Injured Stranger......

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Silence, that was the sole thing existing in the boulevard. The boulevard was notoriously famed for heist, assault and murder cases, consequently the folks were utterly terrified to ramble on this street, peculiarly in the dark. Old people used to claim that a human mustn't roam on a deserted street at night as ghosts can attack them, they were correct though the solitary contradiction was that, that nowadays even phantoms are scared to ramble at night as humans are more vicious. There were not shedlod of dwelling close to the street, just two three habitations and a brew shop that's it. Howbeit there was a vast colony located just steps apart from the street. At night the street metamorphose into an abode for the crooks, rapists and murderers. The cases of the robbery and rape had notably die down in the recent years as the folks had began to not even step on the street at night. But still one could certainly read a case or two in the newspaper in the span of few months.

Though the street was deserted and there was not even a solitary living being present but still there was a certain someone who was standing near an extortionate car, apparently his. He was dressed in a sumptuous three piece suit and was impatiently pacing here and there. If an ordinary mortal will descry him than there are 95% of prospect that he will freak out, because the man was no less than a beast. His height must be around 6'6 or 6'7 or maybe more, his biceps were threatening to rip out from his tight fitted suit and he was really sturdy. His skin was tanned, maybe he spends a lot of time under the sun. Suddenly a car halted in front of him and a small man, maybe 5'10 came out of the car. He was a hunchback. Hence he walked with his half body bent ahead. He looked odious as his face had puckers and his teeth were half broken. He came near the man and stood in front of him.
"What the hell is this Arjun. I have been standing here for 20 minutes. If you were not have been my cousin brother than trust me I would've murdered you. But you are lucky because you are the man I trust. " the big man said clasping his hands together at the back. The hunchback cackled.
"You trusted a wrong man elder brother. " the hunchback said laughing like a deranged man. The big man was not at all frightened but puzzled.
"Have you gone crazy.???? " the big man asked seriously. The hunchback didn't respond. The big fellow began to get dubious but prior to he could perpetrate anything someone ambushed him from behind. He turned back furiously to see 20-25 blokes standing there cracking there knuckles. The big man smirked.
"So this is your reality. You betrayed me hunchback. You will pay, you will have to pay. " the big said raising him up high grappling his collar. The hunchback was petrified, he had always feared him.
"I want to be the most powerful Mafia King just like you. So you will have to die, than only I can take your place. " the hunchback said struggling to disenthral himself. The big man hurled him on the ground. The hunchback wailed in pain.
"I became the most powerful Mafia King with my own hard work. I didn't think to kill the other Mafia King just like you. You don't deserve to be a Mafia King." the Big man stated. The hunchback coughed.
"At least I am not as cruel as you. I will be the perfect Mafia King as I know how to show mercy. " the hunchback said. The big man simper. Howbeit before he could respond the men standing behind began to strike him. The big man began fighting with the men. The clash was solely one sided as the men were no match to the beastly man who avowed to be the most powerful Mafia King. One by one the hunchback's men started to faint on the earth as the man they were clashing with was 100 times more powerful than them. The hunchback knew he had to do something before the Mafia King slays everyone of them and then torture him. The hunchback took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed the big man from behind but the man had no effect on him as he grappled the hunchback and was about to smash him when the hunchback stabbed him in the corner of his midriff. The man screeched in pain. He put his hand on his midriff and yelled. The pain was just unbearable for him. The hunchback chortled, he atlast achieved his prolonged awaited goal. He left the stabbed man and sat inside his car and drove to his place to roister his triumph. The big man fell on the ground.

Close to the boulevard there was a small bakery. The bakery was not immensely popular but still it had some regular patron. Inside the bakery a small girl who looked no more than 18 sat on a chair crying. She was so beautiful that she could make anyone fall in love with her with just a single glance. She sat there with tears flowing down her pretty eyes as the people gathered around her endeavour to console the innocent girl.
"They must be feeling so sad. See he is crying. I cannot see anyone crying. " she said in her beautiful voice as she kept sobbing. The bakery owner was a 50 year old woman. She was a very cheerful lady. She came towards the girl and wiped her tears. She saw some boys had also gathered around her. She glared at them, she was aware that the boys around were crazy for the innocent girl and they desired to make her theirs anyhow.
"Nandini my child see, they are crying because they lost the communication with the Lander that was going to land on the Moon. But that doesn't mean that the mission is unsuccessful. " The bakery owner said. She looked at her with her innocent eyes making all the boys around her go awe.
"But they tried so hard. And I was also very excited for the mission. You know I love moon right. But see what happened, we lost the Lander. " she said adorably as she began to cry again. The people sitting in the bakery looked at her with awe. She was just so precious and innocent.
"My dear nandini, the communication can get restored, don't worry. Trust your scientists. " the woman said pinching her cheeks. She smiled and the people present inside the bakery too. She wiped her tears.
"Nanu see I have prepared your order, do you want me to drop you or you can go by yourself. " the bakery owner's husband said. He loved the girl, she was just like his own daughter.
"No uncle I can go by myself. My house is close. " she said in her melodious voice. The man smiled.
"OK but go carefully. I know your brother is not at home so make sure to lock all the doors and windows. " the man told her. She nodded with a grin. She waved the people sitting in the bakery goodbye.

