The Flu Part I

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I have been starting to feel run down the last couple of days, between staying at the hospital with my sister. Trying to be there for my brother, Nate and watching him play football.

Then also working hard at Lusive trying to make extra cash for my siblings and I to survive off when Aleysa comes home from the hospital.

I know that I can't have my sister living at the hospital until she either passes away or survives the cancer.

After another long shift at the bar I decide to go home and sleep in my bed. I haven't been sleeping properly at the hospital and the nurses keep waking me up every time they check on Aleysa.

Before I left the hospital Aleysa told me that she thinks it's best that I sleep at home for a couple of nights before going back to sleep in the suite she has now.

In the middle of the night I wake up shivering and my nose is running. I climb out of bed and walk into the living room. I grab a tissue and blow my nose.

Nate enters the room and he looks at me. "You look like hell, sis. Can I get you anything?"

I shake my head. "It's 3am, I can't have you go anywhere to get me anything. Go back to bed. Check on me before you go to school in the morning."

Nate fills up a glass with water. He turns towards me. "You won't be able to see Aleysa with your cold."

I start coughing. I cover my mouth with my hand. "Damn it."

Nate walks back to his room and shuts the door.

I can't believe I got sick. I never get sick though.

I search the cupboard for some cold and flu tablets. I take two tablets and pull out a bottle of water from the fridge. I walk back to my room and climb into bed. I fall asleep.


I feel someone shake me. "Chloe?" I look at my brother. "What do you want?"

He sighs. "I'm taking the day off to look after you. If I don't you will dehydrate and I'd have to take you to the hospital to get fluids. I don't want to do that." A knock at the door stops Nate from talking. He looks at me. "I will get it. You stay in bed." Nate walks out of the room.

I hear voices whispering. Then Nate says. "Come in. She's in her room."

My bedroom door opens and Jai enters the room.

Jai moves over to me. "You look like hell."

"I feel like it." I sniffle. "Can you get me a tissue." I rasp out. I start to cough.

Jai looks at me. "I'm going to the pharmacy to buy some tablets for you." He turns to Nate. "You need to go to school. I will take care of your sister until you get home. Do you have football practice after school?"

Nate nods. "Yeah, I will be home right after. Unless you want me to go to the hospital and see Aleysa?"

"I won't stop you if you want to see your sister. I'm going to call her soon and tell her that I won't be able to visit her for a few days as I have a cold." I look at Jai and Nate. "You should leave. I want to sleep some more. Jai the house keys are on the hook next to the door. Please, lock the door as you leave."

Jai and Nate walk out my room door. Before Jai closes the door, he whispers. "I will be back soon. Get some rest. Don't forget to drink some water."

"Yes, Sir." I reach over to my nightstand and grab the glass of water. I take a drink and place it back. I lie my head back on the pillow. I pull the blankets around me some more and close my eyes.

My iPhone vibrates on the nightstand and I open my eyes. I move my hand across the table until I find it. I swipe my finger across the screen and answer it.

Me: Hello?

Aleysa: I thought you were coming to the hospital this morning.

I sit up and look at the clock. It says 10:30. I start coughing.

Me: I'm not feeling well, Aleysa. I won't be able to see you with your immune system low. I'm sorry.

Aleysa: That's alright. I thought something like that might have happened. You were cold after you climbed into the car after getting wet yesterday.

Me: Do you want Nate to visit you?

Aleysa: No, I'm going to enjoy the piece and quiet. I have things that I want to read and now I won't be distracted from the reading that my class is doing.

Me: Nerd.

Aleysa laughs.

Me: I'll see you in a couple of days.

I hang up the phone and climb out out of bed. I walk into the living room and see Jai asleep on the lounge. I walk over to the fridge and get a bottle of water.

There's a bag on the table next to Jai. I open it up and pull out the cold and flu tablets. I take two.

Jai opens his eyes and he looks at me. "I'm sorry I forgot to wake you."

I sit on the arm rest and put my hand in his hair and I drag my hand through his dark locks. "That's alright. It was about time I woke up. Aleysa called and she wanted to know if I was going in and I told her I wasn't feeling well. So, she said that its okay that I don't go there. She wants to catch up on some reading for class. She's dedicated to school even though she's sick." I look away from him. "I just wish that she didn't have to get sick again. It was bad enough losing Mom and Dad, but this is worst. I can't promise her that she will be here when it's time for Nate and I to start a family. She was robbed from having kids at a young age." I begin to cry.

Jai wraps his arms around me. He holds onto me while I cry. He rubs my back. "She can still have a family one day. It won't be the same way as Nate and you, but she will have one."

I pull away from him and begin to cough. I look closer at his face and I see bags under his eyes. "Haven't you been sleeping well?"

He shakes his head. "I haven't been sleeping properly in the last week."

I place my hand on his face. "What's going on?"

He sighs. "Most nights my brain won't shut off. I just toss and turn for hours until I give up on sleep."

"That's not healthy for you, Jai. You need to get at least eight hours worth of sleep. Did you sleep alright on the lounge?"

He nods. "It was the best sleep I've had."

I'm glad he had a good sleep.

"Let's have brunch. I'm hungry."

He looks at me. "What do you want me to cook?"

"Whatever you can find in the cupboard and fridge will be fine. I have to go shopping this afternoon."

Jai rises. "Write a list of things you need and I'll get them."

I shake my head. "No, there's some feminine products that I need and I don't want you to get them for me. You will probably choose the wrong kind. You can take me shopping and if I feel faint I'll let you carry me out of the store with the products I need."

He smiles. "Deal,"

I watch him walk into the kitchen and he goes through the cupboard and pulls out plain flour and a few other things.

He looks great in my kitchen.

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