His Precious Boy

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Everything has a first time, they said. But Kuldeep had never thought Virat bhaiya shouting on him would also have a first time. When Virat decided to reserve him for the last 15 overs, he didn't question his Virat Bhaiya at all. For him, Virat bhaiya knew best.

But come his over against Pollard, he went after Kuliya amd when those West Indians heavy weights hit, there was little bowlers could do. And poor Kuldeep's off day happened, he got hit all over the park.

But that's not what the real shock to him came when Virat literally started shouting on him in the middle of the field. It wasn't a Stern guidance like Mahi Bhai, or Virat Bhai's usual half hearted chiding, it was a full fledged shouting. Kuldeep hated loud angry voices anyway, it scared him. And this was his Virat bhaiya, his protector, the person he knew loved him the most and he felt terrified to the point of bieng so numb that there was no reaction on his face. His face looked blank though his eyes were dilated with fear.

The blank look made Virat even angrier.

He shouted things like "Can't you even work this out? Do you always need a babysitter behind the wickets? This team cannot baby you around honestly."

Kuldeep kept looking blank and Virat burst out and left saying "You are impossible Kuldeep."

Kuldeep blinked back his tears and finished his over and went back to his fielding position.

After the innings, everyone was thinking about the mammoth target. And Yuzi had taken the stricken and shaken Kul under his wings, keeping him clear off Virat fearing that he would say something more to his Kul. And he would never tolerate anybody hurting his Kul, and he would have shouted on the person who had hurt Kul if it was somebody else but this was Virat Bhaiya, someone who loved Kul so much that Yuzi didnt know what to say to him. So he decided to just stay near Kul.

Kul didn't say anything too. He just curled into Yuzi, he wasn't crying just occassional soft snivels escaping his lips and Yuzi sat with his arms around Kul as though his arms would protect him from all the harm in this world.

After the match was over, KulCha intentionally took their seat at the back of the bus because Kuliya didnt want to talk with Virat right now, not because he was angry with Virat but because in his mind he felt that if his Virat bhaiya had shouted on him it must have been his fault, because in his mind his Virat bhaiya was perfect. And he felt he couldnt face his bhaiya right now.

Virat saw Kuliya taking his seat with Yuzi at the back of the bus and the guilt that had been gripping his chest now seemed even heavier. His Kuliya didnt want to talk to him, but he thought he deserved this, Kuliya had all the right to be angry, after all this was his fault, he had reserved Kuliya for last 15, knowing he was taking a risk. It might have paid off but it didnt. It was a batting pitch anyway, and with Pollard going off like that Kuliya was trying his best and instead of inspiring he had shouted on the boy. No, he deserved the silent treatment by Kuliya he thought oblivious to the fact that his baby brother was actually blaming himself.

Virat reached his room and showered and settled on the bed. He was missing Mahi bhai so badly today. He had messed up so bad, he knew he should go and talk to Kuliya but what if Kuliya refused to talk to him, he would never be able take that, it would kill him. But he knew Kuliya had everyright to do that, he had failed him as a brother. Mahi bhai would have never done this. He had never let his team down, he is the worst captain. Just as he was thinking all this someone knocked on his door.

Kuldeep returned to his room after the match and felt restless like anything. Yuzi had to leave him for a while because he had a interview lined up be prior appointment. He didnt wanna go at all but Kul insisted.

Kuldeep felt sad and guilty at the same time. In his mind he knew he had let his Virat bhaiya down, but wont he forgive him if he said sorry. Was his mistake that bad? But he woulf have to say sorry. He cant let his Virat bhaiya be angry on him, he would take Virat bhaiya' shoutings, punishments everything but he would apologise. He made up his mind and walked to Virat's room and after a few moments of hesitation he knocked.

Virat opened the door to find Kuliya standing with his head bowed low, his form trembling. Virat was surprised to see him, and concerned seeing his condition.

"Bhaiya, can I come in?" Kuliya asked in a shaking voice.

