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Jai's Pov

I am sitting in the back of the limo that I hired for two weeks while I'm in New York for business. Before I left Los Angeles I put Chloe's number in my phone and the last twenty minutes I have been staring at the number debating weather or not I should text her, but I'm worried that I would look like a stalker.

"Excuse me, Sir?" The driver waves his hand in my face and I look at him. "We have arrived at Seclusive."

Looking out the window I see the first bar that I brought when I gave up playing football.

When I left New York I let one of my closest friends take over the club, until I returned.

Now, that I've met Chloe I don't want to move back to New York.

So, for the next two weeks I will be selling my clubs and a few properties that I have here.

Stepping out of the car I see Riker Mesi. He's the Mafia Boss in New York and he's one of my closest friends.

When I was living here I was known as Riker's right hand man. I pulled the trigger whenever the boss told me and helped him when he had problems with other families.

Riker slaps my back. "It's good to see you back in New York, but I never thought you'd come back for us."

"I'm not back, Riker. I have a few things that I need to do here and the first business involves you."

"Let's talk in the office." He looks around. "I don't like to talk shop out in the open."

I laugh.

He thinks I need someone killed, which is by far what I need right now.

Besides, I don't need the cops around my business.

The door to the bar is opened by one of Riker's men.

Pictures of my football days are still hanging on the wall.

A few of them have my autographs.

I'm going to take them back to the house I'm keeping in New York.

At least they won't gather dust in a storage unit.

A female with blonde hair and blue-green eyes stops in front of him. She kisses him. "The girls and I want to go home."

Looking over at the bar I see two familiar girls Riley and Eliana; Riker's sisters.

The girl in front of me olindont recognise.

She looks at me. "Irina Roberts." She holds her hand out to me.

Grasping her hand I say. "Jai Marshall."

A smile spreads across her face. "I've heard so much about you. I never thought that I would meet the infamous Jai Marshall, the best footballer in the states." She fans herself.

I laugh. "You've got a keeper there, Riker. I don't give my approval to many girls for Riker, but I can tell you're different from the others that have been in his life."

Eliana walks over and she hugs me. She whispers. "Are you going to take me in the bathroom?"

I haven't done that in years and right now I don't feel like doing that especially when I'm interested in a woman in Los Angeles.

I push her away from me. "Eliana, I'm not that type of guy now. I've changed."

"That's a shame." She circles me like she's the shark and I'm her food. "Who's the girl that's gotten my friends with benefits in a huff?"

"Enough, Eliana. I'm not going to have you ruin another relationship."

I didn't know she ruined a relationship before.

Eliana used to get everything she wanted, but after I left something must have changed.

She rolls her eyes. "I didn't ruin anything, Riker. The guy forced himself onto me and no one believes me because he's one of your best guys." She slaps him before walking away.


He looks at me. "What?"

"Eliana wouldn't lie about something like this, man. You need to sort it out. I will come by tomorrow and talk to you."

As I'm about to walk out a hand comes down on my shoulder. "You will stay. Give me thirty minutes to sort it out."


Riker wraps his arms around his girlfriend. "Baby, stay with Jai. If anything happens he'll protect you." He whispers to me. "There's a gun behind the bar. I know you don't carry a weapon with you anymore."

He's right I don't carry a gun with me much.

I do have them around my bar in places that no one will look and another in my safe in the office.

Riker walks away from Irina and I.

She grabs my arm and pulls me over to the bar. "What do you want to drink?"

Looking at the bar tender I see his eyes are slightly glazed over.

I don't want him to serve my drinks.

I step behind the bar. "I'll make it myself." I tell the guy.

Irina sits on the stool next to Riley. "Can we have a glass of white wine."

Riley smiles. "Hey, Jai. Are you back for good?"

I pour two glasses of wine for the girls. "No, I'm not. That's why I came here to see Riker.

Her smile falls. "Damn, who's going to make Eliana nice again?"

I think it a rhetorical question, so I don't bother answering her.

I pour myself a Jack and Coke. I put my phone on the bar and look at the phone number again.

Riley picks up my phone. "Who's Chloe?"

Irina takes the phone from her. "Yeah,
Who's Chloe?" She looks at the message part. "Someone hasn't sent her a message. What should we say to the girl, Rile's?"

Riley laughs. "Ummm.... how about Hey, it's Jai. I've been stalking you for awhile and I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me?"

Looking at the phone I see Irina typing something.

She looks at me. "Oops!"

I take the phone from her.

Looking at it I see that she sent Chloe a message.

This isn't good.

Looking at the girls I say. "That's not cool. She's one of my employees."

Riley looks at me and a smile spreads across her face. "She's the girl you want to be with."

I don't say anything.

Irina begins to say. "She's the reason why you're back here? You're giving everything up so you can be with her."

I'm not with her. I hope when I get back to Los Angeles that something can happen, but these girls could have ruined that for me.

My phone goes off alerting me to a message.

I take my phone off the bar and see that Chloe's responded to the message.

After my last message she doesn't reply back.

I've screwed up with her.

Riker returns with Eliana behind him and she's covered in blood.

Riley looks at her big sister. "Eliana, what happened?"

She doesn't reply and continues to walk away.

Riley runs after her sister.

She opens the door to the storage room that I turned into a room with an ensuite for the night that I didn't want to go home.

Riker walks over to the bar. "We can go upstairs and talk."

"Okay," I put my phone in my pocket and follow Riker to the office. "What happened to Eliana?"

He stops on the stairs and turns towards me. "A few guys from the other family was waiting for me in the alley and when they say Eliana out there they took their anger out on her."

"Will she be alright?"

"Yeah, she'll be fine. None of that was hers. It was the other families. They shouldn't have messed with my family. People have died for less."

I know they have. I was one of the people that had to handle situations like that for him.

We continue to climb the stairs. Once we walk into the office I see a number things have changed, but some of my things are still in the office.

Like my jersey. It's hanging on the wall behind Riker and my football photo shoot that was taken before my accident.

He takes a seat behind the mahogany desk. "Who do you need me to kill?"

"No one. I want to sell my nightclubs."


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