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Last night a nurse walked into the room after visiting time and she told us that we had to leave. I told her that I wasn't going to leave my sister alone at the hospital.

She pointed at Nate and asked about him.

I told her that he was going to stay as well and that I'm the guardian of my siblings after my parents died.

She got two cots for us and set it up in the room for us.

I didn't have it in me to leave her alone at the hospital. Besides, it's now my turn to look after my siblings and provide for them just like Mom and Dad did. They did there best with raising us.

Sometimes, I just wish that I had someone to lean on for help. But, that's hard since both my parents family is gone and there's just my brother, sister and I left in the Knight Family.

At night, I dream about an elderly couple that I used to visit when I was growing up. They lived in a mansion and had plenty of fancy things. They used to buy me things and gave it to me when I visited.

This one Dream felt real. I was about six years old and the elderly man gave me a gun. He showed me how to use it and he said. "You're going to need to know all these skills, because someday you're going to be the only one to bring our family out of hiding."

To this day I still don't know what he means by that I will be the only one from our family to bring the rest of us out of hiding. Why would they be hiding? What has my family gotten themselves into?

In another dream, I knew how to fight and for some reason the next morning I wanted to hit something so I went to local gym and got in the boxing ring. I went up against a pro boxer and beat the shit out of her and they Coach asked me to join the team. I told him that I couldn't before I ran away from the gym and headed back to my place after a nice long run.

The sun shines into the room at 7:30am and I am woken by it. I see Nate stir and then he opens his eyes.

Nate yawns. He looks at the clock in the corner of the room. "I have to go to school. I don't want to miss another day. Can you write me a note?"

"Sure," I pull out a piece of paper and write a letter to the school with the reason why he had the day off yesterday. I give him the keys to the car. I look at him. "I need you to come here right after school. Then I can look for a job."

"Okay, can I have some money for lunch?"

I pull some money out of my wallet and give it to him. "Be back no later than 3:30. I know you like to hang out with your mates, once school lets out."

"Bye, Chloe." He runs out of the room.

He better listen to me or he's going to get an earful when he returns.

I look over at the bed as Aleysa sits up.

She looks at me. "I'm thirsty."

I move over to the jug and fill a cup up with water. I bring the cup up to her lips and she drinks. I move the cup away from her mouth.


I smile. "You're welcome. What do you want to do today?"

She looks outside. "I wish I was out there with the sun soaking my skin and you reading me a story like we used to."

I touch her arm. "We'll do that when you have your energy back. I don't want you to fall out of the wheel chair. I could still read you a story." I move over to the backpack and pull out a few books. "Which book do you want me to read?"

She points to Possum Magic. "I love that story. Mom, used to read to me when I was in here the first time."

Mom and Dad brought the book back with them when we visited Australia when I was five years old. It was one of my favourite books growing up.

I look at the book. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me the first time."

She shakes her head. "It's not your fault. Mom and Dad wanted you to have a life. They wanted what was best for you."

I move over to the bed and lie next to my sister. "I know. Mom and Dad spoke to me a lot. They were proud with what I was doing with my life."

Aleysa wraps her arms around me. "They're still proud of you." She looks at the window. "Mom and Dad didn't deserve to go the way they did. We know that they would have preferred to be alive and watch you have a life. Get married when the time came."

I shake my head. "That was the last thing I wanted in New York." I look around the room. "But, now I feel differently. Maybe, it has something to do with being back in LA and being around my own family."

She looks at me. "You have to find a job. That way you'll meet new people and then you might meet your prince charming."

That's not going to happen.

I roll my eyes. "I'm too old to believe in Fairytales, sis. But, you can hope that it happens for me."

She smiles. "I want a new brother for Christmas."

I laugh. "The guy I marry will be your Brother in Law and I can't get married before Christmas. That's impossible."

She pouts. "I might not live to see you get married."

I touch her face. "Please, don't think like that. You're going to survive this. You're going to meet your Prince Charming and get married too."

"I hope so." She touches the book. "Can you read the story now? I don't want to talk about the future."

I clear my throat and begin to read the story.

