Taste of Vodka

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"This— what?"

"I'm fine. That guy came before anything super serious happened, you know." Rin chatters, but all I can see is the huge bruise marking the entire left side of her cheek. "He's really good at fighting. Might make him teach me some—"

Her words slowly fade at my expression.

Those bastards.

I was going to shoot them up in their own beds.

"Whoa, whoa." Rin says, gripping at my sleeve and laughing awkwardly. "I said I'm fine. You're looking a bit too scary there, Aeri."

Then she gives me a playful wink.

"I heard that rich dude was with you in the alley. Did anything happen that I should know about?"


My cheeks burn in a blush. Rin starts hooting, but the reasons are all in the wrong places.

I'd cried. To him, of all people.

I don't know what in the hell had gotten into me then. I'd never shed a single tear in over six years, and just yesterday I had sobbed into his shoulder like I'd been turned back to that foolish thirteen year old girl.

Ridiculous. It was humiliating to even think about it.

"You like him!"

"No, I don't." I hiss, but she doesn't look like she believes me at all as she pokes at my cheek.

"Oh, really? Then why you blushing, Aeri? I've never seen you blush in so long!"

"I'm leaving. Make sure you finish the food."

I can still hear her laughing as I shut the door to her room close. And to think I'd been wondering if I should take her to a hospital with that bruise.

She could laugh just fine, couldn't she?

Now to finish what I'd been keeping in mind since yesterday.

I start from the living room. From there I scour the entire house— from top to bottom, every room, and every door. It takes me longer than I expect, but in the end I find what I'm looking for.

There had been two small cameras. One on the front door, and one on the back.

This was how he had known we had left the house, to go down to the Underground.

I crush both cameras between my fingertips, leaving the pieces scattered in the trash.



"Yes, Father."

"I understand."

I shut off the call before he can say anything else. It was his usual— telling me to continue on his company as his only son and heir. To make the legacy last.

What legacy?

His, soaked in blood and the flesh of others?

He had killed Aeri's brother. Killed off the entire class, because they had come up with a product that had been better than his and refused to give him the prototype. He had killed every single student, not leaving a single one behind.

I would make him pay for his sins. But that time wasn't now.

For now I had to wait for him to slip first.


I close my eyes.

My thoughts won't leave her.

I can't stop recalling the expression on her face, with tears glistening in her lashed eyes and lips scrunched from the usual cold, scarlet line.

For the first time I'd seen her— the Aeri when she was younger. I had felt her sorrow. It had been so heavy that it would've been impossible not to feel.

My head lifts when my door clicks open. Jimin pops his face into my room, sniffing with a mug of hot chocolate in his hand.

"Hey, Tae. Just wanted to let you know your girl found out about the cams."

He takes a long sip. "She must've destroyed them. I lost all connection."

I breathe.

"It's fine," I whisper. "I shouldn't have put them there in the first place. If it is what she wants."

Jimin makes a face. "But you do know that if it weren't for those, Miss Rin could've died yesterday. And something bad could've happened to her as wel—"

I know.

If I could've had it my way, I'd replace the cameras. I'd even keep her from the Underground entirely, by letting the Skygrounds keepers to not let her through the gates.

But I had to trust her. Any more, and I risked becoming something I didn't ever want myself to become. Not to her.

"It's fine." I repeat.

Jimin nods. Then he shuts the door, and I'm left alone again.

I can't fall asleep. It's so late, and I can't.

I slip out of bed. Then I find a dark cap, shoving it lowly over my head with a bitter expression. I tug a jacket around my shoulders.

Jungkook had told me that I was even more addicted to fighting than he was. It was his words, that were burned into my memory from
the many times he had said it.

At least I fight only when I need to. You fight, because you want to.

And that's going to get you killed one day, hyung. I swear it.

The night air is cold as I leave the house. My steps are silent against the seamless pavement— no one is out, at a time this late.


How could I possibly keep Aeri from the Underground when I couldn't even keep myself from it?



I swirl a shot of vodka, tinged turquoise and gold. The sugar encrusting the edges of the glass are sweet crystals of silver.

Had to admit.

Skyground vodka was nice.

The inside of the bar is dimly lit with a golden light, washing the mauve walls an amber shade. There's only a few people here, including the bartender who's serving up the last couple orders.

It's too late. The clock nearly reads four in the morning, and I sip at the last of the vodka.

I'd have to get back soon. Rin should be asleep, but I didn't want to risk her coming out to search for me if she found me gone.

"Thank you." I say quietly to the bartender, who gives me a smile and tips his cap in my direction. His expression is so charming that it makes me pause for a brief second.

"No problem, Miss." He says under his breath. "Have a safe trip."

That bartender.

I glance back at him just before I leave the bar. He's slightly on the shorter side, but has a strong, lean figure that shows through the dark clothes he has on. He's wiping my glass with a cloth, eyes fixed with attention.

Why does he seem familiar to me?

Then his eyes flicker upwards, and I turn away, breezing out the door. I'd stared for too long.

And it was probably no one, anyways.

My steps are hurried as I make my way back. Even though the skies are turning light gray with the coming dawn, it's still dark. And the air feels eerily silent.

It's only the sound of my footsteps, echoing against the pavement.


I look up, hands shoved deep in my pockets at the soft, low sound of a gasp. My eyes flicker backwards— towards the corner behind me. Right around the corner was the guarded way to the Underground.

It must be the vodka.

But then the sound comes again. It's coming nearer than I think, right around the block behind me. Gasps of pain, a deep voice of a man.


It really wasn't any of my problem.

But I can't help but turn around. My footsteps are silenced as I walk closer to the sound, eyes narrowed.

I'd just check. And then I'd leave.

That was all.

But I don't know what I expected when I shift around the corner, my eyes roaming for a brief second before landing on a crumpled figure on the cold concrete.

V's wide, agonized eyes stare right back at mine.

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