His Proposal

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At Lusive I step out of the car and make my way to the entrance door.

Jai places his hand the on the small of my back. "Before you start work I need to see you in my office." He doesn't move his hand from my back as we make our way to his office.

When we get to the stairs he removes his hand and I walk up the stairs.

A few people look at us as we walk to the office.

He opens the door and waits for me to enter first.

I make my way over to the chair. I see a yellow envelope with my name on it. I turn to him. "What's this?"

Jai moves over to his chair and then pushes himself over to my side of the table. "That's the proposal I have for you. Open it, let me know if I need to change anything on it."

I open the envelope and look at the details on it.

Name: Chloe Knight

DOB: June 28th, 1990

My phone number and address are on the piece of paper. I scroll further down the page and I see the proposal near the bottom of the page.

1. Jai Marshall will pay for Aleysa Knight's hospital cost and private room.
2. Chloe Knight will be Jai Marshall's Girlfriend. She will be presented in front of his family at the family reunion and afterwards to the press.
3. Chloe Knight will not reveal the proposal to the press. If she does she will have to pay Jai Marshall two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
4. Chloe Knight will continue to work at Lusive until both parties have agreed that it's no longer possible for them to work together.

I look at him. "You're doing all that for me and all you're asking for in return is for me to be your girlfriend?" I shake my head. "I thought that you would add something extra to this proposal."

He places his arm around me. "I have everything that I need, Chloe. I'm not going to force a whole heap of things onto you. I'm not that type of guy. I would like to have a family someday, but that's something I can't force onto you in a proposal. It will be unfair for both of us if we're not in love."

I rise. "I hope you don't regret this proposal with me." I pick up the pen and sign the document." I put my hand on his arm and whisper. "You don't have to worry about me telling the world about the proposal. Just put it in the right people's hands. If you don't it will get out and I will be the one to face the consequences of a shit storm."

Jai shakes his head. "I won't let anything happen to your family and you."

I open the door. "I better get to work. I don't want the boss to fire me because I'm tardy." I wink at him.

He laughs. "He wouldn't fire you. If I didn't have you working for me I wouldn't be getting extra money from the customers. Having you here has made more guys drop by."

"Maybe, you should let the lower class join the rich guys. Then you'd get more money. Or hire more woman. Then we can go coyote ugly for the crowd."

Jai laughs and it lights his eyes up. He shakes his head. "There's no way you'll be doing that. However, I might consider hiring more woman."

"Bye, Jai." I shut the door and make my way down to the bar. I step behind the bar and a guy walks over to me. "Hey, I'm Kye."

I shake his hand. "Chloe," I drop his hand and look at the camera.

Kye shakes his head. "The boss told me all about you. He said that you were a good worker and that you're off limits." He looks me up and down. "I see why the boss wants you. You're hot as hell."

I smirk. "Better be careful or I'll burn you." I wink at him and move down to the other end of the bar." I serve customers. As soon as I've finished one group another group moves over to the bar.

A guy slides a piece of paper towards me with the money. "Here's my number, beautiful. If you get sick of your current boyfriend you can call me."

I take the money and number off the bar. "I'll think about it." I put the number next to till and I get the change out. I walk over to him and give him change. "Have a great night."

That group walks away and another takes its place. A guy whistles. "Hey, Baby. I need a drink."

I lean across the bar. "What do you want?"

He places his order and I make the drink. I put it in front of him. He slides the money across the table. When he moves his hand I see a condom on the note.


I take the money off the counter and put it in the till. I leave the change in the till and I move over to him. "You can keep the condom. I won't be needing it tonight."

He leaves it on the bar and walks away.

Kye looks at the wrapping. "Does that happen to you all the time?"

I shake my head. "This is the first time."

Jai runs down the stairs. His hands are in fists.

I hurry towards him and block his way. I place my arm on chest. "Jai, let it go."

He shakes his head. "That guy needs to learn a lesson."

"Not, tonight. Go to your office. I'm fine here." I  whisper. "You don't need to go all caveman." I pull him towards the stairs. "Don't come down for the rest of the night. I'll bring you a JD as soon as the bar slows down with customers."

Jai reluctantly walks up the stairs. "If someone else harasses you in going to throw them out of my club. I don't like seeing that sort of stuff happen to you." He climbs the stairs and I hear the door slam behind him.

I walk back toward the bar and I see Jai pacing around on his office.

He needs that drink way more than the people waiting at the bar.

I stop next to Kye once I return to the bar. "Can you look after my section? I have to take something up to the boss. He won't be happy if he doesn't get a drink."


I pour Jai a good amount of JD into the glass and I step out from behind the bar.

As I walk through the crowd towards Jai's office a guy stops me. He tall frame blocks me. "Where do you think you're going beautiful?"

"Away from you." When I try to side atep him he moves in that direction. I try the other way and he does the same. "Can I please go?"

"Not until you dance with me?"

Alex is walking through the crowd when he spots. "Is everything alright, Chloe?"

I shake my head. "This guy won't let me the boss a drink."

Alex pulls the guy away from me and I make my way over to the stairs that take me to Jai's office.

I open the door and enter the office. I see Jai lying on the couch and he has his feet hanging over the arm rest.

He looks at me. "Thanks for the drink, Chloe."

"You're welcome, Jai." I place it on the table. "I'll see you before I leave." I walk out of the office and head back to work.

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