Pink and Black Earmuffs

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I jerk out of bed the moment my alarm rings at seven sharp. The sun is up already— and I rush out of my blankets, to check the dining room table.

It was my thirteenth birthday today.

And my parents and my brother always left me presents on the table. My parents had let me skip school today, because they'd felt guilty for not being here to celebrate it with me.

They wouldn't be home until midnight.

Aemin would be home at eleven.

But I still burst into a happy smile when I see two wrapped boxes on the table. There's also a couple of bills that my parents had left for me to spend for myself.

Today was going to be a great day.

Even though I'd be by myself, I'd make it work.

And I'm about to open the first present, a small cream-colored box, when I hear the doorbell ring. It echoes across the silence in the house.

...the doorbell? But I couldn't think of anyone who'd come at a time this early.

Maybe the milkman?

Still in my pajamas, I climb out of the chair and shuffle carefully towards the door. With my guard up, I hesitantly open the door just a little bit.

My eyes widen to see who's on the other side.


But compared to the bright smile that spreads on my face, he frowns. Then he looks over the door, front and back.

His voice is dead serious.

"You don't have a safety lock? Or even a peephole?"

"Aeri, I could've been anyone."

"My dad said he was going to get to installing a safety lock real soon." I say reassuringly. "He just hasn't had the time to get to it yet. Right now it's just the lock."

My expression brightens. "How did you know it was my birthday?"

"You don't remember telling it to me last night?" He says, his eyes still fixed on the door as he clicks it close. "You asked me to come, silly girl."

Oh shoot. I did.

"Come open presents with me!" I say, blushing as I change the topic. "On the dining table."

"Have you eaten yet?"

I shake my head.

"Then we'll go get some after this." He says, and I jump in excitement— hurrying to the kitchen to finish opening the boxes. I was so hungry already.

A pair of pink earmuffs, from Aemin.

And I'm surprised to see that when I open the second box, there's another pair of earmuffs. The only difference is that it's a little bit bigger, and it's black.

I blink, the same moment V looks over my shoulder.

"Why is there two?"

I giggle. My parents clearly hadn't told Aemin what they were getting me— and Aemin clearly hadn't either.

"Family telepathy." I say as I place the pink, smaller earmuffs over my head and beckon V closer. His eyes scrunch when I clamp the black, bigger one over his head.

He starts to take it off. "Aeri, this is yours."

"No, no. It won't fit me anyway." I murmur, closing up the boxes. "It's a little too big. And what will I do with two?"

"Keep it on. Please?"

He sighs. And I follow him out of the house, bouncing excitedly on two feet with my ears warm from the autumn chill.

"What are we gonna do?"

"Anything you'd like."


"Anything." He repeats, and my heart starts to beat a little faster. Was he really going to take me anywhere I wanted?

It's like he reads my mind.

"Do you want to visit the skygrounds?"

No. Way.

"But you can't get in there without a pass!" I say, recalling what I'd learned in school. "It's only for the rich people. And the passes cost like a million dollars—"

"I can get you in there. And it's a little less than a million," He winks. "Would you like to go?"

He was so mysterious.

"Mhm!" I nod, grasping his hand and trailing his longer, wider strides. "V, I have a question."


"Who are you?"

He keeps walking, eyes fixed forward. "What do you mean? You're going to have to be a little more specific, Princess."

"I mean— where do you live? Is it up there," I say, pointing at the glistening part of Kaz. "Or here? Because you have the pass, but I'm confused why you're always down here."

He hesitates.

"I live in both grounds. But I prefer to stay down here."


"Because," He murmurs quietly. "Because the City up there isn't as heavenly you might think it is. It's full of people who have their heads stuck up in the clouds. I'd much rather be down here."

People with their heads stuck in the clouds?

I peek at him. "Do I have my head stuck in the clouds, V?"

He laughs, brushing the top of my head.

"No. You would never."

"You are the sweetest child I've ever seen."


"Shin Aeri!"

My head jerks up at the sound of my parents calling my name. I quickly gather up all the pictures I'd taken of the Skygrounds and shove them into the drawer of my desk, shutting it close.

The photos go along with a small ruby bunny key chain, my pink pair of earmuffs, and sweet packets of tangerine chocolate.

V had brought me back just after sundown after giving me the best day of my life I'd ever, ever had.

The City up there had been so pretty. Towers shooting up to touch the skies, fountains full of crystal water. The streets had been lined with silver, and the air itself had a different scent to it.

He'd taken me to so many places I'd never gone to before.

The aquarium— where I'd gotten the bunny key chain. A theater, then a really really fancy bakery built in the highest floor of a tower. It had been so amazing.

I'd gotten to eat the best slice of cake I'd ever eaten. It had been a violet lemon cake, and the lady there had given me a small bar of chocolate now safely stored in my desk drawer.

"Hi!" I say, waving at my parents. And I'm about to tell them that I'd had a great day when my eyes land on their faces.

Ghostly pale. Their eyes are bloodshot, and mom's eyes are full of tears. Dad is holding onto her— she can barely stand.

My eyes widen.


Then Mom bursts into heavy sobs. She collapses to the floor, and Dad kneels down besides her, whispering words into her ear. Her sobs fill the silence of the house.

"My poor son! Those fucking, fucking bastards!"



"Aemin? What happened to Aemin?" I whisper, my body starting to shake. Mom continues to wail, and my heart feels like it's slowly sinking as I look up to Dad desperately for answers.

What happened to Aemin?

His eyes avoid mine.

"Your brother is dead, Aeri. Everyone in his university class was killed— all of them. All fifteen."

Then he bends down over Mom again, his voice unsteady as he tries to lift her up. She continues to curse— screaming and sobbing.


What? No.

I'd literally seen Aemin yesterday. He'd been the one to put me to sleep. He'd put me to sleep, and he'd had such an excited look on his face. I remember him telling me that things were going so well in university, and how he couldn't wait to show me what he'd been working on for all this time—

"Stop lying."

Both Mom and Dad look up at me. Tears well in my eyes, heavier and faster.

"You're all lying to me."

No way Aemin is gone.

With a hiss, I turn on my heel and slam the door shut to my room. Outside, I can hear Mom's crying continue.

No way he's gone, just like that.

I pull my drawer open. Then I take out the earmuffs that Aemin had given me, shoving it over my head and my ears.

I didn't want to hear her cry. I couldn't—

I can still hear her.

My entire nerves feel on edge as I start mumbling to myself, tapping the pink, furry pads of the earmuff with both hands. It blocks out everything when I do that.

I keep muttering the same things over and over again.

Aemin is not dead.

He'll come back.

He will.


Will he?

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