Ace's Story

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2nd December 2016

Coach called Jai last night and he told us that Nate was ready to play again after his dislocated shoulder had him sidelined. After Nate's injury we were supposed to go back home, but Jai wanted to stay here until Nate made a full recovery. Over the last month and a half Jai spent everyday at the university helping the coach out.

I didn't mind staying in San Francisco until Nate recovered, but now I am ready to go home. I'm looking forward to spending more time with Leila.

My phone starts to ring and I see Leila flash across the screen. I answer it.

Me: Hey, Leila.

Leila: Hey, Chloe. When are you coming home? I really need someone to talk to?

Me: I'm coming home tomorrow. What's wrong?

Leila: He left. Ace packed up his things and he left. She begins to cry.

When I see Ace again I'm going to punch him in the face.

Me: I wish I was there with you.

Leila: Me, too. I miss you.

A smile spreads across my face.

Me: I miss you, too. How about when I get home we have a girls day out. We can go to the movies or shop?

Leila: The movies sounds perfect. I don't feel like shopping.

There's banging at the door, followed by someone yelling. "Chloe, open the door."

Me: Leila, I have to go. I will call you later.

I don't give her enough time to answer me as I hang up. I walk over to the door and open. I see Jai on the other side with a bloodied person holding onto him. I step aside as Jai brings the guy in. "He needs to be at the hospital, Jai."I pick up my phone. "Why did you bring him here?"

Jai takes my phone from me. "You can't call anyone, Chloe."

Taking a closer look at the guy I recognise him.

Ace Fitzpatrick.

I move to the kitchen and gather the supplies I need to fix him up.

I don't want his blood all over our furniture and this way I can inflict pain on him. Just like he's doing with Leila. She deserves a better man than Ace.

I clean him up.

He winces every time the wipe goes across a bruise. "Would you be careful."

I narrow my eyes at him. "No," I swipe it over another cut. "I'm enjoying you being in pain. It's what you deserve after leaving Leila like that. Why would you walk out on your pregnant girlfriend? Actually, you left Los Angeles all together to get away from her. She called today crying over you." I pause for a second before I say gently. "She's worried about you, Ace."

Ace looks away from me. "I have to tell you something, but it can't leave this room. It's for Leila and my child's safety." He touches my hand. "I know you care about my Leila, which is why I need to tell Jai and you something just incase something happens to me."

Jai pulls me into his arms and he sits on the lounge. He whispers. "I know you hate him right now, but once you find out the reason you will understand. I found him sitting against the wall downstairs."

Ace's eyes are slightly closed and they are bruised. His cheek are swollen and some blood is drying up on his face. "I was happy when I found out that Leila was pregnant with my child, but the way my father ran the company isn't something that I want Leila to be part of. I had to leave for her safety; while I do what needs to be done with getting rid of the side business my father put into the company. I'm going to piss a lot of people off and I don't want my child and Leila to be collateral damage. So, I made it look like I never cared about her. When people come looking for someone I care about they won't find Leila."

"What did your father do?"

He gulps. "He used cheaper materials for all the buildings that his company made. He also has a side business. He runs drugs from Mexico to here. The last sixteen months he's been apart of a prostitution ring. He goes for girls like Leila and you."

"Pregnant?" I blurt.

Ace laughs. "No, sweet and innocent."

Now, it's my turn to laugh. "Leila and I aren't innocent. We're pregnant. I would say that we're both still sweet."

"Anyway, I want to sell off all my companies and start fresh." He points to his face. "Dad sent some men after me. That's why my face is messed up. He's sending me a message and the only person I could go to for help was Jai."

I turn towards Jai. "You're not helping him. Call someone else to help him." I rise and look at Jai. "If you help him, Jai, I will be leaving. It will tear me apart being away from you, but I need you with me and our child. Not somewhere where you'll end up dead." Tears fall down my face as I look at the man I love.

Jai rises and he walks over to me. He wraps his arms around me and he turns towards Ace. "Sorry, man. I can't help you. I'm not going to lose the only woman I have loved because of this. I will call a friend and he will be here shortly." He walks over to his phone and he picks it up. "I'll be right back." He walks out of the room.

Ace looks at me. "I know you hate me."

I cut him off. "I don't hate you, Ace. I'm just annoyed with your actions. You could have sat down with Leila and talked to her about this. You're doing everything the wrong way." I sit next to him and take his hand in mine. "Jai and I have been through a lot since we've been together. It has made us stronger and our relationship even stronger. I've been by his side when he did stuff I didn't approve of. I have seen him work together with my cousin who was supposed to be dead, but he was hiding. They've kept secrets from me and I hate that. My parents have secrets still and I'm in the middle of discovering more. Being in the dark about something is the worst thing to happen to someone. It may protect them from the evil that's out there, but it's the pain that will get you at the end of the day."

Ace clears his throat. "Was that about you're experience or Leila's?"

"Both," Jai enters the room. "You should go back to Los Angeles and tell Leila what's going on."

Jai leans against the wall. "Drex will be here soon."

Who the hell is Drex? Jai hasn't mentioned that guy before.

The timer in the kitchen goes off. I walk over to it and pull out the cake I was making for my brother. I place it on the counter.

I'll give him the cake later.

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