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Jai's POV

I wake up to the birds chirping outside my room makes me smile, as I know it's going to be a beautiful day today. There's a number of reasons why it's going to be a beautiful day. 1. I'm marrying my beautiful fiancé, 2. The sun is shining and 3. Everyone I love will be at the same place at the same time.

It's been a long time since that's happened.

I have cousins that have been living in Spain and London. They told me they were coming to the States to see me marry Chloe.

Savannah my older cousin said. "I never thought I'd hear you talk about getting married, less sending out invites."

I told her that my fiancé was the one that did that and she probably got the addresses from Mom.

Since, the engagement, Mom has helped Chloe organise the wedding. Even if we weren't in the same state, Mom was still working on everything. She would email Chloe and she would tell Mom if she liked it or not.

Chloe came across a church when she was driving around and she liked the church we were going to. She told me that it faces the beach and it would be the perfect place to get photos taken before going to the hall close to the beach for the reception.

It was an hour drive away from the city to get to the coastal town.

I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Two limos pull into the driveway and I grab my jacket before I make my way down the stairs to my family. I look at everyone in the room. "I want Nate, Jeremy and Ace to travel with me to the church. Everyone else you have the other limo or you can drive."

"Do you know where we're going?" Savannah asks.

I pull the wedding invite from my top pocket. "Newport beach."

She shakes her head. "You couldn't remember the name of the place without looking at the invite. Is that why you're carrying it around?"

She caught me.

The reason why I can't remember the name of the place is because beautiful fiancé was sitting in my lap entwining our fingers together and all I could concentrate on was how hard she was making me. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and I kissed her and the conversation was forgotten.

Fingers are snapping in my face. "Jai?"

I look at my cousin. "What?"

"I called you like six times and you didn't respond. I was getting worried."

"I was thinking about my fiancé."

Savannah touches my arm. "I'm truly happy for you, Jai. I hope she's not a complete bitch like the other girls you've dated."

Nate walks over to her. "Do not say that about my sister again. She's a down to earth person and she thinks of others before herself. She's one of a kind and I'm lucky to call her my big sister." He looks around the room. "I'm sure, Veronica and Ricky would love to hear you say that about her."

Mom looks at our group. "What wouldn't I like?"

"Nothing," Savannah says too quickly.

Mom crosses her arms. "Before we leave someone needs to tell me what's going on?"

Savannah walks over to Mom and she whispers what she said.

Mom's nostrils begin to flare and her fists are closed. She looks at me and takes a deep breath. "I get why you said it. You thought she was after Jai's money?"

Savannah crosses her arms. "I've seen girls use and abuse him. I didn't want her to be another one."

I place my hand on her shoulder. "Chloe and my relationship wasn't conventional. We met when she needed a job. She was desperate..."

Savannah cuts me off. "That's how it's starts, Jai."

Mom looks at her. "Let him finish the story, Savannah."

"It turns out she was desperate because her little sister was diagnosed with leukaemia and she wanted money to pay the hospital bills that she was going to get eventually." A tear slips down my face. "I spent ten months with her. She was like another sibling to me."

Savannah walks over to me and she hugs me. "Where is the sister now?"

Nate answers me. "She passed away a couple months ago. It still effects us. The loss of Aleysa has been felt by the people closest to her."

Mom wipes her face.

I know she misses Aleysa as well. I heard her crying last night and she was telling Dad that it's sad that Aleysa's not around for this special occasion or the birth of her niece or nephew.

The horn on the limo blares and I remember that I'm supposed to be in my way to Newport Beach with my friends and family. "Come on, Nate." I grab his arm and pull him out the door.

When we get to the limo Jeremy and Ace are inside.

Jeremy is a close friend of mine and I haven't seen him in awhile as he likes to disappear from time to time.

The limo pulls in front of the church in Newport Beach. I start to feel hot and I loosen my tie and look out the window. I see a brick building with the cross symbol on the roof. The grass has been mowed and leaves are in a pile next to a gate.

Wayne opens the door. "I will be here tonight to take Chloe and you to the Marriott hotel for you're honeymoon."

I step out of the car. "Thank you,"

Nate, Ace and Jeremy follow me to the front doors of the church. As we enter the building my family walk over to me and they start talking to me about how they are happy that I have found someone.

Mom walks through the doors and she looks at me. "You should find a room and wait there. I don't want you to see the girls when they come in." She shows us to the room. "Don't come out until you're father tells you it's alright."

"Okay, Mom."

She closes the door.

It's so hot.

I pull my jacket off and pull the sleeves up. "She's not going to show."

