Aleysa's Results

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After breakfast Nate picks up his backpack and he puts it on over his shoulder. He runs out of the mansion and climbs into the car. He pulls out of the driveway.

Jai is in the kitchen washing up. He looks at me. "Chloe, what are you thinking about?"

I sigh. "A nurse from the hospital is going to meet us at my place and she wants to take some blood from Aleysa."

"Are you asking me if it's alright that she comes here the next time?" I nod. "That's fine with me. This house is yours too, Chloe. You don't need ask permission for a nurse to come here to take Aleysa's blood. I will write my address on a piece of paper and you can give it to the nurse. I'll put the landline number on it as well."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Do you need anything else."

I shake my head. "I need to get a few things before I leave with Aleysa."


I walk out of the kitchen. I pick up an overnight bag.

I need to get more clothes for Aleysa, Nate and I.

Aleysa walks into the room and she looks at me. "We're not going home are we?"

"No, we're staying here. I want to get more clothes for us. We can't just wear the ones we took with us to The Marshall's. If we do I will have to wash every three days and I'd prefer to have enough clothes."

"We could go shopping for new clothes, Chloe."

I shake my head. "We have good clothes at home. I will take you shopping another day."

She smiles. "Alright,"

I walk out of the bedroom.

Jai looks at overnight bag in my hands. "You're leaving?"

I laugh. "Your the second person to say that." I look into his brown eyes as I say. "I'm not leaving. I'm getting some more clothes from home."

Jai reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. He takes out his black credit card. "Buy whatever you need."

I look at his hand and then at him. "No, I can't take anymore from you, Jai. What you've been doing is good enough." I turn towards Aleysa. "Let's go." I walk towards the door and pull off a set of keys from the hook. I open the front door.

Aleysa walks through the door first.

"Wait," Jai yells. He runs over to me. "Chloe,"

I touch his lips with my finger. "Jai, thank you for everything you've done for us. I wouldn't have made it this far without your help." I pull him closer to me and kiss him.

His lips touch mine. He deepens the kiss and I wrap my arms behind his neck.

I pull away. "I love you. See you later."

Jai smile. "Of course you will. I have to go to the club tonight."

"I wish I could go with you."

"Really?" I nod. "We can go when your brother comes home. Do you want to work tonight or do you want spend the night with me in the office?"

"I want to work. When I have a break I will spend it in your office with you. I will bring you your favourite drink as well."

"Come on, Chloe. We're going to be late." She yells. "Stop kissing Jai."

Jai pulls away from me and he laughs. "I'll let you go. I don't want you to miss the nurse that's going to go to your place."

Aleysa and I walk into the house. She walks over to the lounge and turns on the TV. I walk to my bedroom and start packing some clothes in the over night bag. Then I walk to Nate's room and pack a bag for him. When I open the top draw of his dresser I see a playboy magazine.

I didn't want to know about this.

I put clothes in the bag. I zip it up and take the bag to the front door. The door bell rings and I open the door.  The nurse stands in front of me. "Hi, I'm here to see Aleysa Knight."

"Come in. She's sitting on the lounge." I show the lady to living. "This is Aleysa."

Aleysa smiles. "Hi,"

The woman opens the red container and she sets things up she needs for the blood test. She puts the vial in the needle and she places the needle in Aleysa's arm and takes her blood.

Aleysa tells the woman her date of birth. She looks at vial and says. "Chloe, can you double check this for me?"

I walk over to the nurse and I look at vial. "That's correct."

She gives Aleysa a piece of paper and she signs it.

The woman packs her stuff.

"Excuse me, I want to give you the new address and contact information of where we're staying from now on."

She looks at the piece of paper in my hand. "I can't take that from you. You will have to call the hospital to give them the new address. Someone will be in contact with you this afternoon." She walks out the front door.

Aleysa turns the TV off. "Can we go back to Jai's now? I want to spend some time in the library."

"Pack some clothes and then we can go."

Aleysa opens the cupboard in the hallway and pulls out a bag. She takes it to her bedroom.

A few minutes later, she returns with the bag. "Can we go now?"

"Okay," I pick up the bags and open the front door.

Aleysa walks out with her bag over her shoulder. She walks down the stairs.

I lock up the apartment before I walk to the parking lot. I put the bags in the backseat before I climb into the driver's seat. I start the car and pull out of the parking lot.

Aleysa turns on the radio and switches the stations until she finds a song she likes.


I am in the living room when my phone starts to ring. I walk over to it and I see the hospital number. I answer.

Me: Hello, this is Chloe.

Hospital: Hello, this is nurse Jenny. I'm calling with the results of Aleysa Knight's test results.

She starts saying something about red and white blood cells being low and that she has to come in for chemo tomorrow.

Me: We'll be there. Thanks for calling.

Hospital: I tried to call the landline, but no one was there.

Me: You can reach me on this number all the time. We're staying at a friend's place now.

Hospital: We'll see you tomorrow at 9am.

I hang up the phone and walk over to the lounge.

Aleysa looks at me. "Who was that?"

I sit down and turn towards her. "That was the hospital. You need to go in for chemo tomorrow."

She pulls a face. "I'm sick of the hospital."

I take her hand. "I will be there with you."

She shakes her head. "I don't want you to sit around bored while I'm hooked up to tubes."

"Aleysa, you don't need to do this alone. We're here for you." I rise. "I'm coming with you weather you like it or not." I walk away from her.

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