Back In LA

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Jai pulls the car into the driveway of his place. He pulls the keys out of the ignition and turns to me. "We're moving into the new mansion tomorrow. I gave Nate a choice if he wanted to stay here or move in with us. He told me he's coming with us to the mansion, but he's not going to unpack his things as he'll be leaving soon."

I can't believe it's nearly time for Nate to go into the world and experience it for himself. At least he will know people at his school.

When I moved to New York I didn't have anyone. All my friends wanted to stay in California. I heard a few people from my grade went elsewhere. If anyone went to New York I didn't see them, but it's a big place after all.

Jai walks to my side of the car and he opens the door for me. I step out and wrap my arms around him. He winces. "Be careful, babe. I'm still tender from where the bullet hit the vest."

"I'll get you some ice when we go into the house." I am about to pick up a bag when Jai place his hand over mine.

He shakes his head. "I'm not going to let my pregnant girl carry anything into the house. Go inside and put your feet up. My parents will be here shortly. We can ask them about the stuff you found."

I walk into the house and I move toward the fridge. I pull out a bottle of water and walk over to the lounge. I put my feet up and watch Nate and Jai bring the stuff into the house.

I'm going to start feeling useless when it comes to helping bring stuff into the  house, but I will think of something to keep myself occupied.

In the kitchen I pull out ingredients that I need to make muffins with. I have everything on the table when Jai and Nate walk in with the last bags.

Jai leaves the bags next to the front door and he walks into the kitchen. He wraps his arms around me and whispers. "What are you making?"

"Choc chip muffins," I turn towards him. "I feel useless."

Jai kisses my neck. "Your" kiss "not" kiss "useless." He turns my face so I'm looking at him. "I don't want you to ever feel like that, Chloe. Can I help?"

"Sure," Jai and I whip the batter together before pouring it into the muffin tins.

There's a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Nate yells from the living room. He walks over to the door and he opens.

I hear Veronica and Ricky.

Damn, I forgot to tell Nate about the things I found out about Jai's parents and ours. I will do that now.

I walk over to Nate. "Can I talk to you for a moment." I greet Jai's parent before I take my brother to my room. I sit on the bed and turn towards him. "Did you read Mom's diary?"

"Yes, I can't believe our parents worked for the government, but they left a couple years after you were born. What else do I need to know."

"Mom and Dad faked there deaths. As well as mine. That's why our last names Knights, but before that we went by a different name and our parents knew Veronica and Ricky."

A smile spreads across his face. "Really?"

I nod. "I'm not sure if they will remember us, but I'm going to ask them questions about Mom and Dad. I didn't want you to her surprised when I start talking to them."

Nate pulls me into a hug. "Thank you for telling me, Chloe." He rises and pulls me to my feet. "I want to know everything now."

So do I.

Nate and I walk into the living and I see Jai talking to his parents. They looks at us as we enter the room.

Veronica looks at me and she says. "What's with the serious faces?"

I take a seat next to Jai and hold his hand. "I came across something in my parents belongings. That links you to my family."

Veronica frowns. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I will tell you the story of how our families know each other. A long time ago there were two families. They were close and they had a son a daughter named Chloe and Jai. They used to play together, until Chloe's family were killed."

Ricky mumbles. "Impossible," he looks closely at me. "The James Family?"

Veronica rises and she looks at me. "Damn it," tears begin to fall down her face. "Why didn't I see the resemblance earlier. You look like Edith." She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "You're parents faked there own deaths to start anew from the agency, didn't they?"

"Yes," tears fall down my face too. "Mom and Dad faked our deaths because my life was endangered and they couldn't live with themselves if I died."

Veronica wipes the tears from my face. "I have pieces of my best friend in my life. If Edith was alive she would approve of this. When you were younger Edith and I planned on Jai and you getting married, but after your death I knew the chances of my son getting married dwindled. You brought us hope when you walked into our place for the family get together." She reaches out to her husband. "Ricky and I are going home tomorrow. We're going to organise the next family get together."

I smile. "I'm looking forward to it."

Jai looks at his parents. "There's something else that Chloe and I would like to tell you." I give him a nod and a smile spreads across his face as he says. "Chloe's pregnant."

Veronica screams.

I cover my ears with my hands as she continues to scream.

Ricky covers her mouth with his hand. "If I remove my hand will you be quiet." She nods and he removes his hand from her mouth. "I'm glad your moving onto the next step of your relationship. When's the wedding?"

"I was thinking April 8th. The weather will be warm, but not too hot."

"Do you med help organising the wedding?"

I smile. "I would love some help, Veronica." The timer on the oven goes off. I rise. "The muffins are done. I will be right back." I walk to the kitchen and put oven mits on and pull out the muffins.

Veronica walks into the kitchen and she looks at them. "Your mother used to make the best chic chip muffins. No one could make them as good as her." She sits on the stool. "I miss Edith so much. She was one of the people I could confide in when my family became too much for me."

I sit next to her on the stool. "Mom never found anyone to talk to. She kept her distance from many people, but I do know she missed you." I pull out a piece of paper. "I found this in Mom's Diary. It's for you."

Veronica opens the paper. "Did you read it?"

I shake my head.

She begins to read it out loud and the words make her cry. Mom was apologising to Veronica about leaving her and how they had to fake our deaths. Pretty much everything Mom wanted to say to Veronica was in the letter.

I'm glad Mom wrote something for her best friend.

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