The great escape.....

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The hirelings and retainers of the Jaisalmer palace seemed aggravated and irked. They were striving hard to engross themselves in their habitual chores, yet weren't able to. The scullery maid together with the butler did their duties, muttering curses under their breath. The chef stirred the spoon so roughly in the soup in a manner as if he was smushing the person he abhors the most in the soup. Besides the gate keeper wasn't able to read the local paper. The entire palace was beyond exasperated. The reason behind this utter aggravation was an ear piercing music. Besides the strident and grating voice of the singer was like a cherry on top of a cake. The 'skilful' singer was singing since the morn. In all likelihood before the rising of the sun. Perhaps that's why no bird tweeted near the palace, they might have became 'insecure' regarding the competition the singer was providing. His song did nothing forbye exasperate the palace servants. That's another thing that the crows found the voice and the song rather pleasing and why won't they, after all the singer's voice appeared precisely like that of a crow or perhaps even more high pitched than the crows.

"Main hoon, Ravan
Main hoon, Ravan. " hunchback danced inside the throne room. Samrat slapped his hand on his head. Hunchback was singing and dancing since the morn. The reason being that he has defeated chirag in the game of carrom. Nevertheless that's another thing that out of 10 rounds, chirag won 9 and he won 1 yet still he considers himself as a victor.
"Will you stop your whore dance, hunchback. " chirag said with gritted teeth. He was outright aggravated, thanks to hunchback's pesky voice and stupid dancing.
"Chirag was it of essence to play carrom with him. Besides for the whole night you both kept on playing like plonkers. Didn't you feel somnolent even a bit.!!! " samrat scowled.
"Boss trust me, I didn't wanted to play with this, shithead. But he provoked me by uttering stuff like I am a loser, I am a coward. I......I.....was pissed off and had to play. " chirag explained. Samrat rolled his eyes. Meantime the door clicked open and incame Samrat's brother-in-law, naksh. He yawned as he opened the door. He had bags under his eyes, perhaps for the reason that he didn't get a decent amount of sleep. His hairs were in a mess and some of his dark hairs flopped over his forehead.
"Will anyone let me sleep.!!! " he yawned as he ran his hand through his hairs. Samrat frowned. It was already 8:00 am in the morn and yet he wanted to sleep. He really abhor the people who wake up late in the morning besides his nanu. She was also not a morning person yet he had no issues with that. Besides he had no issues with her. He was contented with everything cognated with her. May it be her beauty, her smile, her kindness, her innocence and even her anger towards him, he was in love with everything.
"We are certain that we hadn't disrupted your slumber. " hunchback said perplexed. Naksh glared at him.
"You were literally yelling, how could a person sleep in such incessant yellings. " naksh scowled at him. Hunchback rolled his eyes.
"Hunchback stop your singing. Let him sleep. " samrat said folding his arms.
"Ok brother. " hunchback said rolling his eyes. Naksh yawned before stepping out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him. Samrat got up from his throne.
"Where are you going brother. " hunchback asked perplexed. Samrat chuckled.
"I am going to meet Ranisa. " he said with a smile as he egress out of the room. Hunchback sighed.
"Diamond in a crow's beak. " he muttered in disdain, folding his arms.

