Protecting Dylan

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Jai's Pov

I walk through the doors of Young and Harrison's Law Firm. I see a bunch of seats in the corner of the room. A desk close to the lift with a secretary. I walk over to the desk and the woman looks up.

She puts a smile on her face. "Hey," her tongue slips through her lips and she licks them.

I hate it when woman do that. It's not sexy at all. It's creepy and it makes me sick.

Instead of smiling back at her I say. "I have an appointment with Grayson Young at 9:30."

She types something on the computer. "Okay, take a seat and I'll give him a call."

Caleb's parents walk through the door with a guy that looks exactly like Caleb. They walk over to me. The guy stays back.

"Cassie," I hug her. "It's good to see you again."

She laughs. "Likewise," she holds her hand out for her husband and he takes her hand. "I hope you remember my husband, Peter."

How could I forget that guy? He made Caleb and I laugh a lot when I spent the night at their place after partying too hard with friends.

I extend my hand and shake his hand. "It's good to see you again, Peter."

Peter shakes my hand and he turns towards his son. "Do you remember my son, Evan?"

I remember Evan, but I didn't think he would look exactly like his older brother. There is a fifteen year age gap between them.

Evan steps forward and he smiles. "Jai." He shakes my hand. "It's good to see you again."

The doors opens and Bianca walks in with Dylan. She stops at the doors and she looks at Caleb's parents. Her face pales. She turns her back to the family.

Dylan holds her hand. He looks around the room. "Mommy," he tugs on her hand. "I want ice cream."

She looks at him. "Later,"

"Okay," he looks at me. "Jai?"

Bianca lets his hand go and he runs over to me.

I lift Dylan up. "Hey, bud."

Grayson walks into waiting room. He looks at the group. "Please follow me to my office."

Bianca, Caleb's family, Dylan and I follow Grayson to his office. In the room we take seats. Dylan walks over to his Mom and sits in her lap.

Grayson pulls out a folder and places it on the table in front of me. He looks at the group. "Jai asked for a meeting today, regarding some things from Caleb's Will."

Cassie looks at me. "Why, did you get us together?"

I look over at her. "Caleb wanted me to take care of Bianca and Dylan and give them money when needed, but Bianca hasn't been doing well. She's been in and out of rehab for awhile. She had three weeks left before she was supposed to get her allowance from Caleb's money. I was worried about Dylan's safety and I came up with a way to get Caleb in a stable home environment and get Bianca the money she needs."

Grayson looks at Cassie. "From today Dylan will be in your care." He pushes a few papers towards her and she goes through it.

Peter sits next to her and he reads it as well.

Cassie and Peter sign the paper and they become guardians of Dylan.

Grayson turns towards Bianca. "I have a cheque for you. With this cheque you're not allowed near Jai."

Bianca signs the paper. She takes the cheque from the lawyer. She kisses her son. "Goodbye, Dylan." She walks out of the room.

I can't believe she would just walk out the door without a care in the world for her son.

I leave the room with Caleb's family.

Cassie pulls me into her arms and she begins to cry. "Thank you for letting us have a piece of our son back." She pulls away. "I didn't know Caleb had a son."

Dylan is standing next to Evan and they are talking. He has a smile on his face. "Can you tell me about, Dad?"

Evan picks him up. "Sure, but first let's get something to eat. I'm hungry."

"Me too." Dylan says.

"Do you want to have lunch with us?" Cassie asks.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and look at the time. "Yes, that would be nice. I would like to share some of my memories of Caleb with Dylan. I haven't spent too much time with my Godson as his mother didn't want my help. All she needed from me was the allowance your son wanted her to have."

Cassie smiles. "My son was smart to leave the access to his money to you. I knew Caleb was a smart man. He probably also knew she was using him for his money."

In the parking lot of the lawyers office I pull my phone out of my pocket and I go through the contacts until I reach Chloe's name. I call her.

Chloe: Hey, Jai.

Me: How's the shopping trip going?

Chloe: Good now.

Me: What do you mean by 'Good now?'

Chloe: Leila and Harley were at each other's throats when we got here. I'm going to ask them why they were like that. It's been annoying me since I got here.

Me: I have to go. I love you, fireball.

Chloe: I love you, Jai.

We tell each other everyday that we love each other. When we're together we say it, when we talk on the phone, even when we text each other.

Chloe has been the only girl that I have felt like this with and I'm glad that she was the one that made me realise that love is possible for a playboy like I was.

I climb into my car and head towards the restaurant.

After lunch I say "goodbye" to Dylan and Caleb's family. Now, I plan to go to Ace's and find out what's going through that head of his. He really needs someone to talk to. I climb into my car and head to the mansion. When I get to the gate I press the button on the intercom. Ace's voice comes over the machine. "Hello?"

"Ace, it's Jai. Can I come in?"

"Sure," the gates open and I pull the car into the driveway. I make my way up the driveway. I see Ace sitting on the porch with a beer in his hand.

Ace walks down the stairs towards me. He leans against the wall. "Do you want on?" He slurs.

"No, thank you." I climb out of the car and walk over to him. "Ace, how much have you had to drink?"

Ace doesn't answer me. "Let's go inside." He trips up the stairs and falls flat on his stomach and he starts laughing.

I help him up and take him to the living room. I put him on the lounge.

He looks at me. "She's having my baby, dude." He shakes his head. "I can't have a baby with someone that's innocent. I'm not innocent. I have blood on my hands." The beer bottle in his hand falls to the ground as he passes out.

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