Standing in this room is what starts to get me nervous. Everything is seeming too real at this moment. The things I know that are real; is my feelings for Chloe and the family we're going to start.

I start pacing back and forth muttering. "She's not going to show."

Nate touches my shoulders. "She will be here. She loves you, Jai."

The door opens and I see my sister walk into the room. "How's it going in here?"

I look at her. "Has she arrived yet?"

Charlotte shakes her head. "Not yet. She will be here."

"She's not going to show. If she was she would be here by now."

Charlotte smacks me across the face. "I know you're nervous Jai. I've been their, but you have nothing to worry about with Chloe. She will be here shortly. Besides, it's tradition for the bride to be late. If it makes you feel better I will see if Chloe's here yet." She kisses my cheek before walking out the door.

A few minutes later a phone rings and I see Nate pull his phone out his pocket. He answers the phone.

Nate: Hello?

I can only hear his part of the conversation, but when he says to me. "Chloe says calm down."

Nate: I'm not saying all that.

What did she tell him to say?

Nate looks at me. "She's here and she can't wait to see you." He looks at the phone and he knows that Chloe hung up on him.

She's here.

I will be marrying her in ten minutes.

Nate looks at me. "I have to go to Chloe now, but I will stand behind Ace later." He walks out the door.

Five minutes later, there's a knock on the door and Dad walks in. "It's time."

The guys and I walk to the stage and we wait for my fiancé to make her appearance. A song plays on the radio and I watch as Leila, Teresa and Charlotte walk towards the stage.

"She looks incredible," Ace whispers.

I can't wait to see Chloe walk toward me.

The song comes to an end. A woman sits behind the organ and she begins to play 'here comes the bride.' Her white hair whips around her face. The door to the room opens and I turn towards it. I watch as my bride steps into the room. She's wearing a beautiful flowing gown that shows off her baby bump.

She looks beautiful.

Chloe can't take her eyes off me and I can't either

A smile spreads across my face and I mouth. "I love you."

"I love you, too." After that she stops walking as liquid pours out from between her legs and it's mixed with a lot of blood.

That's not supposed to happen.

"Chloe," I yell. I run off the stage towards her.

She collapses and her brother catches her before she can hit the floor.

Mom rushes over to her and she lifts the dress up. "Son, I need you to get my medical bag. It's in the trunk. Please, hurry. They don't have enough time." Mom used to be doctor and she's dealt with pregnancies like this before and by the sound of her voice it's not good.

I run by Teresa and I hear on the phone to the paramedics.

They will be here soon.

I run out the door of the church and head straight for Mom's car. I pull her medical bag out of the car and then I run back into the church. "Don't let them die, Mom." I yell.

The safety of my family lies in the hands of the woman that gave birth to me.

Mom looks at Ace. "Please, take him outside. He shouldn't see this."

Ace grabs ahold of me and pulls me toward the door.

I struggle against his hold. "I'm not leaving them." I move over to Mom. "What can I do?"

She looks at me. "If you're going to stay, Jai. You need to stay out of my way. I can't worry about you while I'm tending to Chloe and your daughter."

Dad pulls me to my feet. "Let Mom do her job."

Looking around the room I don't Nate anywhere. I turn towards Ace and Leila. "Can you look for Nate? Tell him that my Mom is going to do everything she can do save Chloe and his niece. You should bring him back here too."

Mom pulls out a incision knife and she pours alcohol onto his. She lifts up Chloe's dress and cuts above her pubic line.

I watch carefully as Mom pulls my daughter out of Chloe.

Mom looks at me as she holds my daughter. "You have a beautiful daughter, Jai."

I wait for my daughter to cry and when she doesn't I say. "Mom,"

Mom looks at me. "Give of a minute, Jai. She's a premature baby. She'll cry shortly."

I wait and a moment later my daughter begins to cry.

Thank god.

Mom places my daughter in my arms and she tells me how to hold her, before turning her attention back to Chloe. She sews Chloe up.

Looking up from my daughter I ask Mom. "How's Chloe?"

Mom puts her things back into her medical bag. "Chloe, is doing alright. It was you're daughter that was in danger. Chloe had what's known as Vasa Previa. It was undiagnosed within her, but sometimes that can happen when the females water breaks. Chloe needed a c section right away or she could have lost your daughter."

The paramedics walk into the room and Mom tells them what she did. They put Chloe on a stretcher and they take her to the ambulance. I take a seat at the side and look at my daughter. Her eyes are closed and she's slightly covered in blood. She has a small amount of hair on her head. She looks like an alien with a coned head shape.

Thanks to Mom giving Chloe a c section.

The paramedic looks over my daughter and he writes some things down on a piece of paper.

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