Chapter 3

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I love this story 😭😭😭


I quietly close the front door behind me, Y/N's dog form safely cradled in my hold as she sleeps soundly, her energy completely used up during our outing to the park.

I'm not sure what I was expecting to see happen once there but... the cursed item, also commonly known as a ball, has some kind of crazy impact on an animal that I'll probably never be able to understand.

It's either that or I've been absolutely terrible to her this week because she ran around for hours without end, a real space rocket as she crossed the land so fast that it would sometimes take me a moment to find her only to see her at my feet with the ball between her teeth, eager for another throw.

There weren't any other hybrids at the park when we arrived there, something that had worried me because I was unsure if I'd be able to entertain her properly, but that worry ended up being far from needed when I saw her having a blast running all over the place, eyes shining whenever she'd turn in my direction to find me gazing at her with laughter on my lips.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy myself out there, she makes something boring into something amusing without even trying.

I drop the bag carrying the clothes she was wearing earlier on the floor and carefully make my way to the bedroom where I gently settle her on my bed, blankets drawn over her small furry body before I sit down by her side, fingers soft around her ears while she breathes in and out silently, small twitches to her limbs from time to time as if she's still running even in her dreams.

As if three hours weren't enough.

I'll have to take her out more often because today showed me loud and clear that she needs to move more. A walk once a day wouldn't be exaggerated, no matter the form she goes for, and I have to admit that the park was pretty great, I think she liked it so we'll definitely head there again when she feels like it, it was fun.

I lie down on my side next to her, arm pulling her to my chest as I have done every night since she's been here, it should feel weird now that I know about her being a hybrid, but even after seeing her in her human form, I can't help but feel so very soft for her.

She's so small that my every senses only want to keep her safe, specifically in my arms where I can feel her warmth.

I close my eyes to allow the image of her back to mind, she was beautiful, a rare beauty like I've never seen before and I can't deny the fluttering that happens in my chest when I remember her smile, waterfall of fire flowing down her shoulders as her pale skin reflected the warm glow of the sun.

When we made it to the park after a short walk side by side as she had yet to shift at the time, I couldn't stop staring at her profile as her eyes took in her surroundings with marvel. There was no denying that the small dog I came to adore so quickly and her were one and the same, yet my brain was struggling to make sense of it.

A goddess. I ended up adopting a goddess and that feels highly intimidating in some ways, as if I am undeserving of her presence. She shines so warmly that my heart can only accept to be pulled to her with every twirls she makes.

I kiss the top of her head, a feeling of incredible luck settling in the pit of my stomach, a new seedling meant to become a magnificent tree with the right care. It hasn't even been that long since she was made part of my life and yet she already manages to fill in the holes I had all throughout my soul.

It does make me wonder if I can do the same for her, but I don't know anything about her. About her past before the shelter, where she came from, if she ever met her parents. What was her life like before she ended up with Seokjin and Yoongi?

I wish she'd tell me one day, so that I too can help heal her soul.

Your POV

"Wake up, sleepy head. You need to get up now if you want clothes of your own" a deep voice mumbles near my face, caramel coffee merging with my own vanilla as a hand does a gentle ruffle between my ears.

I stretch my limbs with a small whine before opening my eyes to find Namjoon smiling down at me, his body nearly hovering over me as he pulls the blankets back to encourage his request, it forces another whine out of me as the warmth leaves my small body to further wake me up.

"You can't continue wearing my clothes all the time, sweet pup, they're all too large for you and if we go too late, there will be too many people. We need to head to the city where the mall is, it's only there that we'll find shops meant for hybrids as well as toiletries" he continues explaining as he roughly strokes my back, the vigorous shaking of my body enough to make me want to flee the bed to get away from him.

I manage to crawl away from him after snapping my teeth at his hand, an act that only earns me a snort from the giant man who stands besides the bed in victory when the sound of my paws hitting the floor reaches his ears.

"Do you want to shift now? I made us breakfast so I put an outfit aside for you that you can wear this morning, it should hold until we get you something your size" he asks as he heads for the door and I bark while making my way to said outfit, which lets him know my answer, after which he closes the door behind him after telling me to not take too long so the food doesn't get cold.


Namjoon made breakfast.

That's the only thing turning in a loop in my mind as I adjust the shirt over my head and down my hips, hair pulled out from underneath the neckline so it falls down my back. He made breakfast before I could teach him anything, pants pulled up my legs before I tie at my waist, will we even make it to the mall if we eat his food?

Wouldn't I be better off eating dog food again? Should I risk it?


"I'm coming!" I shout back before combing my ears a little, I'll have to ask Namjoon to brush my dog form from time to time because I don't want him to have to get my fur cut short when we both figure out that the knots are permanent, that would be humiliating.