When I finish the story I see my sister fast asleep next to me and her arms are wrapped around me. I close my eyes and fall asleep next to her.


At 9:30am, I wake up and see a Doctor walk into the room. I shake Aleysa and whisper. "The Doctor is here."

She opens her eyes. "I don't want to have a needle put in me today."

The Doctor looks at her. "We're going to start your chemo today. The sooner we start the better.

"For whom? Me? I've been through this before I know how it works." She looks at the clear bag the Doctor has in his hand. "I'm going to get sick again like the first time I was on chemo."

Last night before I went to bed I read the pamphlet and it said that there's some side effects that can happen when having chemo and one of them being is vomiting.

That one of the things that I can't stand. The smell of vomit and watching someone throw up will set me into gagging.

I hope that doesn't happen to Aleysa though.

The Doctor explains to me everything that he's doing for my sister as he sets up the IV. The machine the IV is hooked on starts making a noise and he looks at me. "Every time this machine beeps a nurse will come in and she will turn it off. During the day a nurse will be here to test her temperature and make sure that she's well enough to continue with the treatment." He puts the needle into her arm and tapes it with clear tape. He walks out of the room.

Aleysa looks over at me. "I'm going back to sleep."

I kiss the top of her head. "I'll be here when you wake."

"Okay," she mumbles before closing her eyes.

I pull my laptop out of my bag and I put earphones on my ears and watch a movie.


At 3:15pm, I hear someone say. "I told you I had to go to the hospital. My sister isn't feeling well. She's got leukaemia and I'm here to look after her while my sister looks for a job." Nate enters the room.

I look towards my brother and bring my index finger to my lips. "Shhh,"

He nods. "This is why I wasn't at school yesterday. It's also the reason that I can't stay after school for practice."

Does he play sport?

I look at Nate. "Do you play a sport?"

He looks away from me. "I'm the Quarterback of the football team."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugs. "I didn't think it was important."

It's important to me.

"I'm going to call your coach and see if we can come to some sort of arrangement to keep you playing for the season."

Nate smiles. "Really?"

"Yes, I can't have my brother kicked off the team because he can't show up to practice while he helps me look after his sister. Can you give me his number and I'll give him a call tomorrow?"

Nate gives me the coach's number and I type it into my phone.

I pick up my handbag. "Keys."

He gives me the keys. "Good luck with the job search."

I exit the hospital and make my way to the car. I climb inside and put my handbag on the chair. I start to hit the wheel. "I HATE THIS!" I yell into the empty car. Then I scream. Tears begin to fall down my face. I look at the ground and take a deep breath.

I need to get a job.

I turn the key in the ignition and pull the car away from the hospital.

Along the way I stop at a few cafes and I ask to fill out application forms. They give me the forms and I fill it out. I return it to the counter and then I continue to drive. I take a wrong turn and end up in an alley. I see a fancy sign on a building that reads 'Lusive'.

I'll try this place.

I park my car by the door and step out. I make my way to the door and I pull the handle down. The door springs open and I step inside. I follow the dark hall into a room that's packed with bodies.

It's a nightclub.

The bar has wooden walls and pictures of football players are hanging on the walls.

One picture holds my attention the most, it is of a handsome man with dark hair, tanned skin, brown eyes. Under the picture is a plaque with the name 'Jai Marshall' on it.

I move over to the bar and I look at the bar man.

He moves over to me. "What can I get you, sweetheart?"

"Your boss?"

He shakes his head. "He doesn't like to be disturbed. If you want a drink I'll take your order. If not I'll have to ask you to leave."

I sit on the red leather stool. "Give me a J.D." I watch him pour it. "Actually, give me a double shot."

He pours more into the glass. He places the glass in front of me.

I spin the glass around a few times before I pick it up and drink it. I slam the glass on the bar. "Get me your boss. I need to see him." I look around the room and see cameras, pointing at the bar.

He shakes his head. "I can't do that."

I point to the cameras. "He's watching right?"

The bartender doesn't say anything.

I stand up on the bar and take a lighter out. I put the lighter under the sprinkler, as I'm about to flick the lighter. I hear someone yell.



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