Family Gathering Part III

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I walk over to her and kiss her cheek. "I will be back soon with a bottle of water. You need to stay hydrated."

"Okay, Mommy." She mumbles before closing her eyes.

"Jai, I should have stayed home." Tears begin to fall down my face.


Jai holds my hand he takes me down the hall he opens the door to the room and I step inside. The room is full of trophies and the places that are free from the trophies are filled with posters of Jai.

This is the room he wanted to show me.

There's a picture of him half naked holding a football. "This is the picture you were telling me about?"

He smiles. "Yeah, it is."

There's a knock on the door and it opens. Nate looks at me. "How's Aleysa?"

"She's asleep. Can you get a bottle of water and put it in the room for her?" I ask him.

Nate looks around the room before saying. "Sure," he picks up one of Jai's trophies. "I love this room. I used to have a room like this at my parents place." He looks away. "Now, all my stuff is left in storage. We couldn't bring a lot of things to the apartment that Chloe got." He walks over to the door. "I'm going to get Aleysa's water." He walks out of the room.

I wish I had an extra room for his stuff. But I bought what I could afford with the money from Mom and Dad's place.

Jai wraps his arms around me. "At my place he can have a room for his trophies as well as his own bedroom."

"Are you sure you want us to move in with you?"

He nods. "My place has better security than yours. Besides, the paparazzi have easy access to yours. At mine there will be harder access as I have a security team and no one is allowed in without my instructions."

"We better get back to the party. I don't want your mother to think we're trying for a baby."

Jai laughs. "That doesn't sound so bad. I would be happy to be a father with our child."

I smile. "I don't want to be a mother just yet. Besides, you haven't taken me on a date yet or given me a proper kiss." I nudge him.

He takes my hand and we walk to the dining room. Veronica looks up when we enter the kitchen. She walks over to me. "How is she?"

I look at the ground and tears begin to fall down my face. "There's something I need to tell you about her, Veronica."

Jai squeezes my hand letting me know that he's here for me. I look  her and say. "Aleysa, has cancer."

She pulls me into her arms and she begins to cry. When she recovers she looks at me. "Where are your parents?"

Nate walks into the room at that moment and says. "They were murdered a couple months ago. Chloe is our Guardian, now." He takes a step forward. "She's done the best she can for us. But meeting Jai was the best thing that she did for us."

Veronica smiles. "I tried to raise my kids to respect everyone it's a shame that one of my son's doesn't respect a thing. I should never have helped him out all the times I did. I thought people were lying about him. When he tried to strike you, Chloe. I knew it was the truth. She was lucky that Jai saw the whole thing and stopped him before it went too far."

Indeed I was lucky that he saw it and got to me in time.

Veronica looks between Nate and I. She says. "I'm sorry about your parents. I'm sure they were great people. They raised three great kids." She looks at Jai. "Can your father and I visit you sometime?"

A smile spreads across Jai's face. "I would love that. Chloe, Nate and Aleysa will be living with me when you visit. So, you won't have to see them in a different place."

Dad walks into the room. "That's my boy." He puts his arm around his son's shoulder. "I supposed you didn't expect the woman that you were going to ask to move in with you having two siblings to look after."

Jai hits his dad's stomach. "I wasn't expecting anything when it came to a woman that I was going to ask to live with me." He looks at me. "Everything I want in a woman is standing next to Mom. I could never ask for a better woman than the one that walked into my bar demanding that I give her a job or she'd flood my bar. I knew that if I turned her away it might have been the biggest mistake of my life. Every moment I spend with Chloe and her siblings I know that I made the right chose when I..."

Gave me the proposal?

"What son?"

He shakes his head. "It's nothing." He changes the conversation. "When's dinner?"

"We're about the put it on the table." Veronica says. "Do you think Aleysa would want anything when she wakes?"

Nate stands next to her. "We should make her a plate and put it in the fridge. She might want something to eat when she wakes up." Nate and Veronica walk out the door.

Mr Marshall follows his wife and my brother.

Jai wraps his arm around my waist and we exit the house. He kisses the top of my head. "Why don't you take a seat and I will get us something to eat." He picks up two plates and walks over to the BBQ where his uncle is serving the food.

I make my way over to the table. I find two seats vacant next to each and I sit. I take my jumper off and place it on the chair next to me.

The woman across from me laughs. "Are we still in high school where we hold seats for our friends?"

I laugh. "I supposed so. I don't want Jai sitting at the opposite end of the table while I sit here with strangers."

She smiles. "I'm Fiona. One of Jai's cousins." She points to the guy next to her. "This is my husband Harry, next to him are my children. Gisele, Jake, Thomas and Harris."

The kids look a lot like there parents. They have there Mom's dark hair and there dad's nose. Two have brown eyes and the other two have blue eyes like there father.

Nate and Jai sit next to me.

"I'm Chloe. Next to me is my brother Nate and my sister Aleysa is asleep."

Fiona looks at me. "The girl that collapsed inside the house is your sister?"

I nod.

She leans forward. "Is she alright?"

"Yes, she's fine. She just needs to rest. She will be down later."

"She got cancer." Nate says. I kick his leg and he frowns. "What?"

I whisper. "You didn't need to tell them the truth. Some things are better left a secret. This is something I don't want to broadcast around the world. Why do you think I have been keeping things to myself."

"You told Veronica. It was none of her business."

"That was different. She's Jai's Mom and she cares for Aleysa."

"What makes you think the rest of the family don't feel the same about our little sister?"

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