blue, to a dark, worried blue. "What is it?"

I went to his bedroom, with him following behind, my hands still going in a delicate pattern to braid my hair. "What if I got pregnant?" I whispered, my voice quavering more.

Anakin sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Well, we'd get through it together. Trust me. "

"But the Council- They'll kick us out. "

"Do I look like I give a crap about the Council right now?" He asked, pointing at himself, his face clearly careless.

I remained silent.

"I don't care if we get kicked out-"

I interuppted him. "I do! If we did, we'd have to get jobs, and nobody could watch over the twins."

Anakin sighed again, taking my hands in his. "We'll go through it together. I promise." He lifted my chin, kissing my forehead. "I'm allowed to do that, aren't I?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I suppose."

He smiled. "I'm glad. "

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