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I was still single.

Four years ago, I was single and now I was single.

In the fours years, Yoongi got married and had a child soon after.

Namjoon was also happy with his...Babygirl...

Hoseok had his happy ending too. He was sleeping more and smiling more.

Jungkook was happily dating and planning his wedding for his precious Bunny since he had knocked her up. They had filed their marriage years ago, but had not had the ceremony yet, which I was looking forward to.

Jimin finally had an exclusive female partner and now they were a power couple. His Doll had helped him in getting rid of his slight phobia to women.

And me?

I was still in love with my Princess. The Princess that wasn't in front of me. It was to the point that I didn't even know if she still existed or not. It was truly sad.

Just a couple of years, so many had changed and so little had changed.

Especially for me, I was still very much the same. I sat in my big, empty office full of paperwork's and new products. I had so much to do and despite my mind being occupied by too many things, it still thought of her.

In bed I thought of her, wishing that she laid with me, slept with me—actively and for rest.

The reality was cruel, I was left to only my imagination and memory.


It was the afternoon, a typical one of any other day. Another day at work. That was when I received a call from him early in the morning.

"Hey Yoongi," I picked up the phone but kept typing emails, my brown eyes focused on the screens in front of me.

Needed to respond to all of them before the end of the day. My assistant was on vacation so these emails needed to be done because if not no one would have done them. I should have listened to Namjoon and had gotten another assistant.

"Hey. Are you busy?"

"When am I not busy?" I replied. I took the chance to sip on the caramel macchiato for some caffeine.

"Are you free later tonight?" He began rather cautiously which was strange for Yoongi.

"Why?" I didn't like the tone in his voice. There was something mischievous behind his words. "What are you getting at Yoongi?"

"Is that Uncle Jin!" A bright voice, much too hyper and young to be Yoongi interrupted. "Is it true that you're taking me tonight! On a sleepover!"

"Huh? Yeah..." I didn't want the kid to be sad. To hear his voice sad was a calamity. And I loved the poor kid that it was hard to say no to your own godchild. "Put your dad on the phone, I have something to go over with him."

"Okay, yay!" He clapped and I cold hear it through the phone. "Let's go eat pasta for dinner!"

There was silence on the phone and I knew it was Yoongi.

"Yoongi..." I growled. I had so much to do, but how was I supposed to reject the little boy.

"Aw, come on Hyung. Can't you babysit him for tonight? How am I supposed to make another kid if you don't give me a chance to impregnate my Kitten again." Yoongi whined. I slapped him through the phone. Honestly, I did not need to know that—too much information. They could have told me about the second child once it was conceived. Then I would be jumping up and down happy for them.

"Yoongi!" I also heard a smack and Yoongi's groan soon after.

"Hey—you are going to enjoy every single second. Especially the punishments." Another smack could be heard, but a feminine yelp could be heard. Poor girl, sometimes I wondered how she dealt with Yoongi.

"Yoongi—stop!" Her voice seeped out.

"OK! Stop right there." I quickly intercepted. I wanted to hang up quickly but not before making plans. "I'll pick him up from his day care and take him out. But I am having him until tomorrow! A full 24 hours! Not like last time, when you came over because you missed him too much!"

"Hyung..." Yoongi chuckled his voice deep and low. "I'm going to be too preoccupied. You don't have to worry."

"Like I said, I do not need to know how and when you are going to be boning your precious little Kitten. Good day." And I hung up the phone after that. I made a face at the phone before going back to the emails.

I had until 3 o'clock in the afternoon before I have to leave to pick the precious little munchkin from the daycare.

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