Day with Nate and Aleysa

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"Chloe," I hear Nate call. "We need to go to school and drop off my assignment."

I pull the blanket off me. "Give me five minutes and I'll get out of bed."

Nate walks into my room and he pulls the blinds across and the sun shines into my room. "No, now get out of bed. We have a busy ahead of us, sis." He walks to the door. "You need to buy ink the printer we're running out."

I pull my phone off the nightstand and see that it's fully charged. "Okay, can you take the ink cartridges out of the machine and put them in an envelope?I'll get them refilled and buy some extra so we're not running to the store to get them filled all the time."

"It's done, Chloe. I've also put the envelope next to your bag so we don't forget it."

"Thanks," I run a brush through my hair, before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl.

Nate looks at me. "Is that all you're having for breakfast?"

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that?"

He picks up the toast that has scrambles eggs on it. "You should be eating something like this, Chloe."

I laugh. "I've been without good breakfast for years. I couldn't buy all the good foods because I couldn't afford it. I stick with cheap food and they were still good for me."

He pushes a slice of toast with eggs over to me. "You can have this one. I'm full."

I scrunch my nose at the eggs. "No, thanks. Just looking at makes me want to puke, besides I haven't had eggs since the day I left for college."

He keeps going on about the toast and I start to get sick of it.

I slam my hand on the table. "Nate, enough talking about you're damn breakfast. Either eat it or throw it in the bin."

He shuts his mouth and puts it in his mouth.

I knew he wouldn't throw it out.

I pull the car into the parking lot of the hospital and I look up at the building. "Aleysa's going to love making her own crown." Looking at Nate I say. "You'll be making one as well. You'll be the prince of course. While Aleysa and I are the princesses."

Nate shakes his head. "Do I have to?" He moans.

"Yes, I let you have the day off so you could spend time with Aleysa during the day. She misses you, Nate."

He sighs. "I'm sorry for being difficult, Chloe. I just hate seeing Aleysa in the hospital again. It took a toll on us all last time, but it would have been easier if Mom and Dad called you."

I place my hand on his arm. "Why didn't you call me, Nate?"

He looks out the window. "I did, but you weren't home a lot of the time and I thought that you never listened to the messages."

I never got messages.

"What messages, Nate? I never received any."

"You're roommate told me that she'd pass on the messages that I called you, but from the sounds of things you never got my message."

I shake my head. "I'm sorry." Nate and I stay silent for a bit until I say. "We should head inside. I don't want Aleysa to think that we've forgotten about her."

Nate smiles. "Okay,"

I grab the bags from the backseat and step out of the car. I lock the door before walking across the parking lot with my brother by my side.

Nate opens the door to the room and a smile spreads across his face as he sees Aleysa. "Leys, Chloe and I are going to take you outside."

"Yay," she screams.

I walk over to her bed and see that she's already dressed. "Did you dress yourself of did a nurse?"

A smile spreads across her face. "I did it, Chloe. It feels good to be able to put on my own clothes." She pulls a face. "Tomorrow, I'll be back to being weak and throwing up because of chemo." She presses the button at the side of the bed and a nurse walks into the room.

The woman looks at Aleysa. "What do you need, Aleysa?" She says gently.

"Can I get a wheelchair so my siblings can take me outside? It looks lovely out there."

She smiles at Aleysa. "I'll be right back with your chair, Aleysa."

Aleysa stands up and she holds onto the bed. "Did you bring the stuff so w can make crowns?"

I nod. "Nate' going to make one as well. He'll be you're prince, Aleysa."

She pulls a face. "I don't need a prince. I have my sister with me that good enough."

Nate pouts and he gives her a sad face look.

She starts laughing at our brother. "That's not going to work, brother. You're not too cute to get away with it." She sticks her tongue out at him.

He lifts her up and spins her around. "I'll show you who's not cute enough."

"Stop, Nate." She yells. "I'm going to be sick." He lets her go and she looks at him laughing. "Got you."

The nurse returns at that moment and Aleysa hurries over to the chair. She gets on it and looks at me. "Take me outside before the dragon lady doesn't let me out."

I look at Nate. "Can you get the bags?"

Nate picks up the bags and I run out of the room pushing my sister down the hall.

A doctor walks out of an adjoining corridor and he looks at me. "Where's the fire?"

I point towards my sisters room. "Down there."

He starts walking quickly in the direction that I sent him.

Aleysa starts laughing. "That was funny. He believed there's an actual fire."

I look at her. "He knows there wasn't a fire. It's an expression you use when people are running away from something."

"Okay," she looks at me. "Can we please go outside now?"

I walk to the lift and press the button. We wait for the lift door to open.

Nate stops next to us. He looks at me. "Why am I the one that out numbered by the girls?"

A smile spreads across my face. "I don't know, but it's something you're going to have to get used to when Aleysa comes home."

He looks at me. "You should go out and get a boyfriend. That way I won't have to be outnumbered by Aleysa and you. Also, I won't be stuck doing girly stuff with you all the time."

I throw my head back and laugh. "Are you losing you're man card already, Nate?"

He shoves my arm. "Shut up, Chloe." The door to the lift opens and we walk in.

As soon as the lift opens on the grin for floor I run out of the building with my sister and she laughs all the way to the table.

Once we're seated at the table I pull out everything I need to make a flower crown. I measure the wire around Aleysa's head before cutting it and putting it together for her. She twirls the vines around the wire. I measure the other for Nate and he takes it from me before he copies Aleysa.

Measuring one for me. I cut it where my finger is. I put mine together with my siblings.

That's the way we spent the day, until Nate had to go to football practice. I throw him the keys. "Have fun at practice."

He catches the keys. "Thanks," he hurried away from us.

I put Aleysa's crown on her head and walk her inside the hospital.

Jai will be here soon.

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