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October 2015

I was supposed to be at my parents place hours go, but I was stuck in traffic on the way to Los Angeles.

On the radio they announced that a truck ran into twelve cars before tipping over and landing on its side. It blocked most lanes off and there was only one lane open for us to drive on.

The truck was still over turned as I drove past. All the cars that were involved in the accident were put on tow trucks and towed away.

There were five deaths due to the accident and twelve were injured and taken to the closest hospital to be treated.

I pull my Nissan Versa into the driveway of my parents place I see that the lights are turned off. Looking at the dashboard I see that it's 10:30pm.

I don't have keys to get into the house.

I reach into the back and pull my overnight bag towards me. Stepping out of the car I hear cicadas. A few cars drive by the cul-de-sac street I grew up on. Other than that it's quiet.

Knocking on the front door I wait for someone to answer. I hear the chain slide across the lock and the door opens revealing Dad.

He's wearing a pair of grey boxers and a white t-shirt. His light brown hair is sticking up and his eyes are slightly closed, giving him the 'I just woke up look.'

A smile spreads across his face. "Hello, sweetheart." He pulls me in for a hug. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise Mom for her birthday." I enter the house and walk to the living room.

Dad follows me, and we sit next to each other on the couch. "How is work going?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I got a promotion at Wilson Inc. I'm now a team leader. I train the new recruits and get to boss them around." I look at the stairs. "How are Aleysa and Nate?"

Dad laughs. "You can't wait long enough to ask about your siblings can you?" He looks towards the stairs. "Aleysa, has her good days and bad. Just like any twelve years old. I prefer her good days. Nate, well he prefers to hang out with his friends and party on the weekends."

I miss my family.

"I told Mom and you that I could come home more often and help."

He places his warm hands on my face. "You're young, Chloe. You need to live your life and not worry too much about us." He smiles. "I would love it if you come home more often."

Hugging him I whisper. "When I come home you have to take a Mom out for the day and I will take care of Aleysa. The two of you need a break at times." I turn towards the stairs and see Mom walking down.

She's wearing a pink dressing gown.

I got her that last Mother's Day.

Her brown hair is sticking up in all directions, and she has fluffy pink slippers on her feet. She wraps her arms around her stomach. "Who was at the door, honey?" Mom looks in my direction and she freezes mid step. A smile spreads across her face, and she runs down the remaining stairs. She engulfs me in a tight hug. "Chloe," she pulls back slightly to get a good look at me. "I'm glad your home."

Me, too.

"I couldn't miss your birthday, Mom."


Later that night I am woken by something smashing downstairs. I climb out of bed and make my way to the door. I open and see Dad standing outside his bedroom door.

He turns towards me and places his index finger to his lips. He whispers. "Get the kids somewhere safe and don't come out until I come and get you." He walks down the stairs.


Mom steps out of the bedroom, and she has the phone up to her ear. She says something to them before handing me the phone. "It's the 911 operator. Talk to them while I check on your father." She heads towards the stairs.

Operator: Hello, this is Janice.

Me: I'm Chloe Knight.

Operator: What seems to be the problem?

Me: Someone, broke into the house. There're things breaking downstairs. Mom and Dad have gone down to check it out.

Operator: I'll send someone to your place. Can you stay on the line with me until someone arrives.

Me: Yes,

My hands and legs begin to tremble as I move towards my brothers room, my heart starts to race and shivers begin to run down my back.

Opening the door to Nate's room I see him covered in his blankets. A low snore comes from his direction and I know he's fast asleep.

I hope I don't scare him.

I shake him.

Nate's eyes open he's about to scream when I clamp my hands over his mouth to stop him from making a sound. He looks at me and starts to settle down.

Operator: Are you still there?

Me: Yes, I am. I have to wake up my siblings and take them somewhere safe.

When, he's calm. I remove my hands and whisper. "Someone broke into the house. We need to get to Aleysa's room and hide in the closet until Mom and Dad get us."

He looks around. "Where are they?"

"They went downstairs." I hand him the phone. "That's the 911 operator. You can talk to her while I get Aleysa."

Nate climbs out of bed and puts the phone up to his ear. He talks with the operator, and he tells her that I need to get our sister.

I open the door to Aleysa's room and find her fast asleep. Her back is turned towards the door. I lift her up and carry her to the closet.

Nate is still on the phone when I close the door behind us.

Aleysa opens her eyes and she looks at me. "Why are we hiding in the closet?"

"Someone broke into the house."

She looks around. "Where's Mom and Dad?"

"They're downstairs." I look at Nate and Aleysa. "I'm going to see if Mom and Dad are alright. I'll knock three times on the door, so you know it me."

Aleysa grabs my hand. "Don't go." She whispers. Tears fall down her face.

I wipe away her tears and then kiss her forehead. "I'll be back, Leys. Listen to your brother."

Exiting Aleysa's room I make my way down the hall. I stop at Nate's room and grab the baseball bat he keeps behind his bedroom door.

As I descend the stairs one of the steps squeak under my feet.

I hope no one heard that.

At the bottom of the stairs I feel around the wall until I find the light switch and flip it on.

My eyes sting a little from the sudden intrusion of the light and it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust.

There's glass all over the floor and the couch is overturned. Family photos are on the ground, the TV is flipped over and the CD player is smashed.

I grip the baseball bat and move toward the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen I slip on something and land hard on my butt. I pull myself ups and look for the light switch. I turn it on.

There's something red on the ground and I know what it is.


Stepping around the counter I see so much on the floor and next to the blood are my parents. Mom's pink dressing gown is covered in so much blood, that I can see where the wound is. I turn towards Dad and see him covered in blood as well.

I scream.


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