Presenting The Assignment

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I pull my car into the parking lot of the High School. I pick up the bag from the passenger seat and step out. I walk into the office and the lady behind the window is the same one that worked here when I was at this school. "Hello, Mary."

She looks at me and a smile spreads across her face."Chloe?"


She rises and walks out of her office. She hugs me. "It's been such a long time."

"It has. How have you been?"

"Great, my daughter just had her first child. So, I have been spending time with her and my Grandson. I love being a grandma."

I wish my parents were here for when that time comes for me.

She steps away from me. "What can I do for you today?"

"I'm here to see my brother. Nate is presenting his assignment in class today and he wanted me here for it."

"I will get Mr Jones for you. He wanted to see you before you went to the hall. She walks over to the door behind me and she knocks.

The door opens and I see a guy that looks no older than thirty standing there. He has black hair and green eyes, tanned skin, a chiseled jawline. He looks at me. "You must be Miss Knight."

"Yes, I am. I didn't know you were young."

He throws his head back and laughs. "I'm not that young. It's a compliment to hear that from a beautiful woman." He steps aside. "Come in."

I step into the room and he begins to close the door. "Could you leave the door open, please?"

I don't want to be left alone with this guy in the office. I don't trust his intentions of being with me in here.

Mr Jones opens the door wider and he moves over to the chair next to mine. "I had a few phone calls from some parents of the guys from the football team and they like what you're doing today. They asked if they could watch and I gave them permission to see it happen." He looks at the door. "Where is your sister?" He moves his chair closer to me.

"She's not here. She will be watching the whole thing from home." I rise.

I don't want to be left in the same room as him anymore.

"I don't want to keep Nate and his team waiting." I walk to the door and crash into a hard body. I feel muscles through the t-shirt and I look up and see the brown eyes of my boyfriend.

Jai smiles. "Hey, baby." He looks at the door I just walked out of. His face hardens when he sees Mr Jones.

This isn't going to be good.

He kisses my cheek. "I will meet you in the hall. I have to do something first." He walks into the principal's office.

I don't want to be here when Jai does whatever it is he's going to do.

I walk out of the office and head straight to the hall.

When I get there I see Nate with his friends.

Nate looks up as I walk into the hall. He walks over to me. "Hey, sis." He hugs me.

The teacher clears his throat. "Everyone please take a seat today we have a group that is doing there assignment on leukaemia and they have decided to do something different with the assignment I assigned them. This is the first time that I have come across a group that has decided to take something like this in a new direction. Mr Knight and group would you come up here?"

I pull out my phone and I call Aleysa through the Facebook App.

She picks up. "Hey, Chloe."

I smile. "How is everything going with Mr and Mrs Marshall?"

"It's going great. I wish you were here."

"Me too. I will see you later. I'm going to take Nate home early today. He wants to see them before he plays tonight."

Veronica appears next to Aleysa. "We can't wait to see him. We should go somewhere for dinner before the game."

"I agree." I look on the stage and see Nate and his friends. "It's time for the presentation." I turn the phone towards the stage.

Jai walks into the hall and he stands next to me. "Have I missed out on anything?"

I shake my head. "The only thing you missed out on was your Mom wanting to take us out for dinner tonight. When we leave here we're taking Nate with us. I spoke to the coach earlier and he said it was alright."

Jai smiles. "The coach likes you doesn't he?"

I nod. "I got along with him when I attended here. Mom and Dad were here helping out over the years."

Nate looks at me. "My group and I were assigned the disease leukaemia and we thought that we would do something different with it. As most of you know my sister Aleysa has leukaemia and it's been difficult for my family to deal with." He looks at Jai. "My sister's boyfriend has been supportive of our family and he even took us into his house. I'm grateful for the kindness he's shown us."

"I agree." Aleysa yells.

I laugh.

Jai wrap his arms around me and says. "You're welcome."

I look around the room and see the guy that I saw at the hospital standing in the shadows. I whisper. "The guy from the hospital is here. He's close to the door."

Jai turns around and he looks in the direction I saw him. "There's no one there."

"I'm not seeing things, Jai. I know he was there."

"I believe you."

One of the guys from the group steps forward. "Leukaemia, is a group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow and result in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells. These white blood cells are not fully developed and are called blasts or leukaemia cells. Symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever, and an increased risk of infections. These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells."

Nate steps forward. "That's what we found out with Aleysa when her cancer returned. It's not the first time she went through this. This time we got a video of my sister. She wanted to say a few things on this topic and I couldn't turn her down." He looks at his teacher. "We will take an F, but we decided that Aleysa should tell everyone what she's been through." Nate pulls the television out and he puts a disc in.

Aleysa comes onto the screen. "Hello, my name is Aleysa Knight. I have leukaemia. This isn't the first time I have had cancer. It's been five years since I last had it. My parents were here the first time. This time it's been difficult as my older sister is the one that's taking care of me. I want to start off by saying that I love you, Chloe." She pauses for a moment. "Jai you were the best thing to happen to my family. During this difficult time you managed to make Chloe smile even though I can see that all she wants to do is break down and cry. You have given her strength to make it day by day. I would hate to see how this would have turned out if she didn't walk into your bar and demand a job." She has tears falling down her face. "The one difficult thing about having cancer is not knowing how much time you have to live. I don't think I will survive this time. At least when I go I know that my older sister and brother will have each other and Jai. I know I will be missed by them terribly when the time comes. I want this video to be kept by them and when I'm gone they can watch this and remember me. Cancer sucks. That's one thing that I can tell you. When my cancer returned my sister saw bruises on me and I was pale; blood was covering my sheets and that freaked her out. I was in the hospital when they told her it returned. The first thing she thought of was getting a job to pay for the medical bills. It's not cheap to go through something like this. It puts a lot of pressure on the person caring for you. When my parents passed away we knew there wasn't enough money for me to go through chemotherapy. Chloe did have some money lying around and she paid for the first round out of her own money. I supposed she was saving that up for a rainy day."

I love they way she put this together. It's got information in it about leukaemia and it's also a 'goodbye' message all rolled into one.

She licks her lips. "The only thing painful about chemotherapy is when they put the needle into my arm. The loss of appetite and peeing less frequent is a pain. There's so much stuff that I could I tell you about leukaemia, but I'm afraid that I would hold you all up. A few of the football players would like to get their heads shaved in support of cancer." The video turns off.

That's my queue to go up on stage.

I walk onto the stage and shave the boys head.

After the teams head is shaved Nate walks over to me. "A few guys from the team want to give this to you." He hands me the envelope.

I open it and see a cheque for $250,000. I look at everyone. "Thank you so much for this." Tears begin to fall down my face. "This means so much to me." I turn towards my phone that Jai is holding. "Aleysa they raised $250,000. We're going to give this to the cancer clinic at the local hospital. They have been great treating my little sister. Thank you everyone."

Jai climbs onto the stage and he hugs me. Nate joins the hugs.

They didn't have to do this.

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