The Billionaire's Baby Agreement Part I and II

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Ava Montgomery works at a dead end job as waitress. One night her regular customer "Mr Armani" enters the diner with an envelope for his waitress. It's an agreement for her to carry his child.

Here's a sneak peak

I gave birth to a baby girl yesterday. She was healthy and weighed 4 pounds 5 ounces. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had black hair and brown eyes.

It felt great holding the baby.

If I close my eyes I can imagine her still in my arms. After she was born I was given my daughter and I had her placed on me. My skin was in contact with hers and she looked around the room taking everything in. I held my daughter for thirty minutes before the nurses took her away from me.

Dex entered the room and placed the cheque on the table. He looked at me. "You're not needed anymore, Ava. I hope you have a wonderful life."  He exits the room without looking back at me.

I cried myself to sleep.

This morning the doctors gave me the discharge papers and I was sent home. As I was leaving I wanted to see my daughter on last time and I walked over to the Nic u, where she was.

Dex sees me at the window and he whispers something to the nurse.

She picks up the telephone and says something into it. After the call she pulls the blinds down and I never got to see her through the window.

Two security guards approach me and tell me that I have to leave the hospital. They escort me off the premises and ask if I had a way to get home and I told them I did.

My daughter is going to grow up without a mother in her life.

I don't want her to grow up like that.

Right now I'm standing on the roof of my apartment building with a bottle of wine in my hand. In my other I am holding an ultrasound photo of my daughter and the cheque that holds 1 billion dollars.

I put the bottle to my lips and take a long swig.

If I jumped nobody would notice.

I climb onto the ledge of the building and I look over Los Angeles. I can see the skyline of the city from where I'm standing. The San Fernando valley is close by and the Hollywood sign is noticeable from the roof. I take another swig of wine and I start to sway.

I need to get off the ledge.

I climb off the ledge and put the bottle on the ground. I look at the cheque and pull it apart. I throw the cheque in the air  and watch the pieces fall to the ground like confetti.

I have to get away from here. A fresh start is what I need.

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