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Stella's POV

After we get sucked into the painting I cough out some water from my lungs. Water? We stand up in the water. "Hells a beach?" I ask.

"It's the Shore of Sorrows." Sabrina tells us, pointing at a sign as we walk onto the sand. We look around to see souls in cages, groaning in pain.

"What the heck?" I hear Roz mutter.

"Why are they in cages?" I ask, even though no one will know the answer. Turns out I was wrong, someone does.

A handsome young man walks out from behind an amazing sandcastle. "This is the Shore of Sorrows. They drown everytime the tide rolls in." I stare at him. It's the guy in my dreams. Caliban.

He looks at me and I look down, my cheeks red from a blush. "We came to see Lilith, Queen of Hell, Lady Satan. She's in Pandimonium. Do you know the way?" Sabrina tells him.

"All blood flows to Pandimonium. Follow the blood road and you'll fine it." Caliban says in his deep, husky voice. He turn to me with a smirk and winks. I blush.

"Come on Stella." Roz says while grabbing my wrist. I start walking with her, feeling his gaze on me as we walk away.

"Why where you looking at him like that?" Sabrina asks me.

"He's in the dreams I told you about. Last night it wasn't just his voice. I saw his face. I've had these dreams since I was fifteen. I hadn't seen his face until last night. He's him" I explain.

Harvey whispers a slight,"Wow."

"Now stop staring at me, we have to get to Pandimonium." I tell them and we start walking again. The feeling in my gut from this morning has gotten worse as we trek through hell.

We see souls tied to crosses. I about throw up at the sight. Ravens peck at them. Theo hears a voice he recognizes, his Uncle Jesse. Theo runs off the trail and to the cross holding his uncle. We call after him, but he won't listen to us. "Screw it." I say and we run after him.

"Uncle Jesse. What are you doing here?" Theo asks, tears in his eyes.

"Susie?" Jesse groans Theo's old name.

Turning to Sabrina and I Theo asks "Can you protect him?" We both nod and chat a spell.

"He's protected." I tell Theo.

"I'll stay to be sure." Theo says looking back at his uncle.

Roz shakes her head and tells him, "We need to stay together." Theo nods. I pull him into a tight hug.

"It'll be okay." I say softly. Theo nods a tear falls down his face. "Once we get to Pandimonium to save Nick. We will save your uncle too. I promise." I promise him

"Thank you Stella." Theo says as we walk back to the trail of blood.

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