I walk out of his bedroom and make it to the kitchen where I can find eggs on the stove and... okay, that actually smells good. I guess it makes sense that he doesn't suck at absolutely everything, eggs are pretty simple so... no dog food this morning.

"Do you want toasts with the eggs? Is two enough? I can make more if you feel particularly hungry" he asks when he sees me walking over to stand besides him, my eyes gazing at the food with saliva beginning to drown my tongue, I'm getting aware of my hunger now that I'm fully awake.

"Two is enough, I'll make the toasts" I answer before heading for the right corner of the kitchen, to which he hums, thankful as he grabs plates for the eggs - it's nothing fancy but it'll be more than enough for the day waiting for us.

We work together in comfortable silence, coffee made for himself while I make myself a glass of milk, milk that I then give him when his drink is ready, toasts grabbed from the toaster when they're done to complete the plates awaiting us at the table with the butter, one would believe we've been doing this our entire life.

We both sit down at our respective seats and I begin humming happily as I spread butter on my bread, body rocking left and right while I rest my feet on his own to avoid the cold floor, something that puts a smile on his face as he waits for me to be done so he can do the same.

"I told you that I'm not that bad, I can make good food when it's something simple. I would be miserable if I didn't even know how to cook eggs" he muses proudly when I finally give him the butter and knife, a smile that widens into a dimpled one when I nod softly with a hum.

"It smells good so that's a good sign. I guess there are things that you can do well after all".

He nods back at that, sleeves pulled back to reveal muscles and veins that never fail to make me blink in amazement when I get to see them, it's a good thing that Namjoon doesn't sleep shirtless because I don't think I would survive if that were the case.

I might be a dog hybrid, but I'm still a person with emotions and to feel attracted to this man isn't particularly hard to do, he is very handsome and his hugs are the best, so a naked hug? That would kill me.

"Of course, there are many things that I can do well, it's just that I didn't have many occasions to show them off yet. I'll change the image you have of me, I don't like that you see me as someone who can't even cook breakfast properly".

I make a soft noise before taking a bite of the egg after a quiet thank you for the food, and the taste... yeah, it's not bad at all. Better than dog food. But still. "It's not like you had breakfast that often this week, Namjoon, and the only time you did, you made yourself a bowl of... vomit. Mud vomit".

Namjoon frowns at my choice of words, eyes searching in the past to find what I could possibly be talking about, and then it hits him, lips twitching upwards as he glances at me. "Do you mean oatmeal? What I make myself sometimes because it's quick and easy?".

He bursts into laughter when he sees shocked understanding flash across my face, that was oatmeal?!

"Oh Y/N, did you really convince yourself that my cooking had to suck only because of the occasional bowl of oatmeal I made myself? That's not fair. I admit that I'm not as good as you are but... oh man, I can't believe it. You really thought I was a bad cook because you thought it looked like mud vomit?" he asks with a laugh of disbelief, and when I purse my lips with a light blush crawling up my cheeks, ears tilting back slightly, he throws his head back to stare at the ceiling with a vanquished sigh.

"I mean... can you blame me? There were times when it smelled awful, and it's not like that's all you ate, the meat you cooked last time ended up burnt, there's a whole lot of burning that goes on when you use the oven, Namjoon" I mumble as I looked down at my plate with a pout, did I just humiliate myself?

He huffs softly and ruffles my hair with an endeared grin on his lips, goodness, what is he going to do with me? What will happen to his heart if I keep being this cute? Namjoon can barely handle it already, this is too much.

"Aigoo. I guess that means teaching me how to cook will go better than you initially thought, right? You won't see me as hopeless anymore?" he tries with a coo, heart soaring high when I bashfully nod my head under his heavy hand, does my mistake really make him this happy?

"Oh sweetie, you're too cute for your own good. Now eat before it gets too cold, we'll leave after breakfast, it'd be great if we could make it there as soon as the stores open, there won't be a crowd then, not before an hour or two anyway" he informs me with a happy tone before retreating his hand to eat his own food, which spurs me to do the same, though for me it's also to drown out my embarrassment.

Oatmeal? I hope I never get forced to eat that muddy thing one day, it really looks and smells disgusting. I can't believe that's a thing people eat willingly. I'd rather eat dog food forever than try it.

His taste buds must be broken. That must be it, there's no way he finds that tasty.

"Stop hating on oatmeal, you don't even know what it tastes like".

"And I don't intend to find out. I'm not into mud vomit".

"Mud- stop calling it that, I won't be able to eat it again if you keep putting that image in my mind!".


"Mud vomit, mud vomit, mud vomit, mud vomigshj-"

"One more time and that's all I'm buying for a whole month".

