Next-Door Neighbor

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My mother.

She was nearing fifty. A small, petite woman— barely reaching five foot, maybe even smaller than that. On the outside, she looked like she couldn't kill a fly.

But she'd raised me all by herself in the claws of the Underground, with nothing but a old, run-down convenience store. And I hadn't exactly been the perfect child either.

I swallow.

This is why I never made her mad anymore.

I'm completely red from embarrassment, as I fidget with both my arms raised above my head. Jungkook looks like he doesn't know to even start taking in this situation, forced down to his knees on the floor. His eyes flicker wildly in my direction.

I blush harder.

Of course.

He'd never met my mother before.

"Thanks for the explanation," She says, in a tone that doesn't sound grateful in the slightest. Her eyes glance at me.

"And I'm not angry at the fact that you met a guy, Rin. I'm actually very happy. I honestly thought you'd never find one that could keep you in check."

I swallow for the third time, already expecting what's coming.

Her eyes narrow.

"But a runaway assassin from the Skygrounds? And what is this about people trying to kill the both of you and you need shelter? What the fuck have you been doing up there?"

"I should've never sent you. This is my fault."

She sighs sharply to herself as I throw a nasty glare towards Jungkook, who looks back at me with a silent what.

What? What?

You told her freaking everything!

I was starting to second-guess myself that he had been one of the best assassins or whatever back in the Skygrounds. He had spilled everything that I'd wanted to at least keep a secret— from his occupation to how we were being tracked down this very moment.


"Yes, ma'am." Jungkook murmurs, and my tongue dries even further in my mouth as my mother scowls.

"Did you drag my daughter into your mess?"

No! Tell her no!

I'd literally been the one to drag myself into his life. And if my mother heard that, she would never accept him. Ever. She cared for me too much— she's disown me if I told her I'd marry him.

Which I definitely planned to do in the near future.

"Yes, I did."

You fucking idiot.

"At least you're honest," She says, her arms crossed. "Do you really love her?"

I blink, can't helping my gaze flickering over to his direction.

Jungkook doesn't hesitate.

"I do."

My heart flutters without even knowing it. And this really isn't the time, right now.

He loves me. Jungkook loves me.

"Lee Rin. Wipe that stupid smile off your face before I do it myself."

My expression morphs back into blankness within a second. The furious flush from before threatens to cover my face again as Jungkook gives me a look of amusement.

I can feel my mom's stare, shifting back and forth between the two of us. Finally she sighs, and I instantly brighten as she puts away the gun.

She waves towards the second aisle— towards the door hidden behind a pile of supply boxes.

It was a door leading up to the second floor. It was a cramped living space, where I had stayed with her before I'd gone up to the Skygrounds.

But there was a bathroom, and even a small kitchen.

"Rin. Take him up to wash. I can't talk to either of you— both of you look like you haven't taken a shower in weeks," Mom scowls, clearly looking conflicted as she places the gun back into the drawer.

"Then come down for dinner."

"We have not finished this conversation, understand?"




My throat feels on fire with thirst. My eyes jerk open, and I see the dim white of a ceiling when I really should be seeing gray skies. It was the last thing I remembered.

My thoughts quickly shift to Aeri.

Aeri. Was she safe?

My mind struggles to recall. It feels like there's a dark blur, between the line of my memory.

I had to find her.

Then there's a soft echo of a voice.

"Relax. I'm right here."

My urgent eyes whip to my left. And I see Aeri, her lashed eyes shadowed behind the curtain of her dark hair. Faint sunlight from the half-closed blinds swath her side in a pale gold.

She touches the respirator on my lips.

"Can you breathe?"

I'm stunned. Still frozen in surprise, I nod. And she gives me a firm look, pursing her lips.

"You sure?"

I test my breaths. I didn't completely understand why she was asking this of me, but I don't question her.

It's more like I can't question her.

The moment I nod again, she clips the respirator off and crashes her lips to mine.

"You almost died, you fucking idiot."

The corners of my eyes soften when I feel the slight trembling of her hand against my cheek. And I'm about to whisper her name when she growls.

"Shut up. You don't even deserve to talk."

"You probably don't even know what I went through to keep your sorry ass alive, do you?" She swallows, and I can see the low glimmer of tears shine in her eyes before she looks away.

