Falling Apart

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At 9am, Jai and I walk down to the restaurant and we wait for my brother by the front door. Nate shows up five minutes later, and we enter the restaurant.

A girl welcomes us to the restaurant and then shows us to our seats. She puts the menus in front of us. "I will be back shortly to take your order." She walks away from the table as a group of people walk through the door.

I look at Jai and Nate. "I'm going to the restroom. Can you order me toast with margarine, a glass of water and orange juice if I'm not back in time."

"Okay," Jai touches my hand. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." I rise and walk to the bathroom. I splash water on my face. I start to feel queasy and then I run to the toilet and throw up.

When was the last time that I had my period?

I try to work it out, but I can't remember with everything that has happened on the last month.

Tears begin to fall down my face as I puke again.

A woman walks into the restroom and she stops when she sees me on the floor. "Do you want me to get anyone?"

I shake my head. "No, can you please keep this between us?"

"Sure, can I get you anything?"

"No, thank you." I flash the toilet once I'm done puking. I climb to my feet and walk over to the sink. I rinse my mouth out with water. I hold my hand under the faucet and drink the water. I splash water on my face.

Jai is standing next to the door when I walk out. He has his arms crossed and his face is blank. He places his hands on my hips and he looks at me. "I'm worried about you, Chloe."

"I'm fi..."

Jai cuts me off. "You're not fine. You were puking last night and just now. When we get home I'm going to call my Doctor." His eyes starts to well up with tears. He places his head on my shoulder and he whispers four words that break my heart. "I can't lose you."

My sisters death has effected him more than I thought. They got closer over the last couple weeks of her life. I'm glad that they spent time together before she passed.

I lift his head and plant my lips on his. "You're not going to lose me." A smile spreads across my face. "I might be pregnant."

Jai places his hand on my flat stomach. "I hope that's the case." He doesn't sound convinced though.

He probably thinks the worst case scenario right now. I have to put his mind at ease. I will buy a pregnancy test from the drug store.

Jai pulls away from me and he walks to the table.

The food is placed on the table as I walk over. I look at Jai and Nate's plates and they have bacon, eggs and sausages on there plates.

I start to feel queasy again. I put the toast in a serviette. I pick my glass of orange.

Jai looks at me. "Where are you going?"

"Outside," I look at there food and pull a funny face. "Your breakfast makes me want to puke. If you want to kiss me later you will need to go up to our room and brush your teeth." I take my stuff outside. I find a table close to the window where Nate and Jai are sitting.

The woman from the restroom stops next to my table and a smile spreads across her face. "I saw the hunks you're with."

I laugh. "One of them is my fiancé," I pull a disgusted face at the second one. "Ew, the other one is my brother."

She laughs. "So, the one that had you pinned against the wall as I walked out is your fiancé?"

"Yes," she shakes her head. "So, you're the woman from Los Angeles that ruined his engagement?"

"He was never engaged." I yell. "That woman lied and got people to believe that I was..." tears begin to fall down my face. I touch my stomach.

When am I going to have a break. Everything seems to be happening at the same time.

I rise and walk over to the counselor office. I knock on the door before. I hear a faint. "Come in," I open the door and take a seat across from her. "I know I don't have an appointment today, but can I talk to you quickly right now?"

She looks at the book in front of her. "Yes, you can. I have an appointment in half an hour."

I smile weakly. "Thank you." I take a seat opposite her. "Everything seems to be thrown at me lately. First my sister dies, then stuff about my fiancé and I leaked in the papers, my brother tell me he hates, then I'm told by my parents that they had a secret life that I don't remember and now I might be pregnant." I begin to cry and then I feel my chest tighten and I feel faint.

The counsellor rises and she moves quickly over to me. "Chloe, I need got to look at me." I look at her. "If you're pregnant this isn't good for the baby. Breathe in and out." She yells. "HELP!"

The door opens and I see someone step into he room from the corner of my eye. I don't know who it is until arms are wrapped around me.

The voice whispers. "I'm here, Chloe. Calm down." He kisses the top of my head. "I love you, baby." He places my hand on his heart. "Breathe with me, Chloe."

Jai and I stay in this position until my breathing has returned to normal. He looks at the counsellor. "Sorry, for taking you away from your appointment."

"I didn't have an appointment at this time. I came here early just incase someone needed me and it was a good thing that I was here for Chloe."

I look at Jai. "Can we go to the Golden Gate Bridge later. I'm feeling tired."

Jai pick me up. "Yes, we can." He carries me out of the room.

Nate is sitting on a chair and he looks at Jai. "How is she?"

I look at my brother. "I'm fine, Nate. I'm just going to go to bed for a bit and then we can go to The Golden Gate Bridge later."

Nate kisses my head. "I'll see you later sis." He walks down the hall and exits the building.

In the room Jai places me on the bed. He climbs into bed next to me and he wraps his arms around me. "Go to sleep. I will be here when you wake up."

I place my head on his shoulder. "I love you, Jai." I whisper.

A smiles spreads across his face. "I love you, too." He whispers. "When you wake up we'll go to the bridge."

I fall asleep wrapped in Jai's arms.

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