Bungee Jumping Part I

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"I had to read a book to Aleysa. It's something she used to do with Mum when she couldn't sleep. She told me I had a beautiful voice like Mum's." I sit at the side of the bed. "I miss my parents, Jai."

He sits up in bed. "Do you want to see them over the weekend?"

I sit next to him. "Yes, I want to see them. Can we do it after we go bungee jumping tomorrow."

Jai smiles. "I forgot that you were going to take your sister there." He climbs out of bed. "I need to charge up my camera. I don't want to miss an opportunity of seeing you jump from a bridge. Don't forget to give us a huge scream when you jump."

If he was still in bed I would have hit him for saying that, but he's probably right about me screaming.

He pulls the camera out of the bag and puts it on charge. He walks back to the bed and climbs in. He wraps his arms around me. "I think I might try it as well. I have never been bungee jumping before. I might try something different once in my life."

I close my eyes as my head rests against his chest. His breathing evens out as he fall asleep.

There's banging on the bedroom door followed by. "Chloe, Jai, get out of bed. We're going bungee jumping today." I feel Jai move under me. I open my eyes and look at his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

He has a smile on his face. "Good morning, baby. Are you ready to get the day started?"

I nod. "I'm looking forward to bungee jumping today. What about you?"

"Scared shitless."

I touch his arm. "You're going to do better than my brother. He doesn't want to do it. I hope he changes his mind about it." I climb out of bed and walk to the closet. I pull out a pair of ripped shorts and a tight t-shirt. I put my clothes on.

As I'm about to walk out of the room Jai grabs my arm. "You're not going dressed like that."

"Yes, I am Dad. The choices are this or my bikini set, which I'm sure you don't want everyone to see what's underneath."

He shakes his head. "You're as bad as my sister. She never listens to me either."

I kiss his cheek. "I will see you downstairs." I walk down the stairs and see Charlotte and the brother in the kitchen."

They look at me as I enter the kitchen. The brother walks over to me. He looks at me and says. "I'm sorry we've all been rude during the ordeal at the house and with Mom and Dad being in hospital my siblings haven't had a chance to introduce us, I'm..." he gets cut off by Jai as he enters the room.

"Chloe, that's my brother Gerald. He was in Australia when we had the barbecue."

Gerald hugs me. "I'm glad that I get two new sisters." He looks at Aleysa and she walks over to him. He hugs her as well.

Nate walks into the room. "What's going on here?"

Gerald looks at him. "I was meeting my new sister officially. Everyone has been dealing with stuff for awhile and I thought it was time I introduced myself to Chloe."

Nate looks at Charlotte and Gerald. "We're going bungee jumping today. Do you want to come?"

Gerald looks at Charlotte and she nods. "We're in." He looks at Aleysa and I. "That's why you look like you're going swimming."

Aleysa looks at him. "We're jumping off a bridge and we will going into a lake." She rubs her hands together. "I can't wait."

Jai pulls his car in front of the bridge and he looks at everyone in the car. "Are you all ready?"

"Yes," is chorused through the car.

I look at Nate and his face is pale.

He looks at me. "I don't think I can do this."

Everyone steps out of the car leaving Nate and I alone. I take his hand. "You don't have to do anything if you don't want to. If you change your mind you still have a chance to do it." I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out of the car. I make my way over to the bridge.

When I get there I see Aleysa and Jai with safety harnesses on. The guy looks at me. "Are you here to bungee jump?"

I point to my group. "I'm with them." I take the safety harness from him and put it on."

Nate stops next to me. "I'm not doing it. I'm here to show my family support." He takes the camera from Jai. "I want to take a group photo of you."

Jai wrap his arms around my waist. Aleysa stands on my left, next to her is Gerald and next to him is Charlotte.

We smile as my brother takes a photo.

The guy clears his throat. "Are you ready?"

Aleysa looks at him. "I am." She gets help onto the ledge of the bridge. She looks at me. "Thank you for taking me here, Chloe." Then she jumps off bridge.

I watch her land in the water and the bungee pulls her back up and then she fall back into the water.

A guy is in the water and he unhooks Aleysa.

She waves and yells. "Come in,"

I look at the group. "I'm going next."

The guy hooks me onto the rope and I stand on the ledge.

I look at Jai. "I will you see you at the bottom." I jump off the bridge. I start to scream as I go down. I feel a breeze hit me and it sends a chill through my body.

It feels like I've been falling forever before I hit the water. I go under and the rope pulls me back up and then it drops me back into the water.

The second guy pulls me off the rope and then I look up at Jai who climbs onto the ledge.

Aleysa swims over to mee. "That was fun, Chloe. Can we do it again someday?"

"Maybe," I turn back in time to see Jai jump off the bridge. He begins to scream. I look at Aleysa. "I hope I didn't sound like that?"

She looks at me. "You did and so did I."

Jai hits the water. He gets lifted back up and thrown back into the water.

The guy swims over to Jai and unhooks him from the rope.

Jai swims over to me. "That was fun. I want to this again."

"That's what I said." She looks at the bridge. "Is Charlotte jumping next?"

He shakes his head. "No, she told me before we left that she was pregnant. She wanted to wait until Mom and Dad woke up to tell everyone, but she really wanted to tell someone and I was the only one around for her to talk to."

Gerald stands on the edge of the bridge and he looks down at us and waves before he jumps off.

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