"You probably have no idea."

"Aeri, I—"

"I said don't talk." She hisses, throwing a glare back in my direction. I quickly hush again.

"You're banned from saying my name for a week. Actually, you're banned from talking to me until I say so. Understand? I don't want a single word."

Of course.

I nod, pressing down a faint smile. She probably had no idea either, about how lovely she was.

"Don't smile," She mumbles under her breath. "It makes you look stupid."

My fingertips touch her wrist. And I motion her closer, keeping my silence as I shift upwards to tuck a strand of loose hair behind the pale curve of her ear. She edges closer, more suspicious.


I press a silent kiss to the back of her hand.

I see a fiery blush overtake her cheeks. But then she scowls, snatching her hand away.

"You think I'm that easy? Last last time you got yourself poisoned and almost died in an alley. And now this time you got shot two times and almost died in an alley again. At this point I—"

Her voice chokes.

Then my eyes widen when she holds something up between her fingertips. Her eyes are forlorn.

"Why, V. How."

"How do you have this?"

It's the photograph of her as a child, six years ago. From when I'd gone to her house to search for the blueprint. I'd ended up keeping one in my wallet after all, not being able to leave it all behind.

My gaze flickers over to the small stand in the corner of my room. She must've found it there— Yoongi hyung had put my things on top.

I turn back.

"Aeri, it's—"

I pause.

Her eyes glitter with tears. They're fixed down at the photograph in front of her, but also not at the same time. She seems unfocused, lost with thought.

Her voice is soft.

"This is before everything, isn't it?"

"That day when you took me out for my birthday."

I nod. My arms are dying to hold her, but I barely press down the urge as I search her expression. Melancholy, until it morphs into bitterness.

"There's no point keeping this," She whispers. "This girl doesn't exist anymore."

"Yes, she does."

I glance up. "You're in front of me right now. And there is every reason for me to keep this, Aeri."

My lips spread into a light smile.

"I don't have a single picture of you. If you get me a copy or two I might consider changing it out."

For a second she looks at me as if I'm insane. Then she laughs— and it comes unexpectedly, from deep in her throat.

"You adore me, don't you."

"Do I?" I muse, and my hand shifts to clasp hers. Then it loosens, to wrap over her thigh. My fingertips tease the hem of her shirt. "And I'd thought I'd been making it clear from the start. The moment everything's settled, I'm moving in as your next-door neighbor."

"That promise still stands, Aeri."

"And I thought I already told you to just stay with me." She says, and I see her tense as she places the photograph back down on the nightstand. Her eyes glimmer, with memories of the past.

My gaze softens.

"If you want me to."

I open my arms, motioning for her. The look she gives me is both incredulous and tempting.

"You just went through a surgery."

"I feel fine," I whisper. "Come on, Aeri."

"Come on."

She sighs. Then she shifts out of the chair, shaking her head slightly as she tucks herself in next to me as carefully as possible. Her figure fits against mine perfectly.

I run my hand down the line of her waist and hips.

"You've gotten so thin," I whisper, burying my face into the crook of her neck. "Are you eating?"

"Says you." She mumbles, and I smile at the frown as she realizes I'm babying her. "You should be worrying about yourself."

"Did you eat anything today?"

She falls silent. And my lips purse, genuinely unhappy as I slip my hand under her shirt, tracing circles against her stomach.


"Well, it's your fault for getting shot and making me worry." She shoots back, and I feel her fingers protestingly wrap around my hand. A smile tinges my lips as she continues to grumble quietly.

She was so precious.

So beautiful, and just so enchanting. I would never be able to find anyone else.

I silently pull her closer, gaze shifting downwards.

I remembered.

I remember the cold— the death lingering on my fingertips. It had twisted at my throat. The air had scented of ash, and I could hear the distant sound of rain.

I remembered her lips on mine. Her desperate calls, voice torn and out of breath. I had felt the sharp pumps of her hands against my chest. Tears had washed her cheeks, streaming down her cheeks and landing on mine. I'd tasted the salt on my tongue, mixed with water.

The second time that she had brought me back to life.

A breath of regret leaves my lips.

It was just a pity that I only had one to give.

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