Chloe's Late

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I walk outside to the parking lot and wait for Chloe. When I look at the watch on my wrist I see that she's ten minutes late.

Why is she late?

Then I see a car pull into the parking lot.

Chloe steps out of the car and walks over to me. "What's wrong?"

I open the door for her. "You're late, Chloe. It's not good for my employees to run late. Are you going to tell me why you're late?"

"I'm sorry, boss. It won't happen again." She steps into the club and makes her way to the bar.

I wish she would tell me what's going on? I have a feeling things aren't going well for her.

I watch her step behind the bar and she starts to serve customers.

She smiles as she serves a couple of guys. She throws her head back and laughs at something they said.

I need to go to my office.

I make my way to the stairs.

A girl grabs my arm. "Hey, baby. You wanna dance?"

I shake my head. "Dance with him." I throw a guy into her arms and she starts grinding on him. I walk up the stairs and stop at the top. I feel eyes on me and I look around the room. I see Chloe looking at me.

She looks away from me quickly and begins to pour a glass of beer for a customer. She takes it over to him and places it on the counter.

The guy puts a crumpled piece of paper in her hand.

She takes the money to the till and she opens the paper. She pushes the paper off the table and it lands on the floor. She kicks it under the bar and then she gets the change out of the till. She gives it to him and moves onto the next customer.

I wonder how many phone numbers she gets each night and if she does the same to the rest of the guys.

Max walks over to her. He says something and she nods. He steps out from behind the bar and walks to the back entrance.

I move to the office and I sit behind my seat. I flip through the cameras and find Max standing outside having a smoke.

A woman walks over to him and he gives her a small package. I pull the footage up on my computer and I play it back. I zoom into the package and I see white powdery stuff in it.

He's dealing drugs on my property.

I call my head security guard.

HSG: Hello?

Me: Hey, it's Jai. I need you to send Max up here.

HSG: Sure, but he's not at the bar. Do you know where he is?

Me: Yes, use the back entry that Chloe used when she got in.

HSG: Copy, that. I'll see you soon.

I hang up the phone and watch him walk through the crowd to the back door. He opens it and says something to Max.

Max looks at the camera above his head. He opens the door and enters the building.

A couple minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I yell.

The door opens and Max enters my office. He takes a seat opposite me and he looks at me. "What do you need, boss?"

I lean my arms on the table. "How long have you been dealing in my establishment?"

He shakes his head. "I haven't been dealing?"

I pull the video up on the computer and I show it to him.

Max's face turns white and he jumps out of his chair. He charges at me and I throw him against the wall.

I lean over him. "You're fired Max." Then I add. "I don't want that stuff anywhere near my club. If that woman Over-Doses here it will be my company getting into trouble and I won't have my place associated with that stuff." I dial 911 and tell them about Max.

They arrive at the club and they take Max out of my office.

I walk over to the bar and see Chloe is getting slammed by the customers wanting drinks. She also looks tired. I step behind the bar and take orders from the customers.

Chloe moves over to the till and she puts the money in. She pulls out the change and gives it to the guy.

A girl leans over the counter. "Hey, handsome. I haven't see you here before."

I wink at her. "Hey, Beautiful. What can I get you?"

She touches my arm. "Your phone number."

I laugh. "I don't have a phone, but I have drinks. So, what can I get you?"

"Can I get three sex on the beaches, three slippery nipples and three blow jobs?" she points to the table in the corner with a group of girls. "Can you help me carry the drinks over to the table?"

I make the drinks for her and place them on a tray. I turn to her and tell her how much the drinks are. She gives me the money and I put it in the till. I place the change on the tray. I look at Chloe. "I'm going to take the drinks to the table. I'll be right back."

She nods and continues to serve customers.

I follow the girl over to the table. I place the tray of drinks in front of them. "Hey, Ladies. I hope your enjoying your night."

The girl from the bar licks her lips and I follow her movement with my eyes. She smirks. "Shall we go somewhere?"

I shake my head. "Sorry, babe. I have to work. Maybe, some other time. Have a good night." I pick up the tray and move toward the bar.

A fight breaks out at the bar and glass flies across the bar close to where Chloe is working.

Chloe yells something at the guys, but they don't pay her any attention. She ducks under the bar.

I run over to Chloe and see her on the ground covering her face with her arms. I move over to her and pull her away from the broken glass. She has a few cuts on her arm. I pull out the first aid kit and I tend to the cuts on her.

When the cuts are cleaned and wrapped I exit the room and search for Ethan. I find him standing next to his brother. "I want you to kick everyone out. I'm shutting the bar for the night. Can you get one of the managers from one of my other bars to meet me here tomorrow at 3? I need someone to take over this club."

Ethan nods. "Yes, sir." He looks across the bar. "How is Chloe?"

"She got a few cuts from the glass. She's also a bit shaken up. I'm going to tell her that she can leave now. Can I get help from a few guys and you with cleaning up the club?"

"Yes, Sir."

I walk back into the room and see her packing up for the night. "I'll walk you out." I wait for her to pull out her keys and we head in the direction of the parking lot. I place my hand on the small of her back as we cross the lot to her that's under one of the lights.

Chloe hits the alarm on the car. "Thanks, for walking me out, boss." She opens the car door and slides in. She puts the key into the ignition. She pulls the window down. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Yes, you will.

I pull my keys out of my pocket and run to my car. I climb in and start the ignition. Before I start to follow Chloe I quickly send a message to Ethan.

Me: Can you close the bar tonight, Ethan? When you're done, leave the keys in the box in the alley.

Ethan: Okay, Boss.

I pull my car out of the parking lot and I follow Chloe. I see her car in front of mine by 30 metres. I watch as she pulls into the street where the hospital is.

Why's she going to the hospital? She can't be sick. If she is I'll do everything in my power to get her better.

Chloe parks her car and runs into the hospital.

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