"... I'm sorry, Namjoon, I'll stop, 'promise".

"Good pup".


When Namjoon parks his car in front of what he calls the mall, I can only gulp thickly at the size of the building currently towering before us.

It's gigantic, the parking lot is twice its size, which means that all these people will eventually fill the space inside, which means that the noise and scents will be overwhelming, and goodness, I'm not so sure about this all of a sudden.

It's a good thing that there are barely any cars around for now because of how early we got here, but can we make it out before it gets too bad? He won't forget me when it's time to leave, will he? I don't want to be left on my own here.

"Everything okay, Y/N? You're looking pale... should we find somewhere else to go? I'm sure there are other hybrid shops if we search on the map" Namjoon speaks up softly as he reaches my side to have a closer look at me, concern in his orbs with the way I look terrified.

I shake my head and try to smile despite my fear, Namjoon wouldn't do that to me, he wants me by his side, he made it known yesterday, he won't leave me behind. He's not like them.

"I'm okay... we can go, that was the plan, it's fine" I assure him, and though he has doubts, the stillness of my tail letting him know more than I want to say, he doesn't want to step over the boundary I'm clearly putting up at the moment so he instead offers me a hand, fingers warm around my own as he squeezes strongly but gently.

"Stay close to me and everything will be fine, okay? The mall will be empty at this time so I'm sure we'll have time to leave before the worst of the rush begins" he states with confidence and I nod lightly, his arm hugged to my chest with our hands locked together to make sure no separation happens here.

Unsure of what is going on but willing to be attentive for my sake, Namjoon leads us inside the overwhelmingly large mall that looks almost scary with how empty and silent it is, but it's also comforting to know that this is why he wanted to come early, to avoid crowds.

Is it because he knew that it would be too much for me? Or is he himself uncomfortable about being surrounded by strangers? Either way, it makes my heart happy despite the trembling of my legs, he's not like the people who raised me and my family.

"We're going to start with getting you a phone. I don't like the idea of us getting separated due to a moment of inattention so I'll add my number as the emergency one, that way you can call me quickly if you end up on your own. We'll also get you a tag of some sort to let people know that you're mine, I don't want anyone thinking that you're a stray" Namjoon begins to explain his plan as he leads us to a small shop with phones and protective cases all over the walls, unaware of the swell of comfort he makes rise within my soul, eyes turning wetter before I blink it away quickly.

He wants people to know that I'm his?

We step into the shop and as soon as eyes land on us, I hug his arm tighter, hand a little sweaty against his palm as the employees take me in.

A hybrid isn't usually granted that much freedom that they can go shopping with their owner like this unless it's for the hybrid shops, so the sight of me here is most likely taking them aback.

"Erm... can I help you this morning?" one of the employees asks as we near the desk, eyes flitting between Namjoon and I and wondering probably too many questions that don't concern them in the slightest.

But Namjoon is a giant and he makes them feel so incredibly small that they keep their lips shut, scents turning nervous because of the frown he makes, one he has over his face only when he's focused or thinking.

"You can help me, yes. I already have a phone with you so I want to buy a second one for her. The same plan with the newest phone you've got. Please".

And with that begins a few questions of which I don't pay much attention, my amusement having more to do with the way they nearly kneel on the floor to keep Namjoon satisfied once they get into his account, and the why is explained with how easily he agrees to the most expensive phone like its cost is but a dust in the air, add-ons offered all receiving a yes because Namjoon only wants me to have the best of the best, he doesn't care much about the price - he has more money than he'll ever know what to do with it.

"It's a pleasure to do business with you! Please don't hesitate to come back if you need anything else!" is what we hear as we leave the shop once everything done and over with, my new phone in my free hand because he's yet to release my other one, something that makes me more than happy.

"My phone number is the only one in there so you won't have any problems finding me if something happens. You have unlimited data use and I put you on my Spotify and Netflix accounts, you can use them when you're bored, though you can just use the tv when we're at home" he explains as we walk away to reach the other store he has in mind, my eyes so busy staring at my new phone that I don't realize the mall is already getting busier.

"Right, now that I think about it, we should get you a bag and a wallet. We'll go to my bank once we're done here and I'll ask them to give you a credit card under your name, that way you can buy yourself things you want without having to ask me for it all the time" he continues, his mind working hard to cover everything considered important to have me equipped for anything that might come my way in the future.

I don't reply to his endless mumbling, simply content to remain by his side like this, his hand holding the same strength around mine no matter how far his thoughts go, arm pulling me closer when someone too busy staring at their phone almost bumps into me, his narrowed eyes forcing apologies left and right as we walk.