The Mafia King laid on the ground with bruises and injuries all over his body. The blood was oozing out of his stabbed midriff area. He was not dead, he was still in his consciousness. He saw a car halted near him, he peered at the three girls coming out of the car. They looked like they were going in a party.
"Help.....please. " he cried to the girls. The girls looked at each other.
"I think it's better if we leave him, god knows who is he. Moreover we are getting late for the party. " a girl said and all of them sat inside the car and drove away leaving the injured man to die. He was not at all a holy man but at this moment he needed god's help. He kept on chanting the name of Lord Shiva and begged for him to help him. Meantime he discerned some men coming towards him.
" " the man begged. The men looked at him.
"Let's go if we will help him then the police will arrest us only. I don't want to involve myself in a police case. " one of them said as they all darted away. His eyes were now slowly beginning to close. He knew it was his end. His eyes were about to close fully when he saw a small figure coming towards him. He couldn't see who it was as everything became black.

Nandini was walking to her home when she saw a man laying on the ground. She saw he was in an extremely dreadful condition. He was covered in blood and bruises. She could see he was stabbed in his midriff area. She sprinted towards him and sat close to him. She was a biology student and therefore she knew how to treat an injured man. She checked for his pulse to find he was still alive. She knew he had fainted as a consequence of the excessive blood loss. She gazed at him with worry.
"What should I do.??? Should I call an ambulance but the ambulance may take time and the man may die if he didn't get treatment immediately. There is no hospital nearby. Idea!!!!!I should take him to my home. Me and Martha can treat him. " she said to herself cutely. She put the man's hand around her shoulder and began to pull him up. But the man was undeniably hefty and she was a fragile girl. She somehow managed to pull him up and started to drag him by balancing both of them. She dragged him to her home as if he was an inebriate. It was extremely strenuous for her to take him to her home as he was really heavy not to mention the bad stench of blood was dreadfully unendurable for her. She somehow reached her house, she rang the doorbell. Her nanny Martha opened the door and looked at her shocked.
"Nanu who is he. " Martha asked shocked.
"Martha I will tell you everything but first of all please help me to carry him inside. " she said with difficulty. Martha aided her to carry the beastly man to her brother's room. They both laid him on the bed. Nandini promptly sat down on the bed with a thud as she was just beyond exhausted.
"Nanu please tell me who is he and what has happened to him. " Martha asked anxiously. Nandini stood up and sprinted towards the closet, she hurriedly took out the first aid kit and sat near the man.
"Martha I will tell you but first we have to treat his wounds or else he will die. " she said with worry. Martha sighed but did what she said. Nandini took out the bottle of dettol and began cleaning his wounds. Martha went to the kitchen to bring some iced water as the man was just heated up perhaps because of pyrexia. Nandini started to apply antibiotic ointment on his wounds. After that she started to wipe the dried blood. She could see the blood had stopped to ooze out from the wounds. She checked for his pulse to find it was normal. She smiled, it is good to help people. Martha came in with a bowl of water and a cloth. Nandini dipped the cloth in the water and kept it on his forehead. She even cleaned the dirt from his face with a clean towel. Now when he was quite clean, she glanced at him clearly. He was so scary. She gulped, she really prayed that he gets well soon and goes away from here as she was just so scared of him.

"Nanu let him take rest and you tell me who is he. " Martha asked folding her arms. Nandini looked at her with her innocent eyes melting all the anger of Martha. Nandini began apprising her how she saw him. Martha kept hearing her shocked, after she finished she glared at her.
"Nanu do you even how dangerous it is to bring a stranger in the house. " Martha scolded her. Nandini looked down sadly. Martha sighed. She knew she cannot scold her as she is her heart. So she resolved to speak to her brother who had gone in a conference to the other city for a whole week. She dialed his number. After 2 rings he picked up.
"Hello. " he said.
"Naksh you know nanu has brought an injured man to home today. She says she found him lying on the street. Please talk to her and try to scold her to not do this again. " Martha said but she knew naksh will never scold her. She was his life after all. Martha gave phone to Nandini.
"Hello brother. " she said softly.
"Nanu princess what is this. Do you know how dangerous it is to bring a stranger inside the house. " he said softly so as not to scare her.
"But he needed help and see I treated his wounds and now he will get alright. No one is bad brother you know that. " she said innocently. Her brother sighed. It was his fault that he had always protected her in the house, he never allowed her to leave the house often and that's why she doesn't know how bad this world is. But he didn't have any regrets as he know that he will always be there to protect his innocent sister.
"Princess promise me that you will never do this again. " naksh asked.
"Okay brother. " she whispered sadly. What's wrong in helping people. She thought.
"That's like my good girl. Now tell me did you had your dinner. " he asked merrily.
"No I was going to. " she replied softly.
"Hurry up princess and than you know you have to go to bed at 9 pm sharp right. Take care, goodnight. Love you. " naksh said.
"Good night brother. Love you. " she said with a smile as she disconnected the call.

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