Chapter 7

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*Anakin's POV*

"You can all be dismissed, " Windu said, bowing his head to the other Council members. I bowed my head in reply, and left the Council Chambers. I walked outside, and found my Padawan waiting for me.

"So, what was that about?" She asked, walking along with me.

I shook my head. "The Council wants..." I trailed off, looking at my Padawan.

She raised an eyebrow. "Wants what?"

I smiled, and looked at her. "Well, they want to upgrade some Padawns to Jedi Knights..."

She smiled, and her face brightened up. "What are you saying?" She giggled, folding her hands together.

I chucked lightly, and stared down at her. "What I'm trying to say, is that you are one of those Padawans. You are going to go through the trials to be a Jedi Knight."

She smiled, her face almost being emotionless. "I... thank you, Master."

I smiled proudly and looked down at her. "You're lucky. I don't know how-"

Suddenly, she interrupted me. "You requested me didn't you?"

I sighed, being defeated. "Yes..."

She threw her hands up in the air and stared at me. "Ugh, I told you I wanted them to request for me."

I shrugged. "Well... they mentioned you, and the other Padawans, and I decided to put your name in. So, they agreed, and... I think you're ready."

She blushed, and continued to walk. "Thanks Master. "

I nodded, and we walked the rest of the way, turning down several hallways, finally arriving back at the speeders in the hangar. We hopped inside one, flying back to our apartment.
*Anakin's POV*

We came back to the apartment, with me parking back at the parking space. I hopped out, with (Y/N) follwing behind me.

Suddenly, the Twins ran up to me, and they both grabbed onto my legs, which made me almost fall over.

"Woah, take it easy there Leia!" I laughed, regaining my balance.

She laughed, and so did Luke. I looked up from the twins, searching the room for my Padawan. I found her leaning up against the door frame, smiling at me. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, and amusment.

Finally, the Twins let go, and ran to the kitchen.

I called to them,"You guys hungry? " I walked to them, and helped them into their high chairs.

Luke pointed to the boxes of applesauce, saying," Food!"

I nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'll get your applesauce," I chuckled, opening the packages. I set the food in front of the Twins, and let them feed themselves. I turned to my Padawan, and went over to her. I ruffled her hair, and said, "(Y/N) I think you need to go to bed. You have trials tomorrow."

She groaned. "But I can't go to sleep! I'm not tired. We just got home, and it's like... eight fifty-nine," she complained, looking up at me, with pleading eyes.

I leaned on the doorframe as well, crossing my arms, and looking back at the clock. "Too bad. It's nine now."

She groaned, and turned to her room. "I still won't be able to go to sleep."

I rolled my eyes, and smiled. "Well, my room is always open."

She laughed. "No it isnt. You usually keep your door closed, thankfully."

I shrugged and spread my hands. "Oh well. Your loss," I teased, trying to charm her.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up will you?" She laughed, closing the door, shaking her head.

I went to my room, and closed the door, getting undressed. I slipped my Jedi robes off, and then put my pants and shirt on, slipping my glove off as well. I went out of my room, to go check on (Y/N).

I knocked on her door, and heard a faint yell, telling me to come in.
I opened the door, and found her sitting on her bed, reading a book she borrowed from the archives.

"Need anything?" She yawned, setting her book on her shelf, pulling her covers over herself.

I shook my head. "No. Just coming on to check on you."

She smiled, and layed down. "Okay then," she yawned, closing her eyes.

I made my way over to her bed, and sat down beside her. I wrapped my left arm around her proactively, as she slept on the right side of the bed.

I leaned in, and whispered in her ear," Goodnight, sunshine." And with that, I grew tired, and fell asleep right there on the spot.
*Anakin's POV*

I woke up in the morning, finding myself in (Y/N)'s bed, and she was already awake, and out of the room, preparing breakfast for the kids. I got up, and wrapped my robe around my bare chest, shoving my hands into my pockets.

I went into the kitchen, and found the Twins sitting in their chairs, eating away. My Padawan was already dressed, wearing her Jedi robes that were covering most of her body, and her hair loosely hanged down. She was making eggs, and some other strange food that I had no idea what she was doing with.

I went up behind her, and poked her in her sides, and spoke into her ear. "Good morning, Sunshine. How's my soon-to-be-Jedi-Knight?" I asked, grabbing a fork from behind her.

She scooted awkwardly away from me. "Dude, I'm your Padawan, not your freaking wife," she retored.

I swayed my head and snapped sassily. "Well, excuse me for trying to be nice."

She laughed and shook her head. "Well, I guess I'm doing fine."

I nodded, and left to go to the table to eat. I quickly started to eat, stuffing food into my mouth, wanting to be there on time for the trials.

"(Y/N) you need to hurry up. We need to get there extra early if you want to start trials," I warned her, finishing up my food.

I tossed the paper plate in the trash can, and made my way to my room. I closed the door, and quickly got dressed. I slipped on my glove, and combed my hair, making my way outside.

(Y/N) was sitting on the couch with the Twins, waiting for me. "Ready?" She asked, grabbing the Twins' hand.

I nodded, feeling for my lightsaber. Crap. It wasn't there. "Hold on!" I shouted, halting my family.

I used the Force to sense around the room where my lightsaber was, and found it laying on a nearby chest. I used the Force to bring it to me, and I clipped it to my belt.

"Ready?" She asked once again.

I chuckled, an nodded. "To the Jedi Temple!" And off we went.

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