Goodbye Marshall's Part I

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The following morning I wake up wrapped in Jai's arms and I feel his chest rise and fall as he's still asleep. I watch him sleep for awhile before he opens his brown eyes and looks at me. He kisses my cheek. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Morning," I mumble against his chest and he laughs.

"You're cute, when your embarrassed, Chloe. Last night was the best sleep I have had in weeks."

I lift my head to look at him. "Is that because you shared a bed with me?"

He nods. "It felt good to have you in my arms as well. I forgot how nice it was to wake up with the woman you love in your arms."

I wonder how many woman he loved before I came into the picture.

I sit up. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

Jai winks. "Is it working."

I climb off the bed. "Yes, but we're not going to have our first time together under the roof of your parents place or in your childhood bed. I don't know how many girls you slept with on this mattress."

Jai laughs. "Mom and Dad brought this bed after I moved out. Mom told Dad that she couldn't stand to look at the bed that had heaps of girls in it. She wanted the next bed for the woman I was going to marry to share it with me."

I like his Mom more for doing that.

I walk over to my suitcase and open it. I quickly get changed into a red dress and ballet flats. "I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast." I open the door and run out of the room.

When I get to the kitchen Veronica looks at me. "Where's the fire, sweetie?"

"In your son's room."

She starts laughing. "I take it you didn't..."

"No," I cut her off and shaking my head. My face starts to heat up from embarrassment. "I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Nate and Aleysa walk into the kitchen. They sit next to me at the table.

"Morning," Veronica says.

"Morning," Nate and Aleysa say.

Jai walks into the kitchen and he kisses his Mom's cheek. "Good morning, Mom. Can I help you with something?"

Veronica points to an orange plastic bowl. "I want you to put two cups of wholemeal flour into the bowl."

She's smart to get her son to cook breakfast for us.

"Put two teaspoons of baking powder in it." I watch him measure everything out and place it in a bowl. "Two tablespoons of caster sugar." Jai measures that as well. He looks at his Mom as she rounds the table and sits next to me. "What are you doing, Mom?"

Veronica winks at me before she turns her attention back to her son. "I'm letting my son cook for his beautiful girlfriend and her siblings. When you get back home you will be able to cook something else for breakfast besides bacon and eggs."

I don't mind having that every once and while.

"What else do I need to do?"

"Get the buttermilk, ricotta cheese and milk out of the fridge." Veronica puts the milk and buttermilk into the bowl. "Get an egg and put it in with the two milks."

Jai gets an egg and he walks back over to the milks and he cracks the egg on the side of the bowl. A few small pieces of shell go into the mixture.

Aleysa looks at me and says. "I'm not eating that. He'll probably leave the shells in the milk and we will have a crunch to our pancakes." She pulls a face.

Veronica and I laugh.

Nate shakes his head. "Women,"

Jai slaps his back. "Tell me about it. They drive you up the..." He stops mid sentence as his father steps into the room.

Mr Marshall looks around the room. "What's going on in here?"

Veronica moves over to her husband and she kisses him. "I was teaching our son how to cook pancakes. Until he ruined the milk mixture by putting eggs shells in it."

He kisses her cheek. "That's what you get for teaching your son to cook."

Veronica shakes her head. "Why is it when our kids do something wrong there my kids?"

"It's just easier to blame the women."

Veronica slaps. "Shut up."

I miss the times that my parents did that.

Aleysa grabs my hand and we walk out of the room. She hugs me. "Mom and Dad used to do that all the time."

I walk with her over to a chair and we sit. "Yes, they did. Do you want to hear about my favourite one of Mom and Dad?"

Mom and Dad returned from an ultrasound appointment. They walked into the kitchen where I was studying and they didn't see me.

They were talking about the baby she was carrying.

Mom said. "It's a girl. I can tell. I have been sick most of this pregnancy like I was with Chloe."

"It's a boy." Dad said. "I don't want to be overrun by females."

"You have Nate that should be good enough."

"No, it's not."

Mom smiled. "Yes, it is. I don't want another boy. He will eat us out of this house when he's older."

"How would you know? You grew up with a bunch of sister."

I went to my best friends place and watched that happen with her brother." She stuck her tongue out.

"Boy," dad walks to the door.

Mom yells. "Girl," as the back door is slammed.

I cleared my throat. "Thanks for the show Mom. It was quit entertaining."

Mom had her hand over heart. "Shit! Chloe, don't scare me like that."

I laughed. "I was here the entire time. Dad and you should really pay attention when you walk into a room." I looked at her protruding belly. "That kid could pass as mine, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." she muttered. "This wasn't planned, sweetheart."

I know.

I looked at her. "I'm going upstairs to study. I will be down for dinner." I gathered my stuff and went to my room.

Aleysa has a smile on her face. "Mom, knew I was a girl."

"Yes, she did. She also told me that there's a 50/50 chance she could have got it wrong. She was surprised that she got it right. With Nate she said a girl. Dad cheered when he found out he was going to have a boy. He started to go crazy and brought everything with his football team and he set it up in our brothers room." Nate walks into the room at the moment. "Dad just didn't know that the room being decorated in footy stuff would make his son want to do it professionally. He'd be proud of you Nate." I place my hand on his face. "If you don't get a scholarship to the University of your choice I want you to know that I'm also proud of the man you are today. I know this year hasn't been easy for you."

Nate nods. "It hasn't been the easiest, but I have two sisters that will be here when I need them." He looks at Aleysa. "I love you, lil sis."

She smiles. "Love you too."

My stomach rumbles and I look at my siblings. "I wonder if breakfast is ready." I take Aleysa's hand.

We make our way into the kitchen to find food stacked on plates in the middle of the table.

Jai is sitting at one corner. "I saved seats for you three. Hurry before the rest of the family come in."

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