Samrat stood inside his royal chamber, gazing at his beauteous Queen who slept soundly on his bed. She was sleeping on her stomach with her one arm resting near her head whilst the other one placed under the pillow. Her mouth slightly parted, cuddled up in a comforter. His lips curled upwards as he watched her sleeping like a baby.
"Don't stare at her so intently Ranaji." rabri said from behind him. He chuckled.
"I have the authority to behold her. " he said as he looked at the sleeping beauty. Rabri inwardly scowled. She was outright aggravated with Samrat's obsession with nandini. His mind and heart were preoccupied with the thoughts of nandini. And it was creating a hindrance in her plans. She was obdurate on marrying off her granddaughters to the King. He was a king and kings can have more than one wife. Besides the opulence and luxury of the palace was her dream. She tried to lure the royal men in her youth yet she couldn't succeed. She couldn't trap any royal in her seductive web. Rabri was quite beautiful in her youth, she was one of the most prettiest lady's maid in the palace. Sadly her beauty didn't please the royals of Jaisalmer. Apart from the royals, the entire jaisalmer was attracted to her. One reason was this too that when she started to work in the palace, she was already married and the royals don't set their eyes on any married woman. Yet still she had not given up, she is positive that the luxury she didn't receive in her youth, she will receive it now, after marrying off her granddaughters to the King. The only problem is nandini. Rabri abhor to confess that her granddaughters were no match to nandini. If truth to be told, her granddaughters were ill-favoured. They weren't attractive in any way, on the other hand nandini's single glance was enough for a devil to fall on his knees and beg for her love.
"Mmmmmm. " a single moan caught the attention of the people standing inside the room. Samrat looked at the bed to find her tossing and turning on the bed perhaps in irritation. She turned on her left and Samrat gasped. She was lying on the edge of the bed and was about to fall. He rushed towards her and gently grabbed her fragile body in his brawny arms. Howbeit his hold jerked nandini awake from her sleep, though not fully. She peered at him in her half sleeping state.
"Ahaaaaaa......" she cried, half asleep. It was her childhood problem, she used to start crying when someone woke her up in her half sleep. Samrat laid beside her and held her protectively in his arms. He pecked her forehead as he gently patted her head.
"Shhhhhhhh!!!! It's ok, no one is troubling you. Sleep, baby doll. " he whispered, patting her head, lightly rocking her back and forth like a baby. She clutched his shirt tightly in her little fists and snuggled into his chest. The warmth of his arms was so calming and pleasing to her. He laid their hugging her for a couple of minutes before he heard the sound of gentle and soft snores. He looked at her to find her sleeping soundly in his arms. His lips curled upwards as he saw her sleeping with a smile on her beautiful lips. He gently pry his arms off her howbeit prior to he could get up, her gentle hold on his shirt compel him to keep lying.
"You don't want me to leave. No problem I'll stay with you. " he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her fragile figure. Rabri and her granddaughters were watching everything with furious eyes. Besides what else they could do anyways.
"Rabri, I hope you are taking good care of my baby. " he asked leaning his face against hers. Rabri gave her a spurious smile.
"Yes, Ranaji. " she replied. Samrat nodded.
"Ranaji, it's 9:00 am, should we wake up Ranisa. " bindu asked softly.
"No, don't even try to. Let her sleep as much as she wants. " he said, pecking her fingers. Bindu inwardly scowled.
"But ranaji, it's already 9. " chhaya said softly. Samrat glared at her, scaring the ladies.
"Don't argue with me, stupid girl. When I say not to wake her up that means you will not wake her up, nohow. Am I clear!!! " he said with gritted teeth. The ladies nodded, scared. Samrat gently pry her fingers off her shirt but not before pecking her little fingers. He kissed her forehead and stood up from the bed. Clasping his hands behind he glared at the ladies.
"I am well acquainted with your persona Rabri. You are a champion in provoking. But trust me, if you and your daughters tried to provoke her against me or spill venom against me in front of her, than you know better what am I capable of. " he warned, glaring at them. Sweat beads formed on Rabri's forehead. She was well clued up about Samrat's diabolical comportment. A man who can kill his own parents, why would he scruple to kill her. She gulped.
"I won't do anything, I promise Ranaji. " she said with fear. Samrat smirked.
"Better for you. And yes, take care of my little princess properly. Provide her whatever she wants. You will ne'er say no to her. Whatever she desires, it should be available for her. Expensive jewellery, lavishing clothes, cosmetics, sandals or anything else, make sure she gets everything. Besides for freedom, she should get everything in my palace. My baby doll should not feel dearth of anything. " he said. The women nodded.
"As you say, Ranaji. But what if she asks for freedom. " bindu asked, looking down. Just the mention of freedom made him clench his fist. He can give her anything but freedom.
"Than inform me, I'll handle it. " he said seriously, gawking at them. They nodded. He looked at his little sleeping beauty, who was sleeping peacefully oblivious to what was happening around her. He gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and she giggled softly.
"Make sure that my baby doll is always smiling." he said as he caressed her face. Rabri frowned.
"Am I clear.!!! " he said a bit loudly. Rabri nodded. He glanced at his sleeping beauty for one last time before exiting the room. Rabri and her granddaughters scowled.
"Maai, do something before this scoundrel marries this girl. " bindu said anxiously. Rabri smirked.
"I am your mother, bindu. Trust me, I have a devious plan. " Rabri chuckled as she looked at the sleeping nandini.

