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"You fucking bitch, tell me where she is."

I kick ferociously at one of the soldiers when he tries to come closer. There's already someone gripping my arms, but I've made myself completely slack— dragging my feet on the floor to give these bastards the hardest time as possible.

The sole of my shoe connects with the guy's nose. And I crack a smile as he curses furiously, his hand flying to wrap over his face. I see a thin trail of blood.


Got 'em.

Then a yelp rips from my lips as I'm suddenly thrown onto the floor. My ribs rattle with the impact, and I suck in a breath as I quickly shuffle up to a sitting position. My hands are still bound behind my back.

I finally see the face of the man who'd been holding me from the behind.

Oh wow.

It's that motherfucker who almost shot Jungkook. The same one who'd almost wrung my neck like a chicken.

He smiles devilishly at my stunned expression.


"Nice to see you again, girl."

I scream as he grip a handful of my hazel hair. Tears spring to my eyes as he jerks my head upward, at how hard he pulls. I'm almost surprised I didn't go bald just now.

"Nothing without Jeon Jungkook," He muses, at my eyes rimmed red. Then the look in his eyes suddenly chill, as he stares down at me.

"Do you want to see what he gave me?"

He grips my jaw. And I hiss as he roughly pulls my face closer, almost right up against him. Then he lifts his shirt.

A huge, messy tangle of scar tissue marks his side. Red and purple— streaks of infected green.



"You deserve it," I whisper, jerking my head back. "You deserve more, fucking loser."

Did he really think I'd forgotten the way he'd stuck his gun right up to Jungkook's forehead?

He laughs. And a chill runs down my spine when he motions for the other soldier to leave the room. The door closes, and I hear the click.

My eyes fly to his hand when I hear another click, and a metallic sound as a blade cuts through the air. There's a knife there.

I tense. But I don't show it.

"What are you gonna do? Cut me up?" I say, raising a brow. "Really? Such a brave guy you are, using a weapon when—"

There's the sound of cloth tearing.

The front of my shirt falls open. And I scream, pulling away immediately. He only laughs when I do, his eyes raking across my exposed top, settling on my bra.

A smirk twists his lips.

"Bet Jeon Jungkook was all over you, hm?"

My shirt, now in pieces, falls limply to the floor. My body feels too cold— and I can only yell at him to not come any closer as he comes, step by step. I feel like I might just throw up.

I spit at him.

"I said stay the fuck away!"

It hits his face. And I breathe, for a chilling second as it slides down his cheek.

Something changes in his eyes again.

There's a flash of silver. And from pure instinct, I dive to the side. I hear the whistle of the knife as it arcs over my head. It cuts against the wall instead, and I gasp at the horrible, horrible sound it makes.

He stands over me.

"You're a dead bitch."

I squeeze my eyes shut.

Then I hear the door slam open. My heart is jumping in my throat as the blurred figure of a shadow leaps towards the man standing over me. The knife clatters to the floor.

My vision is dizzy.

Whimpering, I quickly scramble back against the wall. My chained hands grope the cold surface, and I slowly get to my feet, pushing myself up with my back— inch by inch. My legs are so shaky I can barely keep myself up.

It's so cold.

The sound of blood spraying the floor makes my head jerk upwards.


His eyes are red. I can't see his face that well, with his back turned to me. I can only catch glimpses.

But his eyes are red.

The knife that he'd dropped is now in Jungkook's gloved hand. He's already run it across his face, directly over the eyes. The man's screams deafen the entire room as Jungkook holds him down.

He runs it again. Blood reddens his scarlet eyes even more.

Then he angles the knife, driving it straight through the soldier's heart. Multiple times, before finally slitting the throat of his corpse. The screams had stopped a long time ago.

Blood runs like a river.

Jungkook stands. The knife slips from his fingertips, and I see him shudder— as if he's trying to calm himself. His back is still turned to me.

I see him tug off his bloodstained jacket. And I blink as he pulls the clean shirt underneath over his head. My stunned eyes take in the heavily muscled figure of his back, layered with scars.

New ones over old ones— healing ones over faded ones.

He slips the jacket back on his shoulders.

Then with his shirt in hand, he turns. His dark eyes fix on my face, never shifting anywhere else as he comes closer. I just keep blinking, even when he gently pulls his shirt over my head.

The coldness fades away.


But he doesn't answer. His hair is matted with blood— it covers his shadowed eyes.

He sinks down to his knees in front of me.

And I look down at him with surprise, as I hear the ragged sound of his breathing. His forehead touches softly against my covered stomach— his arms are slack by his sides. It's like all the tension has left him.


"I'm sorry." I whisper, not knowing what else to say. I'd never seen him like this— so limp and broken. "Jungkook, I'm sorry. I didn't think..."

I'd left him there.

I quickly drop, crouching in front of him. My arms are almost urgent to wrap all the way around his thick, broad shoulders. I bury myself in his chest.

"Sorry," I repeat. "I'm sorry for worrying you. For causing so much trouble. I—"

"What did he do?"

His voice is full of pain. I can practically hear his mind, about to lose itself.

"Nothing, I swear." I say. "I didn't let him touch me, Jungkook. I promise. I literally spit at him when he tried to and I think that kinda pissed him off, so he tried to kill me. But you came just in time."

And sent him straight to hell.

"Which was kinda hot, by the way. I'm not gonna lie." I add cheekily. "You're such a fine—"

His gaze lands on me. And I quickly shut my mouth.

"Sorry. Not the time, right?"

But I think I've reassured him a little— that I really am okay. A shallow sigh runs through his lips, as he clasps my waist in a tight embrace. The heat of his body bleeds into my skin.

"Never do that again, Rin. Please," He whispers, hugging me so tight that I can barely speak. "I thought I lost you. I genuinely did."


He's so cute.

"I love you too." I say, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. Not satisfied, I give him another kiss on the lips. And I'm about to pull away— meaning for it to be quick.

He doesn't let me.


"Promise me you'll never do something like that again."

"I can't promise tha—"

"Promise me."

"Okay!" I yelp, pushing him away— gasping profusely. "Okay, I promise I won't be stupid anymore. We have to go look for Aeri!"

I quickly get to my feet, a heavy blush coloring my cheeks as I touch my lips with a forefinger. It's a bit swollen, and it hadn't even been that long.

I walk out of the room.

Jungkook stays behind me the entire time, a protective shadow.

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