The Lookout

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At the top of the lookout I can see the Hollywood sign and the city of Los Angeles on the other side. Aleysa sits next to me. "I like it up here." She looks around. "We should come here more often."

I smile. "I agree." I point to a house that I can see through the trees. "Katy Perry lives there."

She jumps up. "Can we see if Katy's at home?"

I shake my head. "Jai's going to be here soon."

She looks at the car park. "How do you know?"

Veronica and Ricky walk over. "I called my son." Veronica admits. "It was funny while it lasted, but if Jai didn't know where you were he would tear the city apart just to find us." She looks at me. "You know what he's capable of after what happened when you were kidnapped."

Yes, I do. I don't want to see him and my cousin like that again.

I hear a car door slam and three guys and a girl walk up the path. They don't look happy when they see us.

Jai crosses his arms and he looks at me. "What were you thinking?"

"Veronica and Ricky deserved to be picked up straight away, instead of having there kids arguing about who was going to pick them up." I look at each of the siblings. "You are all adults now. You could have jumped in the same car or drove two different cars to pick them up, but instead you wanted to argue. I had enough of you yelling that I decided to get them. You were all giving me a headache. Aleysa, didn't want to stay at home with you, so she came with me. We got your parents and then went to get ice cream." I wrap my arms around him. "Now, we're at the lookout with you."

He kisses my head. "I want to take you out this weekend."

I look at him. "I would love that, but we're going to Yosemite." I turn towards Aleysa. "It was one of the things she wanted to do."

Aleysa walks over to me. "I hope we don't see a bear there. I hate bears."

I laugh. "I'm not going to promise you anything, but there's a chance we will see one as it's spring."

Her face falls. "I'm scared."

"You don't need to be scared, sis. If we see a bear make its way towards us we can walk into the closest shop and wait for it to leave."

"Okay," she hugs me. "When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, morning."

She looks at Veronica and Ricky. "Can they come?"

I look at Jai's family and a smile spreads across my face. "I booked a place that's big enough for everyone." I turn towards Charlotte. "The place is big enough for your family. You should invite them."

Charlotte runs over to me and she gives me a hug. "Thank you," a tear falls down her face. "My husband is going to be glad to get away from the house. He told me last night that he needed a break."

I pull my phone out of my bag. "Give him a call." I turn it on and put in the pin before I hand it to her.

She looks at the phone. "I left mine at the house, thanks." She takes it from me and walks up to the top of the lookout. She has a smile on her face as she talks to her husband.

Jai whispers. "I hope that's the way you look when you talk to me on the phone."

I elbow him. "How can I have that look on my face when we live together. You never call me."

Jai walks away with his phone in his hand.

I hope he's not trying to call me.

Charlotte walks over to me with the phone. "Jake's looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. He's taking care of the flights now. He can't wait to see you again."

The phone in my hand starts to ring and I see "Jai" flash across the screen.

Charlotte looks at my hand. "Who's calling you?"

I show her the phone. "He liked the smile that was on your face when you called your husband and he wants to see how I look when I answer the call."

She laughs. "My brother is such a romantic."

I hit answer and lift the phone to my ear and a smile spreads across my face.

Me: Is this what you wanted?

Jai: Yes, you look beautiful when you smile like that. While we're in Yosemite I'm taking you on a date whether you like it or not. There's enough people to take care of Aleysa if anything happens.

I turn his direction.

Me: I'd love that.

Veronica walks over to me and she looks from her son to me. "Who's on the phone?"

I point to her son. "He wanted to know if I would smile like Charlotte did when she called her husband."

She takes the phone from me.

Veronica: You can talk to her face to face. It's not like your on the other side of the world.

Jai puts his phone back into his pocket and he walks over to me. He glares at his Mum. "Why did you have to put an end to my fun?"

She laughs. "Your girl is here not travelling the world. You could call her when you're at the office."

He shakes his head. "I like watching my girl when she answers my calls."

Aleysa walks over to me. "Can we go home now? I'm tired."


She looks at Jai. "Can you carry me?" She gives him the puppy dog look.

He laughs. "I can't say no when you give me that look." He leans down and Aleysa jumps onto his back.

She wraps her legs around him. "Can you drive us back to the house? I don't want to be in the car with Chloe again."

I cross my arms. "I'm a good driver."

Aleysa rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say, sissy. I like it when Jai drives." She sticks her tongue out at me as Jai carries her to the car.

Ricky looks at me. "Your a good driver, but I think Aleysa wants to spend time with Jai." He looks at them. "She looks up to him."

"Yes, she does." I look at them. "She was the one that talked me into introducing Jai to my family. I was scared to tell him that my little sister had cancer."

Veronica wraps her arm around me. "He did something unexpected didn't he?"

I nod. "I like that he's different. If it was another guy I don't think my life would have been a little bit easier. I think it would have been harder." I walk down the path and stop at the car park.

Should I drive or go home with Jai?

Gerald walks over to me. "I will drive. You should go home with Jai. I will take care of my parents."

I walk over to the car Jai drove here and I climb in.

Jai takes my hand. "Let's go home."

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