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Chloe's POV

At 7pm, the doors to the club opens to the public and they start to walk towards the bar. I smile at the woman that's approaching my side of the bar. "Hey, what can I get you this evening?"

"Can I have a chardonnay, please and keep them coming. I had a real hard day at work and I intend to drink my problems away."

I pour her a glass and put it in front of her. "If you need someone to vent to I'll listen, but I won't be good at giving advice unless you work in an office that's a different story."

She looks up at me and smiles. "Then you know all the problems that comes with working in an office. I would love to hear your advice on a boss that keeps sexually harassing you."

A group of guys are waiting for me to serve them. "Let me serve everyone first and then we'll continue this conversation."

She salutes me. "Yes, Madame." She takes a drink from her glass and looks straight at the bar.

I move over to the guys next to her and take their order. "Twelve, beers please." I pull out twelve glasses and put it under the tap. Quickly moving the first glass I put the next one under it. I do the same movement until all glasses are filled. I top up the glasses before telling them the price and collecting the money from them. I put it in the till and give them the change.

The guy looks at me. "Keep it sweetheart. You're going to leave here tonight with a huge tip if you can keep our drinks topped up for the night."

"Okay," I move to the next customers. Once everyone has their drinks I move back over to the woman and see her glass is nearly empty. I pour her another glass and place it next to the one she's got in her hands now.

"Thanks," she throw the drink back and places it on the bar. "My boss has been placing his hands inappropriately on me. How am I supposed to stop that type of behaviour if he's my boss?"

"You could always talk to the CEO, if you know who he is?"

She shakes her head. "I have no way of reaching him and if I report it in the office he's going to see it as he's the one that handles situations like that."

He's not supposed to handle stuff like that.

"What company do you work for, if you don't mind me asking?"

She sighs. "It's King Enterprises." She looks around the bar. "I hope nobody heard that."

That's one of the most respected companies in Los Angeles. I've heard a number of great things about them.

The daughter came back to town recently too. She might have taken her spot as the CEO. If that's the case, she won't like hearing this story of what's happening in the office.

I look up as a beautiful blonde walks into the bar with a group of guys that look like bodyguards.

The woman I was talking too shrinks back in the corner. She whispers. "That's Leila King. She's the CEO now of the company I work for."

Looks like she'll be able to voice her concerns to the CEO of the company.

Leila walks over to us and she takes a seat next to the woman. "Can I have what she's having, please? That looks great."

"It's chardonnay."

She nods. "Just add some orange juice to it. I don't want to walk out of here too drunk. My father would have a field day with the paparazzi that are standing out there."

"Sure," I pour a small amount of chardonnay into the glass and a lot more orange juice. "Here you go."

"Thanks." She slides some cash towards me and I shake my head. "That ones on..."

"Me," the woman sitting next to her says. "I'm Meg." She holds her hand out to Leila.

"Leila, but I'm sure you know that." The two woman start talking and I realise that I'm not needed there anymore.

I walk down the bar and serve the group of men there beer again.

Keith walks over to me. "I'm going on my ten minute break. Can you look after my side of the bar?"

"Sure," I move to his side of the bar and start making drinks for people. I place jugs of water on the bar, for anyone that wants to stay hydrated while they drink.

After Keith's side of the bar is done I walk back to mine. I overhear the last part of Leila and Meg's conversation.

Leila moves forward and she nods. "You don't have to put up with that kind of behaviour from your boss. I will talk to him tomorrow and get it all sorted. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Meg."

I grab a jug and fill it up with water and place it in front of Meg and Leila. "You should drink some water."

Meg smiles at me. "Thanks," she places her glass of chardonnay on the bar and replaces it with some water.

"Can I get you another drink?" I ask the girls.

"No, thanks." Leila points to her drink. "I'm fine with mine for now."

Keith returns and he tells me that I can go on my break.

I grab my phone from my bag and walk into the office that Max is sitting in.

He looks at me as I enter the room. "Are you on break now?"

"Yes, I am." I look at my phone and see another message from Jai.

Jai: I'm sorry for seeming stalker-ish, but my friends sister and best friend got there hands in my phone and thought it would be fun to send you a message.

Me: Are you sure about that? Or are making up the excuse so you could have me to talk to while you're alone?

Jai: I would never do that. I'll get my friends sister to call you if you don't believe me.

Me: You don't need to do that.

Jai: Well its late here. I have a lot to do in the morning. So, I'll talk to you later?

Me: Yes, boss.

I slide my phone into my pocket and grab a glass of water before going back to work.

At 11:30pm, my shift ends and I grab my bag. I walk out from behind the bar and see Alex standing close by.

He walks over to me. "I'm going to walk you out tonight since my brother had to leave on a personal matter."

"Okay," I follow him out of the car and head towards my car. I stop for a moment to go through my bag and pull out my keys that was buried at the bottom of my bag.

At my car I climb in and wave at Alex as I pull away from the bar. Turning the music on I hear my all time favourite song and sing along to the words.

I get to the hospital five minutes later. I park my car and climb out. I grab my bag and walk towards my sisters room.

Aleysa is awake when I walk in. Her face is pale and she has puke on the side of her face.

I pull out some paper towels and wipe her face. "Does the nurse know about this?"

She nods. "I just pressed the button a couple minutes before you walked in. They're getting someone to clean up the mess and change me."

"I'll change you." I help her out of the bed and walk into the adjoining bathroom. I turn the shower on and help my sister inside.

Aleysa tilts her head back as the water cascades down her body. She looks at me with tear filled eyes. "Chloe, I'm sorry for being a handful." She looks away from me.

I grab her face. "You're not a handful, Aleysa. You are sick and I'm going to be with you as we get over this."

"I'm not going to get over it, Chloe. Just put me down and end you're suffering."

"Listen here, Aleysa." I raise my voice slightly. "I never want to hear you say that about yourself again. You're not some dog that lived to be an old age. You're my sister and I love you so much. When you struggle I'll struggle, when you beat this, I'll beat this with you. So, please stop talking about dying. I don't want to hear that negativity coming from you."

She whispers. "It's my reality."

I don't say anything back as I know she wasn't saying that to me.

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