"Of course" Virat said "Come in Kiddo."

Walking in Virat said "Kuliya, listen..." starting to apologise.

"Bhaiya" Kuliya interrupted him "I know you are nagry with me. I let you down. I couldn't perform well, I couldn't bowl well. I know my mistake but pls bhaiya forgive me"

"Kuliya what are you..." Virat said, his guilt increasing manifolds now.

"Bhaiya pls forgive me" Kuldeep said folding his hands, tears cascading down his cheeks, breath coming in hitched sobs "I promise I will work very hard and improve, I will never ever let you down again. I know I am not good enough now, but I will strive to be the best. I will learn. You will never have to babysit me bhaiya, I will try to be more..."

He was cut off by Virat pulling him in a bone crushing hug into his chest.

"No Kuliya, no" Virat said kissing him on the top of his curld "Kiddo, I am sorry. You did no mistake, you are the best person I know and damn good bowler. I am so sorry Kiddo, you can never let me down, how can you when I know you always try your best?"

Kuldeep snuggled into his chest, gripping Virat's T shirt on the back. Virat half carris half dragged Kuldeep to the bed and tried to console the crying kid while he himself couldnt control his own tears. The kid was blaming himself, thinking he wasnt good enough, this was worse than bieng angry. But this was Kuliya, he could never be angry with him and this realisation made Virat even more guilty.

"Kuliya, never think you arent good enough Kiddo" Virat said ina voice thick with tears "I am so sorry, I made you feel that way, so sorry that I shouted on you. But I know na bachcha, I am mad, I say things I dont mean and no this isn't an excuse, I have made a mkstake and thers no excuse for it. I am such a bad brother Kuliya..."

"NOOOOO" Kuldeep almost shouted, breaking the hug and looking at Virat. "You are the best captain and the best brother I could ever ask for along with Mahi bhai." Kuldeep said "You have guided me, helped me protected me, I love you Virat bhaiya, I love you so much, and thats why I feel bad when you are angry. You trusted me and I couldnt deliver and thats why you shouted on me."

"Kuliya it wasnt your fault" Virat said cupping his cheeks "I took a risk and it didnt pay off, I shouldnt have shouted at you. I know you dont like high voices, they scare you. I shouldnt have done it And I am sorry. You are the best baby brother ever and one of my most trusted bowlers" He kissed Kuliya on the for head. Virat wasnt able to stop his own tears at this point.

"Please dont cry bhaiya, I hate it when you are sad." Kuliya wiped Virat's tears with his hands "Please dont be sad or guilty for me. It makes me sad to see you cry, Please bhaiya"

Virat couldnt help smiling at the innocence in his voice. He hugged Kuliya again and Kuliya snuggled his face into Virat's chest and said in the most sincere voice ever "You can never fail me as a brother, you are super Vi, my Virat bhaiya, you are perfect bhai."

Virat wanted to say he wasnt perfect, but the sincerity and the innocence in Kuliya's voice told him Kuliya wouldnt agree ever. So instead he just tightened his grip on Kuldeep. He suddenly felt the guilt in his bieng replaced by a warm feeling. He remembered how once Mahi bhai had scolded him, with reason of course and instead of bieng angry on Bhai he had cried himself asleep in his arms only. And today when he shouted on Kuliya, wrongly, without reason and even though Kuliya had every reason to be angry, here he was in his arms, telling him he wasthe perfect brother.

He felt a lump again forming in his throat and he promised himself that he would always protect his precious baby brother who seemed to be no mood to get out of his hug and he would for sure never ever shout on him like that ever again. Because Virat knew that his Kuliya was the most precious boy ever to come into their lives.

Next day in practice, Virat made it a point to appreciate every good delivery he bowled in the nets and it was worth it cause the boy's whole face lit up with every appreciation. And in his pure smile Virat could see his own joy.

Kuliya was his precious little boy forever.

PS: Look at the pride in Virat's eyes in this fic, Kuliya is his little kiddo forever.

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