Chapter Fourteen- The Perfect Solution

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Chapter Fourteen- The Perfect Solution

Nobody's POV
After the party, everyone passed out asleep on the ground thanks to alcoholism. Vegeta was cleaning up and he carried Bulma inside, then took her to bed. "Tch..she never knows when to slow down.." Vegeta mumbled to himself. Meanwhile Cell was running from Gohana, he heard snoring coming from behind him and turned around. "Oh come on princess!You have to be fast that-huh?" He saw Gohana passed out on the grass asleep. "Aww princess" He whispered quietly walking over to her. "Let's get you home sleeping beauty. " Cell whispered picking up Gohana and flew home back to the Son family house. They arrived at home, and Cell took Gohana upstairs to her room. "Let's get you changed into something more comfortable my dear." He said laying her down on her bed, then slowly begins to undress her. "Hmm or maybe I should leave you like this and have my way with you~" He chuckled rubbing his hands against her soft body."Zzz...C-Cell stop it I'm trying to sleep. " Gohana mumbled in her sleep. "Oh alright dear I'll let you rest~" He replied grabbing her some clothes and began to dress her. "There we go, all ready for bed" He said laying down next to Gohana holding her close to him. "Good night my dear, I love you so much." He said falling asleep cuddling Gohana.

~The next morning~

Gohana's POV
I slowly woke up and rubbed my eyes yawning. "What happened last night?" I asked myself. "All I could remember was we were at Bulma's house having a pool party, then I was chasing Cell around because he took my bikini top, after that I passed out and ended up at home." I analyzed. Then suddenly I heard snoring. "Zzz... Oh yeah Gohana right there, you naughty girl~" A voice said. I looked down and saw Cell asleep laying on my breasts. My face began to heat up a bit from his comment and I felt completely flustered. 'What is going on in that head of his?' I wondered. "Zzz...Mmm your boobs are so soft princess. I wonder how they'll taste?~" He mumbled rubbing my breasts and squeezing them. "D-Dammit Cell, cut it out" I stuttered trying to push him off of me. "Nuuuu Gohana don't leave me honey! Let me love youuuuu!!~" He whined holding onto me tightly. "Ah! Cell w-wake up dammit and let me go!" I yelled. "But I don't want to my dear, I just want to lay in bed and please you all day~" He purred softly in my ear. "B-But Cell, we can't stay in bed all day" I explained. I slowly started float upwards off the bed and dropped Cell on the floor. "Ah!" Cell screamed waking up. "What's happening?! What's going on?! " What year is it?!" He hollered. "Calm down sleepy head you're not that discombobulated." I deciphered. "What?" He looked up at me. "Oh boy.. Cell how many fingers am I holding up?" I asked him. "Fourteen! No wait... Uhhh eighteen!" He guessed.

~Meanwhile somewhere far far away, Android 18 sneezes~

Author's POV
(That right 17and 18 are alive and well. When Gohana got kidnapped by Cell, Krillin used the dragon balls and summoned Shenron to revive them, and said "They were victims to!" But we alllll know where this is going. Now where were we?) [P. S. This was an idea from my friend Danny]

~Back with Cell and Gohana~

Gohana's POV
"Oh come on this is getting ridiculous!" I hollered slapping Cell in the face. "Cell! If you don't snap back to your senses, there will be no more snuggle time for the next two weeks!" I threatened. Cell eventually snapped out it and looked deeply into my eyes. "But... But princess you wouldn't last one hour without my perfect cuddles! Let alone last two weeks!" He cried. "I can too survive an hour without cuddling! Watch me!" I clarified.

~One hour later, Gohana is cuddling in Cell's arms~

"You were saying?~" Cell chuckled. "S-Shut up Cell" I stuttered. "You love my cuddles princess. Don't deny it~" He said kissing my forehead. "Oh whatever" I replied letting go of him. "Oh come on babe just admit it~~" He said grabbing my hand. "Oh for Kami sake fine just let go of me." I demanded. "Not until I recieve a morning kiss from you my dear~" He replied pulling me closer to him. "Alright fine" I reluctantly gave in and gave him a deep in passionate kiss.