Nandini sat inside the room with her brother and nanna.
"For how long we will stay in this palace naksh. We need to find a way out of the palace, soon." nanna whispered.
"I know nanna and believe me, I am trying to find a way. I promise we'll escape the palace really soon. " he whispered looking at nanna. Nanna nodded. Meantime the door clicked open and rabri and her granddaughters came inside.
"Lunch time, Ranisa. " rabri said with a spurious smile on her face. She beckoned the maids to lay down the food filled trenchers on the bed. The maids courteously did as she said. They neatly placed the plates near them and began to serve the food. Nandini looked at the food and frowned. All she could see was vegetable curries, cottage cheese, mix veggies, chapattis, salad, pickles and carrot halwa as a dessert. She pouted, she seriously had no desire to eat the food served to her. Rather she craved to eat pizza, burgers, fries, brownies, pastries, patties and all the junk food.
"Umm I don't want to eat this. Can I have pizza and burger, instead. " she said hesitantly. Rabri showed her, her renowned pseudo smile.
"I wish I could do that. But Ranaji has strictly ordered not to provide you any other food besides this. " she said. And that was outright fabricated as samrat had ordered her to fulfil her every wish. Nevertheless she wanted nandini to abhor him and hence she was lying to her.
"Oh. " Nandini whispered sadly. Naksh and nanna frowned at Rabri's fabricated words. Even though naksh loathed samrat yet he was positive that he would ne'er say such things. Samrat was madly in love with her, he could ne'er break her heart chiefly in such trivial things cognated with food. Naksh was certain that rabri was mendacious. Howbeit prior to he could say something the door burst open and a furious lady's maid barge in. She glared at rabri with a furious glower on her face.
"Stop lying rabri, Ranaji ne'er said that. " she said glaring at her. Rabri scowled at her as she gripped her cane tightly.
"Ranisa tell me what do you want to eat. Whatever you say, it will be available for you. " she courteously said. Nandini smiled.
"I.....I.....want pizza and burger and....." she said as she tried to think what else her tummy wants. The lady chuckled.
"Take your time and think Ranisa, I am sending the cook, tell her whatever you want. Ok. And Rabri you come with me. " she said the last part glaring at Rabri. Rabri glared back at her as she followed her.

The lady's maid took Rabri and her granddaughters to chirag's room. She knocked at the door before stepping inside.
"Chirag bhaisa, kindly handle this old woman." she said with gritted teeth, glaring at Rabri. Chirag looked at her, raising his brow.
"What has happened.!!! " he asked perplexed. Rabri laughed nervously.
"Umm nothing. " rabri muttered. The lady glared at her.
"Keep your mouth shut, Rabri. Bhaisa, Ranaji is not in the palace that's why I have come to you. Do you know Bhaisa, she is provoking Ranisa against Ranaji. She was lying to her that Ranaji has ordered not to provide her any other food besides for what he eats. I am telling you bhaisa, this woman is dangerous for the palace. She doesn't want Ranisa to fall in love with Ranaji, because she wants Ranaji to marry her granddaughters. Bhaisa, oust her from the palace. " she apprised chirag. Chirag glared at Rabri and her granddaughters.
"Rabri Boss had warned you not to provoke Ranisa but no you just don't listen. If you love your life than stay away from queen. Kesar from now on you will take care of Queen. And you Rabri, I don't want to see you near queen and her family. " chirag warned.
"But chirag........" chirag cut in.
"Not even a single word more, Rabri. Get lost. " chirag yelled. Rabri nodded reluctantly as she egress out of the room.
"What now, maai. " bindu whispered.
"Don't eat my brain, let me think. " rabri scowled.

