New feelings....

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In the nucleus of the royal chamber sat the queen of Jaisalmer on the royal bed, lost in the realm of thoughts and delusions, the latter being her opines. Her mind couldn't retreat from the previous noon episode of the temple, their unanticipated encounter with the Lord Krishna. As any other ordinary pupil, she too can't believe that she indeed encountered a god even though all the evidences assert it's honesty. But that wasn't the reason for the lately originated headache, it was actually the blessings they received as a true couple, choosed by the almighty himself. Because if the god wants them together than why isn't she accepting the handsome King as her husband. Why is she being so difficult and obstinate to refuse his advances altogether when she knows he loves her madly.?? Why she can't fall in love with him even after knowing how much crazy is he for her already??? These frequent aggravations stormed in her head day night. The issue wasn't that she can't fall in love with him, the actual case being she doesn't wants to. She forcibly slams herself if her heart merely feels a bit softer for him and that's what the vivid obstruction between them.

Her musing was pretty deep and desperate so much that she patently failed to hear the clicking of the room's door. Nevertheless whatever the case might be, the door clicked open and in came her loving husband, with just boxers hugging his waist and upper thighs, shrouding his 'important' thing of course. Sweat beads ran down in rivulets through his face all the way down to his chest and the rest of the stark area. A fluffy towel clasped in his hands vaguely more carelessly wiped little bit of wetness on his body leaving the excess as it as. Entering in though his eyes fell on his lovely wife perching on the bed apparently lost in day dreaming or that's what he reckons. Nonetheless a bizzare thing his eyes noticed concerning his wife and that being she was fully dressed up but the clock had just struck 5 am in the morn. It was gravely staggering for him to discover her in this circumstance at this time in the morn when she is usually snoozing soundly while he just pecks her here and there before heading to the bathroom for his normal routine. But presently the routine seemed to be falling into disorientation perhaps for her thought that she might be sick today and must've not been able to sleep for long. Hence rushed to her anxiously.
"Jaan are you alright!!!" his anxiety strucken words rapidly dragged her out from her delusional realm. And therefore she shook her head quickly and diverted her gaze from nowhere to him.
"Ha!!!! What!!!! " she asked downright oblivious of his previous statement. Her husband sighed and cupped her face in his big calloused hands staring into her beautiful perplexed eyes.
"What happened!!!! You don't look good!!! " he asked softly with anxiety swimming in his eyes as just a mere thought of her in discomfort makes him anxious as hell. She looked down and shook her head apprising her of her 'alright state'. He though was wise enough to make out that his beautiful wife was far from being alright and he was obdurate on finding out why is she so off colours today.
"Lying to your husband!!! Hm!! " he said softly tucking the loose strands of her hairs behind her ear. This time she lifted her gaze up at him staring into his endearment attacked eyes.
"I'm not lying.!!! It's just that I'm pretty confused and bewildered......need some time alone!!! " she whispered staring into his orbs. His brows furrowed for a moment as he couldn't come up on a conjecture as what she was pondering bout that made her so bewildered, after all she rarely behaves like this. But being an understanding husband he resoluted to say nothing for he fancied to give her some time in solace perhaps it might help. Pecking her forehead affectionately he rose up from his kneeling position ne'er breaking his gaze nohow.
"Fine take your time dear!!!! I'm gonna take a shower until then you can have some alone time but hey once I'm back you're gonna apprise me regarding your issue.......coz you know I can't see you like this!!!! " he stated with a smile flaunting his dimples while he strode towards the bathroom. Once in, he slammed the door shut, an agitating habit of his. Now she was once again all alone in the chamber with just dripping sound of water in existence in the hushed chamber, slipping back into the chasm of thoughts.