Cell's POV
I blushed a bit as Gohana's soft lips crashed into mine. I slowly began to kiss her back deeply, holding her close to me. "M-Mmmm~" She softly moaned trying to pull away from me. I held her body close and continued to make out with her. "Mmmm~" I moaned softly and firmly squeezed her ass. She pulled away from me and catched her breathe. "Why did you stop my dear? I know you were enjoying yourself~" I asked rubbing her cheek. "Y-yeah I was but I don't want things to escalate any further." She clarified. "Escalate any further?" Whatever do you mean?~" I asked her chuckling lightly. "Y-you know what I mean Cell don't play dumb." She pouted. "But I'm not Gohana, how about you demonstrate what you meant~" I smirked crawling over to her and pinning her against the bed. "C-Cell whatever you're about to do, you better stop right now. " She demanded. "But I'm not doing anything, and besides, how can I stop, before I can even begin~" I whispered in her ear then kissed her neck. "C-Cell stop it~" She softly moaned. I growled a bit ignoring her, and roughly bit her neck ripping deeply through her skin. "C-CELL!~" She hollered. I snapped back to my senses and pulled back. "G-Gohana, are you okay!?" I asked her concerned. She didn't responded, she glared at me then looked away from me. "Gohana?" I called her. D-Don't touch me.... " She said holding her neck. "I-I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to hurt you. I let my lust for you take control of me. I mean can you blame me for losing control?! You're smoking hot!!!~" I explained to her reaching for her hand. Gohana's face began to heat up dramatically and smacked my hand away. "T-That doesn't make feel better Cell!" You really hurt me!!" She yelled pushing me off her. "B-But princess-" "Don't call me that... " She demanded leaving the bedroom and slammed the door. I sat on the bed really upset with myself on how I hurt her... "How could I... How could I hurt my dear princess?!" I questioned myself covering my face. "I-I-I have to make it up to her somehow... " I told myself. 'Maybe Bulma can help me. She seems resourceful!' I thought. I got dressed and flew off into the direction of Capsule Corp.

~3 hours later Cell arrived at West City~

Nobody's POV
Cell finally arrived at Capsule Corp and started to knock on the door but accidentally puts his hand through the door. "Oh shit... Uhh Bulma are ya there?!" Cell walks away and starts pacing around, creating a huge crater in the front yard. Bulma soon comes out of the door and sees a huge crater in her front yard spotting Cell pacing around in it. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY FRONT LAWN?!" Bulma yelled. "Oh uh Bulma! I-I-I need your help!! I REALLY FUCKED UP!!" Cell said panicking. "Okay okay Cell just calm down, breathe and explain to me what's wrong?" She asked him. Cell took a deep breath and begins to calm down. "Okay here's what happened... " Cell started to explain.

~15 minutes later of Cell explaining the whole situation~

"Wow, uh I don't think a senzu bean can heal that one Cell." Bulma said. "I know that Bulma! You gotta help me please!! I-I'm really scared!! I can't lose her Bulma, I can't lose my princess!" Cell cried out to her. "Calm down Cell just breathe, we will get through this okay?" She assured him. "O-Okay I trust you but, can I at least have a hug...?" He asked her. "Alright bring it in" She replied opening her arms. Cell fell into her arms crying his heart out. "Shhh... It's okay, Cell we'll figure this out, and I think I know what to do." She comfort him. "R-Really?! What is it Bulma?! Please tell me! Tell me!" He plead. "Okay listen.. Have you and Gohana gone out on a date yet?" Bulma questioned him. "No? I uh don't think so Bulma. What's that got to do with anything?" Cell asked her. "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough. Now let's go inside and I'll explain everything over a nice cup of coffee." She lead him back inside.

~20 minutes of Bulma explaining while drinking a cup of coffee~

"You really think that'll work Bulma?" Cell asked her. "Of course silly, if you do this she'll be all over you once more." Bulma clarified. "Um I don't know Bulma, are you sure she'll forgive me if I do this?" He asked. "Trust me, if I know Gohana, she's going to love this and forgive you once again. Now let's get you fitted for a nice suit!" She said grabbing his arm running to the fitting room. "A suit?! What for?!" He questioned. "You'll see! Don't worry you're going to look awesome!" She exclaimed leading him into the fitting room. "Wow, so much clothing!" Cell said surprised. "I know right?! Also these are my personal tailors, Raymond and Kristin. They help design the outfits you see before you. Raymond here is going to help you get ready." She deciphered. "Good morning Mr. Cell" Raymond and Kristin both said simultaneously. "If you need anything else I'll be in my lab working on the rest of the plan!" Bulma elaborated then walked out.