It was 8:00 pm in the night when nandini and her family were sitting in  the room, chatting about random stuff. Howbeit a sudden clicking sound interrupted their conversation. They looked at the door to find rabri and her granddaughters hushedly sneaking inside the room. Once they entered inside the room, bindu quietly closed the door.
"Rabri are you alright. " nandini asked perplexed. Rabri looked at her.
"Ranisa, I know Ranaji has forcibly abducted you here. I know you don't love him and want to escape. I am here to help you. " rabri whispered. Nandini's face lightened up, so did her brother and nanna.
"Will you.!!!! " nandini asked with hope. Rabri nodded.
"But how.?? " naksh asked.
"This palace is 400 years old. At that time, kings used to construct secret tunnels inside the palace which aided them in escaping the palace, in times of warfare. There are at least 62 secret tunnels, concealed within the palace. Only ranaji knows where those tunnels are located and where they lead to. Howbeit I know about one tunnel, the tunnel is constructed underground kitchen floor and it leads to the palace backyard, where there is no palace guard. Besides a few miles away you will reach to a national highway. " rabri apprised them. Nandini hugged her as a lone tear escaped her eye.
"Thank you so much. " nandini whispered softly, wiping her tears. Rabri inwardly chuckled.
"We will forever be thankful to you for helping us. " naksh said joining his hands in front of her. Rabri chuckled.
"Trust me I am doing it for myself. " rabri said with a smirk. Naksh didn't understood yet he didn't ask her anything. Besides he just wanted him and his family to escape this palace, apart from that he didn't wanted to bother about anything.
"Wait here for few minutes, I'll ask the cooks to do something so that they can stay away from the kitchen. " bindu said as she opened the door and egress out. Few minutes later she came back.
"Come on, we don't have much time. " bindu whispered as she opened the door for nandini and her family. Nandini and her family along with Rabri, hushedly sneaked out of the room and quietly headed downstairs towards the kitchen. Nandini was quite flabbergasted after seeing their was no maid or butler in the palace. Perhaps because bindu had already taken care of everything. They all quietly sneaked into the kitchen and fortunately there was no one in the kitchen. Howbeit naksh glanced at the left to find a palace guard walking inside the palace.
"Shit!!!!! Shit!!!!!! Someone is coming inside. " he whispered scared. Nandini gaped at the man.
"Hide." rabri whispered and naksh and nandini hid behind the door while nanna and Rabri and her granddaughters hid behind the fridge. Fortunately the man didn't even bother to glance inside the kitchen, if he had, he couldn't easily caught nanna and rabri hiding behind the fridge. After the man ascended the stairs and entered inside the room, they all came out of their hiding places.
"Thank God.!!! " nanna whispered as she panted.
"Let's not waste time, open the tunnel door. " rabri said as she pushed away the carpet with her leg, revealing a door. Bindu kneel down and strived to open the door and after few minutes it opened.
"Let's go. " bindu whispered. Nandini smiled as she saw the tunnel which can lead to her freedom. Her brother climbed down the tunnel and gently pulled her inside. He than assisted nanna to climb down the stairs. Bindu grabbed the oil lamp and began to descend down the stairs along with her mother and daughters.

After few minutes of climbing down the stairs, they atlast reached the floor. The tunnel was gloomy, the only illumination in existence in the tunnel was the gleam of the oil lamp. They kept on walking ahead. Nandini gazed around in the tunnel to find the  cartilage of animals. She turned her head away in repugnance. Besides the tunnel was emiting sinister vibes. They kept on walking for like 20 minutes until they saw the sparkling of the stars in the night sky. Nandini smiled in sheer joy as she was finally able to see the outside world after so many days. They ran outside the tunnel.
"I am finally free. " nandini said with a smile as she hugged her brother.
"Yes you are. " he said kissing her forehead.
"I think you should vamoose right away. " rabri proposed. Nandini and naksh nodded. Nandini held nanna's hand and was about to walk ahead when a voice came from behind.
"Running away from your husband, baby doll. " a husky yet familiar voice appeared from behind. They all turned back to find a mad samrat standing behind them with a murderous glint in his eyes. His fists clenched.
"Uh oh.!!! " bindu whispered as she saw her death standing right in front of her.

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And don't forget to check out my story, Nataraja Mansion. I hope you will like it as well.

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