An abrupt rapping on the door brutality knocked down her musing once again. Shaking her head she glanced at the bolted door. Once again someone rapped on the door, making her rise up from the bed and sauntering towards the door. She gently opened the door only to come face to face with a downright unfamiliar though charming face. Something in her made her open the door wide in order to stare vividly at the charming face standing on the door. Once fully opened, she vividly encountered a smiling face of a girl in all likelihood in 30s. Her face was perfectly sculpted with no flaws or blemishes and a chiselled jaw which might embarrass some beautiful masculine faces badly, her eyes in a sleek ponytail pushed behind her back, height tall enough to mortify some 5'9 guys, hands clasped together behind and lastly the chivalrous charm her countenance held which can make even a girl fall in love.
"Hello sweet heart!!!! Is your husband in!!! " her voice was smooth and held a courteous sincerity in a manner as if her every word is pre planned in her head before rushing out of her mouth. She didn't realise that she was gaping at her like crazy but she obviously did though but it wasn't a brand new phenomenon for her to which she needs to pay heed. She raised her brow but with a smiling face so as to scare the innocent looking girl coz she was pretty acquainted with the reality that her aura can make any one run up the hills let alone this innocent girl. Nandini gulp down unsure if in fright or at her charm but resolved to answer in the end.
"!!!! " her voice came out in half incomplete syllables, not her fault though, anyone might fell nervous around the personality like her. The unfamiliar girl chuckled at the adorable sight.
"I'm your husband's nemesis my dear!!! " her words came out coated in such a charm that for a moment she stood still without doing nothing but listen to her. Nonetheless moments later she paid heed to her words and that's when she found herself gaping at her again while the girl on the door inwardly chuckled at her innocence. Nandini parted her lips to say something but the bathroom's door opened before she could go any further. The unknown visitor lightly tilted her head to find a familiar masculine figure coming out of the bathroom.
"Baby who's at the door.........oh ho!!!!! Shivanshi, my god!!!! Please come in!!!! " Samrat said beaming madly rushing towards the females halting beside his woman. Nandini looked at him perplexed and turned more perturbed when they both shook hands. And that's when she saw the woman's decent muscles packed inside the tight fitted leather jacket.
"How have you been!!!! " Samrat grinned at her while she just smiled courteously. Nandini seriously felt that there must be a ton of girls in love with her after all no one can resist her courteous gestures and charms no how.
"Nanu, meet my royal counterpart!!! She is a descendant of Shivaji. And believe me baby doll!!!! No one on this earth can come out as a victor in a fight with her, she's just a best sword fighter, spear fighter, wrestler, and I think she's just best at everything!!!! Even I lost from her one time and resoluted never to challenge her for a fight again!!! " he apprise his perplexed wife who still can't help but gape at the little acquainted girl. She chuckled and that chuckle too was smooth and courteous just like her everything.
"It's not true, I was just lucky that day nothing else!!! You are better than me my friend!!!! " she said smoothly while nandini just glanced at both of them like a lost kitten.
"Shivanshi please stop being so charming!!!! Or else you'll make my wife fall in love with you and trust me I won't abide that!!! " he said pulling his prized possession to him.
"I am not charming brother, it's you who is charming!!! " she chuckled and this time nandini too chuckled at her seemingly charming skills.
"Again!!!! I am envious with you, you better know it!!! " he said staring at her with questioning eyes while she chuckled.