Cell's POV
I watched as Bulma left me alone with these tailors. "Alright Mr. Cell, let's get started." Raymond said taking out some measuring tape. "What's that for?" I asked him. "This is used to correctly measure your body for the right measurements of your suit sir." Raymond explained. "Oh I see, let's get started then." I replied. 'I really hope this works, because I'll do anything to make it up to you princess... ' I thought to myself. Raymond began to use his special tape to measure my weight and height. "Mr. Cell, may I ask you a few questions?" Raymond asked. "But of course, ask away." I responded. "So are you really the same bad guy who tried to destroy the earth?" He questioned. "Well in a way I'm no longer the same villain you humans come to fear. I've changed due to someone I care about very dearly." I explained. "Ohh I see, by any chance are you really dating the new martial arts champion, Ms. Son Gohana?" He interrogated. "I may or may not be, why do you ask?" I requested. "Because Sir, it'll be a huge honor to design a suit for the lover of Ms. Gohana!" He explained excitedly. My face began to blush a light purple and I looked away a bit embarrassed. "Oh one more question Mr. Cell if you don't mind me asking." Raymond asked. "Not at all, go ahead." I replied. "Sorry for asking this, but do you have something planned for Ms. Gohana?" He asked. "Well yes, it's a huge surprise since we haven't had our first date yet." I explained. "WHAT?!" He shouted. "I looked at him a bit confused. " Is something wrong?" I asked him. "YOU HAVEN'T GONE ON YOUR FIRST DATE YET?!" He yelled. "N-No?" I stuttered. "Excuse me for my tone sir, but why? A first date is always a good first impression!" He explained. "I-I apologize but I didn't think it was necessary, we hang out all the time." I clarified. "But a first date is crucial sir, it has to be the most romantic and wonderful date of all! It'll determine if you'll go on more dates in the future. Which is why I shall make the best suit for you!" He explained. "Why thank you Raymond." I smiled. "No problem Mr. Cell.  Now that I have your measurements I can get started. You're welcome to leave now Sir. I'll call you when your suit is finished." He said walking over to the fabric. "Oh alright then, thanks again." I replied leaving. Looking for Bulma. "Where could she be?" I asked myself. I then heard footsteps coming up from behind me. "What are you doing here Cell? You're not here to provoke my son are you?" The voice asked me. I turned around and saw Vegeta staring at me. "Hardly, I have more important matters than deal with that failure. I'm surprised he's even related to you Vegeta, he's way too emotional" I smirked. "Yeah he gets that from the woman's side, but anyway do you mind if you accompany me to the mall?" Vegeta requested. "The mall? Why do you need to go there?" I asked him. "Well I didn't get a gift for Gohana on her birthday so I wanted to make it up to her by getting her a gift. " He explained. "Are you doing this because Bulma said so?" I chuckled. Vegeta's face began to blush a light red and looked away a bit embarrassed. "Oh shut up, and come with me!" He insisted walking to the front door. "Right behind you prince!" I laughed following behind him.

~ 30 minutes later they arrived at the mall~

Vegeta's POV
"Dammit this place is massive, how can humans waste their time do such meaningless activities?" I questioned. "Well I don't know, and most of these people are staring at me and it's making me quite uncomfortable. Can I kill them?" Cell asked. "No you idiot, if you're trying to be a good person then you need to control your urge to kill innocent bystanders." I explained to him walking off. "Ugh fine.. " Cell reluctantly replied following behind him. We kept looking around in every store trying to find a gift for Gohana. "Cell she's your girlfriend, what do she like?" I asked him. "Hmm well besides her handsome boyfriend, she loves books, fashion but not to fancy, animals, and small jewelry." Cell explained. "Small jewelry? Like what?" I asked him. "Hmm necklaces, bracelets, and rings. And don't even think about getting her a ring, that's my domain prince." Cell demanded. "Alright alright fine let's head to the book store instead." I replied rolling my eyes. We both walked around and eventually found the book store. "Wow... It's like a club for nerds." I mentioned. "Watch yourself prince, Gohana may be a nerd, but she's my nerd." Cell said walking inside, as I followed behind him. "Ugh whatever let's just get this over with. You go check the back, I'll check the front." I explained. "Fine just let me know what you find." He responded walking off.

