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At 9am, I am woken by Aleysa as she's taken to get chemo. She told me to stay in bed a bit longer and to join to her after I've had breakfast. I pull my phone off the nightstand and check for any messages. I see three messages from Jai and I look at it.

Jai: Sorry, about last night. Those guys weren't supposed to be in a club.

Jai: I hope you got back to the hospital safely.

Jai: Goodnight, Chloe. I will see you tomorrow.

I quickly reply to his message.

Me: Hey, Jai. I got back safely, but I fell asleep before seeing these message. You don't have to come to the hospital.

I send the message and a couple seconds later I receive one from him.

Jai: Too late. I'm already here. Meet me in the cafeteria. I'm getting a coffee.

Me: I'll be down in ten. I need to get changed and then get some breakfast.

Jai: I'll order it for you. What do you want?

Me: Hot chocolate, bacon and egg muffin and orange juice.

Jai: I'm on it. See you soon.

Me: Yes, you will. :)

I walk into the bathroom and get changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a short sleeved t-shirt that says "Hot Mess!"

This shirt describes the way I'm feeling right at this moment.

I grab my bag and head down to the cafeteria. I see Jai sitting at a table alone and he looks around the room checking to see if I've missed him.

I don't know how how anyone could miss a guy like Jai in a room full of doctors and nurses in scrubs buying coffee and having snacks.

I walk into the cafeteria and make my way over to Jai.

He stands up. "Good morning, Chloe."

"Morning." I take the seat across from him and shake the bottle of orange juice. "How much do I owe you for breakfast?"

"Nothing, it's on me." He pushes his chair into the table and grabs his coffee cup. "How's Aleysa feeling?"

I look into his chocolate brown eyes and say. "She was fine the last time I saw her, but now she's getting the chemo anything could be happening."

"Why aren't you with her?"

"She told me to get some rest and that I can see her later. I'm going to have breakfast and then check on her."

"Do you want me to stay around the hospital for a bit?" Jai asks.

"I'm sure there's heaps of stuff you need to do other than staying here at the hospital, waiting to find out how my sisters doing."

He places his hand on top of mine. "Everything can wait until later. Do you know when Aleysa's moving to the private suite?"

"I'm not sure when that's supposed to happen, Jai. For now Aleysa is happy with the room she's in with the other girl." I take a bit of the bacon and egg muffin. I start chewing it and it tastes weird that I spit the food in the napkin.

Jai looks at me. "Doesn't that taste good?"

"No, the egg is too hard for my liking and the bacon isn't cooked properly. I should start eating breakfast out all the time instead of eating the food from the cafeteria. I keep wasting a lot of it." I take a drink of the orange juice and swallow it to get rid of the taste. "Thanks, for breakfast, Jai. I'm going to check on Aleysa."

Jai stands up and he walks with me to the nurses station. "I'll see you at 1. I'll bring something edible for you to eat."

A smile spreads across my face. "That sounds great, Jai. I will see you then." I walk away from him and make my way over to the cancer ward. I put some hand sanitiser on my hands before walking into the room.

Aleysa looks at me. "Hey, Chloe." She has a tube running from the machine into her arm and there's a needle that's stuck in her arm where the chemo runs to her body. Her face is pale. "You don't have to stay. Mom and Dad couldn't stay in here for long with me."

I take a seat with her. "I'm going to stay with you until 1. Then I have to meet Jai for lunch."

She places the hand that's not attached to the drip on mine. "That's good he's coming back with food for you. I know you don't like eating stuff from here." Her eyes begin to close and she falls asleep.

I pull out my iPad and read one of the books I haven't read yet on the kindle.

A nurse walks over to us and she wakes Aleysa. "Aleysa, I need take your temperature."

She opens her eyes. "Okay,"

The nurse puts a plastic on the thermometer and sticks it in her mouth. She writes the temperature down on Aleysa's record before moving to the next patient and doing the same.

My phone goes off and I pull it out of my bag and see that it's Jai. I open the message.

Jai: I'm here with the food. Meet me outside.

Me: Ok, I'll be right out.

I put my phone in my pocket and look at Aleysa. "Jai's here. He's meeting me outside."

She looks out the window. "Have a nice lunch with, Jai. It looks better out there then in here." Food is brought out by the nurses and they place food on the table for each patient.

I kiss my sister's cheek. "I'll see you in an hour."

She looks at the chemo bag. "I should be back in my room when you finish up with Jai, but if I'm not you'll find me here." She waves her hand in a shooing motion. "Bye,"

"Bye," I open the door and walk out the door of the cancer unit. I lean against the door and take a couple of deep breaths before heading outside to Jai.

When I get outside I see a table with a picnic blanket sitting on a table with a few containers and a candle is lit.

That's so romantic. I can't believe he would do that for me.

Jai looks up from his seat and a smile spreads across his face. "I know I saw you not too long ago, but how is everything going?"

"Good," I take a seat across from Jai. "Aleysa is about to have lunch and she'll probably be done with her round of chemo after we finish lunch.

He nods. "She'll probably be in the private suite when you return from lunch with me."

I hope she is too. At least then we can have some privacy.

My phone goes off and I see a message from Nate. I open it.

Nate: How's Aleysa's chemo going? Has she been sick yet?

Me: She's fine, Nate. No, she hasn't been sick yet. It looks like this bag of chemo is doing her good.

Nate: That's what we thought last time too. Should I skip the rest of the day and join you at the hospital?

Me: Stay at school. You'll see Aleysa after football practise.

Nate: Okay, will you be there when I go to the hospital?

Me: Yes, I have the night off from the bar. Do you want to stay with me at the house?

Nate: Yes, I'm starting to get sick of being around my best friend all the time. He's starting to get in my nerves.

Me: Can you bring a pizza after practise?

Nate: Sure, I'll see you l8er.

Jai looks at my phone that's in my hand. "Was that you're brother?"

"Yeah," I place my hand on top of his. "Sorry, I haven't had a chance to introduce you to him, but I think he's going to be tough on you. He's the man of the house now and he's been taking on the role of being a protective brother. I'm too old for him to do that, but it feels great knowing that he cares about what happens to me."

A smile spreads across his face. "My family is exactly the same way."

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