"We're here, this is the shop I had in mind for your clothes, what do you think?" he asks after suddenly halting his steps and I lean forward to have a look behind him, eyes widening when I find a pretty shop filled with pretty clothes, everything looks beautiful in there!

"Wow... can I really get clothes here?" I ask with sparkles in my eyes, something that lets Namjoon know he made a good decision by coming here.

He smiles before nodding his head, his expression when he gazes at me nothing like the one he has when he stares at strangers, it makes me feel warm, it makes me feel precious.

"Of course you can. I thought the style here would fit you well but we can do more shops if you want different things" he assures me as we enter inside, but I quickly shake my head, I'm convinced that this shop is the only place I need, it's like a dreamland where I am the princess.

"Here is perfect" I muse softly, and Namjoon feels proud that he can offer me this moment as the clothes here are not on the cheap side, it's easy to see with how many people walk out of the store after having a look at some blouses, eyes widening before they discreetly walk out without looking too bothered by the shocking revelation.

"Then go have a look, sweet pup, I'm right behind you" he encourages me when he finds me looking all over the place, tail wagging quickly behind me but feet almost colluding with his own because of how close we are, my hand still clasping on his own even when he loosens his hold.

He does notice the flash of worry that looms over my face at the prospect of parting ways, but one squeeze of my phone and he observes as I nod slowly, hand hesitantly letting go of him to make a few steps away, a glance over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure he's still there, it makes him want to frown, though he hides it with a comforting smile for my sake.

What am I scared of? That he'll leave without me?

The simple thought of going back home alone causes his heart to burn painfully, that sounds like a nightmare he wants nothing to do with. He doesn't want an empty house again, he's had enough of that but he wants it alive with me only, no one else.

Namjoon isn't one to get attached to people easily, but when he does begin to love, there's no letting go, no replacing any loved ones. I'm his pup, he hopes I'll understand what that means sooner rather than later - our lives are intertwined, our fate made into one, he has no desires to put an end to this gift that Seokjin allowed him.

"How about this? I think it would look good on you" he speaks up after watching me steadily grow overwhelmed by the amount of choices around me, not a single clothe touched because this is the first time I'm allowed into a shop like this - my previous clothes where lent to me by Seokjin for my stay at the shelter and before that... they were rags more than they were clothes.

The relief felt when he begins helping me is immense and it becomes easier to choose things on my own after a while, soft pieces gathered with care when they make my heart flutter at the simple thought of wearing them.

We eventually reach a section of accessories, and when a particular set of handbag and wallet catches my attention, Namjoon makes sure to carefully remove the tag to pay for it later before helping me to put it over my shoulder, phone slipped inside with a wide smile on my face, I finally have things that are mine and it feels... amazing.

He gazes at me with creased eyes, a good feeling spreading throughout his chest, it feels nice to spoil me like this, he likes the way it makes him feel. He feels like he could do anything to see more of that smile of mine, he's getting addicted to the sight.

While I admire my new bag, all the pockets inside big enough to hide all kinds of snacks in case of sudden cravings, Namjoon soon directs my gaze to an area filled with cabins, a lady at the entrance looking bored out of her mind as she waits for someone to come by with clothes, her eyes on all the people that leave after barely a minute of being inside.

"We should go to the changing room so you can try everything on for now, we gathered quite a bit but we don't know yet if they're the right size for you. You got some high-waist jeans so just make sure to adjust the size of the tail clip to avoid hurting yourself, okay? Let me know if some things are too big or too small, I'll go get another one as needed" he speaks up and I nod with a jump of excitement before following after him, I can't wait to see what I look like in pretty clothes!

"You can tell me if I look pretty too! I really want to look pretty" I chirp as I grab his arm again, to which he hums with a soft chuckle while the lady begins counting the pieces, content to finally have something to do in this early morning.

"You'll be pretty in anything you wear, sweetie, but I can tell you aloud if it's what you want. I'll tell as many times as you need".

"Damn I'm so jealous... you can go to the room 8, let me know if I can be of help".

"Thank you but we should be fine on our own. Come, sweet pup, it's right over there".

"Aish... she's so fucking lucky... ahhhhh this is so unfair!".

I wince as I look over my shoulder to see the lady hitting her head on the desk with a loud noise, and oh... that's definitely going to leave a mark behind. Now I feel bad.

Namjoon muffles a laugh when I look up at him with a grimace before he's pushing the right door open for me, clothes then put inside so that I can try them properly, his gentlemanly manners only adding to the impact of her despair.

It's true that I am indeed very lucky...

Namjoon closes the door with a sigh when I giggle to myself, tail swiping through the air with so much speed that he can hear it, I couldn't be any more obvious if I wanted to, it's clear as day that her words made me happy as a dog-

Oh right. He forgot for a moment. Yeah.

Everything checks out then.

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