Nobody's POV
Cell and Vegeta searched around the library looking the right book for Gohana's present. Cell checked the sections of graphic novels, comic books, manga and magazines. "Hm? What's this?" Cell said picking up a magazine. He opened up the magazine and looked through the pictures nude and slightly nude females. "Nope not interested.. " He said bluntly tossing the magazine away. "None of these girls compare to my Gohana's beauty." Cell said walking off into a different section. "Hmm I know Gohana loves all different genres of books, but which one was her favorite again..? 'Fiction? History? I'm supposed to know everything about her ugh this is ridiculous' Cell thought "Hey Vegeta, did you find anything?" He said walking over to him. "Uh... Yeah I found something.. " He responded. "Really now? What did you find?" Cell questioned looking over Vegeta's shoulder."Wow...I can't look away.." Vegeta replied. "You can't be serious.... You're married!!" Cell quietly shouted grabbing the magazine from Vegeta. "Hey! Give that back!" Vegeta shouted. "Shhh! You're supposed to be focusing on finding Gohana's gift you dumbass!" Cell quietly screamed. "Fine, fine you're right just give it back." Vegeta plead reaching for the magazine. "Uh no, you're stupid to think I'm actually going to give this back to you. Bulma wouldn't be too happy to find out that her husband is looking at other women... " Cell clarified to him. "Tch... You're right just don't tell Bulma about this understand?" Vegeta demanded. "You have my word prince, now come on my suit is probably ready by now let's hurry this along." He said pushing Vegeta out the door. "Huh? But what about Gohana's gift?" Vegeta questioned. "Don't worry I've got that covered." Cell responded pushing Vegeta into a toy store. "Toys? Are you fucking serious?" Vegeta said. "Go in there and find a stuffed animal for her. I'm sure she'll like it. Now hurry!" Cell demanded. "I'm going.. Jeez" Vegeta said walking inside.
~15 minutes later~

Cell's POV
"What's taking him so long? Is he trying to buy the whole damn store?" I questioned. The door suddenly opened and Vegeta was holding a pile of stuffed animals. "I uh.. Didn't know which one to choose so I got them all." Vegeta explained. "Oookay well time to go. " I said relived ready to finally get out of here. We both left the mall and flew back to capsule corp. Once we arrived, we saw Bulma waving down at us. "Cell! Hurry inside your suit is done! You're going to love it!" She yelled excitedly. Vegeta and I landed down in front of the door and went inside. I followed Bulma to the fitting room and I saw Raymond standing there with a huge smile on his face. "Well someone must be really excited. " I said. "You have no idea Mr. Cell, I really think you're going to love your suit." Raymond said excitedly. "Well go on, show it to me I'm quite excited myself." I replied chuckling lightly. Raymond opened up the curtains revealing a nice black suit with a teal undershirt and black tie. "So what do you think Mr. Cell?" Raymond asked me. "I don't know what to say.... Except this is absolute perfection my dear boy!! You have truly outdone yourself!" I told him with a huge smile on my face. "Great job Raymond, you've really made him proud." Bulma said patting his shoulder. "Well Mr. Cell go ahead and try it on sir." He said handing me the suit. I took the suit and went to a nearby changing room and changed into the suit. A few minutes later, I came out wearing the suit as everyone was staring at me. "So? How do I look?" I asked them. "Perfect!!" Bulma and Raymond said simultaneously. "Perfect, now let's get this plan into action!" I yelled with a excitement.

(Finally! I'm done with this chapter! I'm sorry my friends that I'd took so long I've just been distracted with school and other things. 😅💖 But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be a part two so yeah...)

(P.S. this is Cell's suit! Do y'all like it? 😏❤)

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