The royal couple alongwith the another royal, sat relaxdly in the yard chatting about no important stuff. In the left hunchback sat on chirag's lap hugging him tightly as since he'd seen shivanshi he has been clinging to chirag perhaps because he still remember that powerful blow on his cheek which still sporadically hurts, given by her. And he still feels that if she finds him alone she'll do her fight practice on him and he didn't wanted to hurt himself chiefly not from her as she fights like a monster from hell. Thank heavens she rarely grows furious.
"It has been so many days!!!! Did you came to rajasthan for something special. " Samrat asked while his wife emptied the contents of the sugar sachet inside a fancy looking cup, preparing black coffee for their guest.
"Hm yes, had some business affairs here!!! So I thought why not meet up with old friends when in the same place. " she replied in her usual courteous voice. Samrat nodded with a smile. Shivanshi's eyes abruptly landed on hunchback who was clinging onto a reluctant chirag.
"Hello Arjuna. " she greeted him politely.
"H........ello...." he said on the verge of bawling to his Elder brother to send her away as she scares him to hell. And she knew what was going in his mind and hence chuckled at his stupidity.
"Hello everyone!! " a feminine voice came from behind and the royals turned their heads back to find an odd looking couple approaching them. Samrat was the first to show his repugnance at the approach followed by shivanshi who contrastingly to her ever smiling persona held a frown on her face, the same goes for chirag and hunchback. Nandini though was neutral perhaps because she didn't knew who the approaching personalities were in reality. The female in the couple was a stubby with height short and tummy peeking through her Saree, while the man seemed as if somebody'd sucked out every ounce of blood from his body or perhaps his wife must be the Dracula in the case as apparently looking at her one can comfortably tell that she is actually drinking the blood of her husband who'd grown thin like a bamboo after the regular outtake of blood. Nonetheless the odd couple came towards them and helped themselves to take a seat beside the royals without their obvious permission.
"What the hell are you doing here!! " Samrat hissed through his teeth while the odd couple apparently were impactless from his insults. Nandini howbeit slapped her husband's arm for behaving so impudently with the guests.
"Huh whatever!!!! How are you shivanshi!!! " she endeavour to portray herself as cheerful and benevolent yet failed miserably, even nandnini would concur to that. Shivanshi's countenance screamed bored and slight fury.
"I'm good!!! " she said looking away.
"Oh, I'm also good!!! " she said grinning.
"Who asked by the way!! " shivanshi was quick enough to transform her grin to glare. The lady resolved to not engage in a clash with her coz samrat is ok to be handled when agitated but she no way. Besides she cared for her life and knowing how worst is shivanshi's anger she decided to not converse with him but samrat's wife after all she's the one who took her place or that's what she thinks.
"Hi nandini, I'm Rita.!! Samrat's ex fiance.!! " she flicked her sticky hairs which probably smelt like rotten eggs. Samrat glared at her and so did his friend while nandini felt a bit awkward.
"Ya ex fiance whom I kicked in a ditch!!! Remember!!!! " samrat smirked at his own disparaging skills while the lady glared at him.
"Fine I wasn't your fiance but your parents wanted you to marry me but you married a child....huh!!!! No problem I've a really nice husband while you both are oddest couple!!! " she narrowed her lids at him while her husband gazed hopefully at the housemaid only to get a glare from her. Nandini narrowed her lids at the foul mouthed girl as she found it too arduous to not lash out at her.
"You've got a good sense of humour, why not try in a comedy show!!! " shivanshi said bored glancing here and there for any sort of fascination. This seems to enrage the lady.
"You......" she left her sentence incomplete perhaps of the abrupt realisation of her bad anger.
"Huh!!! Forget it!!!! But it's true me and parekh are a best couple. Even our age difference is just 2 years!!! Besides we love each other very much. And just look at you both, you look so odd!!! Nandini look at my husband he's not as old as your husband, neither short tempered or crazy!!!! You are stuck with a wrong man girl!!!! " she provoked them a habit she hereditated from her mother who was the original 'vamp' of the palace. Samrat clenched his fist and was about to yell on her when his wife took matters into her own hands. She was downright mad at her persistent insults thrown at her husband and she wasn't going to abide even a single more now.
"What do you know about my husband hm!!!! My husband is far better than yours did you get that!!!! And......and my husband has 8 packs, your husband has??? " she yelled at her making the lady gape at her widely. Her husband and his friend too gaped at this apparently new avatar of her.
"You've 8 packs brother!!! " shivanshi asked agape.
"Lemme check!!! " samrat lifted up his shirt to count his packs.
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8......ya 8 packs. " he bob his head furiously looking back at the heated exchange between her wife and the woman he loathes.
"And my husband is a one woman man........he doesn't even looks at any other woman not like your husband who stares at a housemaid. " she hissed at her while she glared at her husband who gulp down in terror.
"My husband is a King while your husband is a joker, understood filthy women........and if you try to say even a word against my husband, I'll spill this coffee on you, ok. Now get lost from my palace.!!! " she threatened her with an intense glare, scaring the woman to the extent that she grabbed her husband's hand and dragged him outside with her. Nandini flicked her hairs in victory, storming back to the palace leaving two stunned royals in the yard.
"You said she's innocent!!! " shivanshi muttered perplexed.
"Even I want to know why I felt that!!! " samrat muttered agape, downright dumbfounded at the heated exchange few seconds before.

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