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Most dreamt of having a fairy tale life with a fairy tale ending.

Not me though, not me...

I wasn't the princess in a pretty palace, or castle, with knights and princes vying for me. While Seokjin was the dreamy Prince of every girl's dream, I was just a plump little girl, happy to live her life as it was.

I was a normal girl.

Having that special moment with him was satisfactory. It was enough for me. That night when Seokjin became my—and only my—Prince, I made sure I wouldn't get selfish, that I wouldn't be greedy for more, because in the end, it was me who would get hurt.

Like mama said, life isn't a fairy tale and it's the women who get hurt—always.

Mama was a beautiful woman. She really was. She had that perfect body, perfect smile, and face, and she had me, when she was young. But having me broke her heart. The man didn't want "me" in his perfect life, and because I was there, he left mama, because she wasn't the same as him. I didn't understand that until later. Mama worked hard though, but in the end, a few days before the beginning of my last year of high school, she passed away, leaving me all alone in this world.

One thing that mama taught me was that life wasn't a fairy tale.


As I looked at him, older, I could tell that he never was anything less than a Prince. He really was a prince. Even as he was older, facial features mature, his princely attributes didn't lessen, it just got worse. It seems age had done him well.

I was nervous. I had not seen Jin since our graduation. I hadn't thought that I would see him again. And like this.

What would he think of me?

A single, overworked mother of one, a window, who looked terrible in the harsh reality of life.

Why would he even care?

I'm sure our lives were at completely different points and on different paths. It was contrasting—so different. We were at different sides of the road—in life, in situation.

I have heard of his success. I have heard of rumors—news—talk of Seokjin. A lot of them were of envy, or admiration and mainly gossip and throughout all the years that passed I had never thought he and I would ever cross paths again. Especially not this either.

When Seokjin stared at me like he used to when we were children, after the initial shock had passed, I could feel my heart thump inside as if a childish naïveté had returned to my weary soul. He filled me with such hope and more that I could only be uncertain.

Why? How?

When I saw Seokjin, he filled me with that childish dream, the fairy tale feelings of giddiness and frills. That's why I couldn't let me in again. It had been extremely dangerous when we were in high school but now as an adult—as a mother—it was fatal.

A mother...


I looked down at the little girl who held my hand. The little who kept me from falling apart. The little girl that gave me joy relentlessly even when life got hard.

It was because of Su I opened up to Seokjin. Su had been the push I needed. When we met again at the childcare center, he was the same, open and sweet. And Su, she smiled at Seokjin, with a wide happy grin that was so rare to see. It had only been several times she saw him, yet she melted for him so easily.

It was harder for me to fall for him because I fell hard—again.

Seeing him, looking at me with warm eyes, with a heat that I hadn't felt in years and years. Seokjin looked at me like that.

The sparks between us...I knew it had always been there but it was instantaneous, one moment we're standing in hallway and another we were in his nice room.

When I pushed him away, it was because it was too much. So much feelings, so much need, from me, that it took me back.

Back to a time when everything was more emotional.

Yet, even when I pushed to think with my head, I could see him as the Prince he was.

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