Nate's 18th Birthday Part I

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Today is the last day were spending at Camp Tranquility and it's also Nate's birthday. I climb out of bed and walk over to the closet. I pull out a denim skirt and a t-shirt. I quickly get changed and pick up Nate's present.

Jai wakes up as I'm about to walk out the door. He looks over at me. "Where are you going?"

I open the door. "I'm going to see Nate. It's his eighteenth birthday today. I don't want him to wake up alone." I shut the door and make my way to Nate's door. I knock on it.

The door opens and I see Nate with red eyes, tear stains are on his face. I put the present down and pull him in for a hug. "Mom and Dad would be so proud of you. You graduated from high school and in a couple of days you will be leaving me to go to university. Jai brought a place close by for when we visit you. So, that's where you will be living until you get to move into a dorm room. I also got you a job at a local restaurant. They will be flexible with your schedule."

A smile spreads across his face. "Thanks, Chloe. You didn't have to get me a job."

"Yes, I did. If at anytime you want to quit the job all you have to do is talk to the manager. That way he will know to put someone else on to cover your shift."

He pulls away from me. "Can Teresa stay with me until school starts? She told me last night that she can't stay with her mother any longer. She's being a pain in her butt."

I laugh. "Sure, but you have to stay in separate rooms and don't do anything that she doesn't want to do."

"Okay, Mom."

I slap the back of his head. "I'm serious."

"I know." He looks at the ground. "Is that for me?"

I lift the present up and I place it in his hand. "Yes, it is."

His face falls. "Last years birthday didn't mean much to me, but this one does. It sucks that everyone from our family are gone and it's only us." Nate walks over to the lounge and he puts the present on the ground and he begins crying.

I move over to my brother and wrap my arms around him. Just listening to my brothers sobs makes me cry as well.

Jai walks into the room and he looks at us. He doesn't say anything as he knows it's a brother and sister moment.

Nate's the first one to pull away. He wipes at the tears on my face. "Thanks for being the first person that I got to see on my Birthday. It means a lot that you got up early to be with me."

I will always be here for him.

I lift his face with my hand and look into his eyes. "I will always be here for you. If you ever get into trouble call me and I will be wherever you are quickly. I will help you out every way possible. I love you, Nate."

He wipes the tears off his face. "Thank you."

Jai walks over to Nate. "I didn't get you anything, Nate. So, I was thinking that you and I could have a boys day, until dinner. I'm sure Chloe would like to have some time to herself."

A smile spreads across my face. "Yeah, I would. I think I need a massage."

Nate laughs. "I will let you get away with having some alone time on my birthday, but you owe me big tonight."

I salute him. "Yes, sir."

Nate opens the box and he has the latest apple products in the box. The latest iPhone, watch, iPad. He's going to need them when he's at school. "Thanks, Chloe. They are great. It's exactly what I need for the new school term."

"You're welcome."

Jai looks in the box. "You spoil him." He turns towards me. "Did you get him a printer? He's going to need one of those."

I shake my head. "I couldn't carry it. Also, can you pick up the laptop that I ordered as well. The shop told me that they would have it in today." I give Jai the details.

Nate puts the watch on and he follows us downstairs to the restaurant. He looks at me. "Where are we sitting today?"

"Outside, I don't think I'll be able to stomach all the greasy food that people are ordering in there. Even if someone orders it out here I doubt I'd be able to smell with the light breeze that's out here."

A waitress walks over to our table and we place our order of cereal, toast and pancakes.

The boys learnt from the last time we were here and I remember Jai telling me that he doesn't like seeing me sick. Even if it's because of the baby I'm carrying. When we get to LA I'm going to book an appointment with my doctor and find out how the baby is doing.

I can't wait to share the news with Jai's parents and then I'm going to talk with them about knowing my parents. I want to know why they didn't tell me that they knew me. Unless they don't know.

Nate snaps his finger in my face. "Chloe?"


"I've been trying to get your attention for the last three minutes. You zoned out on us."

My face begins to heat up. "I'm sorry. I was thinking about something." I turn towards him. "Nate, there's something that I need to tell you, but it will have to wait until we get home. It's about Mom and Dad."

"I trust you, Chloe. I will wait until you're ready to tell me what I need to know."

I place my hand on top of his and squeeze it. "Tonight I will give you something of Mom's.  There's things in there that you need to know. If I told you myself you wouldn't believe me and you'd ask for proof. So, it's best for me to give it to you. If you have questions you can write them down and ask me when we're at home and I'll do my best to answer them for you."


The waiter places the food on the table in front of us and we begin to eat.

A shadow comes across the table and a guy is standing close to us with his arms folded. He looks at Nate and then at me. "Do I know you?"

I shake my head. "I don't recall ever seeing you."

He laughs. "Of course you don't. You were hiding with your siblings when I killed your parents. If I hadn't been interrupted I would have found your siblings and you. Then all my problems would go away."

"I never saw you. You revealing yourself to me like this is stupid on your part. Do you really think that my brother and I would go anywhere without protection?"

He withdraws his gun and points it at me. "The names, Orion, bitch." He squeezes the trigger and I shut my eyes, holding onto my brother.

I hear two gun shots. I peel my eyes open and look at Nate and myself.

We're fine.

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