3| Found you

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Found you

"Love is what makes you smile when you are tired"

Raven's POV

"Where is he?" I asked, throwing another fireball, this time at the purple haired fairy, throwing her to the ground in pain
My body began to glow, like it did back in the ballroom when I...
"He... he left- he left" the green one shrieked
"Left to where?" I asked, glaring at her

She shook her head, her frail frame shaking with fear as she cowered away
"We don't know. He shifted and ran" she cried
"Ran..." I breathed out. He ran away
Where the fuck could he be?

I sighed, lowering my arms, the white glow fading away from my body.
"If anyone asks, I was never here" I said simply, heading for the door
Leaving them on the floor
Half of them injured
The other half scared. And an unconscious human man still lying on the floor.

But I didn't care
The only thing I cared about was Micah
I mean... getting him close again so the pain would stop in my chest. Then we could figure this out. Figure out how to live now.

I scoured my surroundings. And the forest seemed to be the most logical answer
It was hard to track a wolf when you knew nothing about them. Or their species.

I could hunt a demon easily. Become their biggest fear and make their nightmares come alive.
But... wolves. They were animal like. Animal brains. Survival tactics and territory seemed to be their only thoughts.

It was going to be trickier than I thought

Narissa's POV

"Let me in!" I demanded once again
The gatekeeper smiled again
She was so infuriating
"Narissa Manola, queen of hell" she commented
"Yes?" I asked impatiently

"I am Adrestia, Gatekeeper of purgatory" she said
"I don't care. I already told you let me in!" I said. She was really annoying me now.

"I am just giving you warning my lady, entrance requires an exit fee. Purgatory isn't an inn. You cannot walk in and out freely" she warned.
"Oh whatever" I said, I know it required a fee
Lucian had given me some of the rarest jewels in existence so I could get back out with Raven.

"Very well my lady. Then I permit your entrance" she said, signalling the gates open
"Finally. Surprised you didn't pointlessly ramble on some more" I mumbled, walking on
"I follow the way life is supposed to be, the fates permit this, so I must obey" she said gently.

I scoffed at her
"Sure, whatever gets me closer to my daughter" I said.

Raven's POV

Wandering around in the woods was... disgusting. And tiring
Wandering round in the woods of purgatory though? That added the dangerous element to it
Creatures that lured you in
Hunted you
Souls that simply grabbed onto you for solace.

But I knew I was going in the right direction. Because every time I was... the pain in my chest lessened.
My heart literally guiding me towards him
How cliche
Reminded me of one of Blossom's stupid romance books.

Micah's POV

Hours. Hours upon hours
Sitting here
Waiting for... something
For her. Levi was really down, moping around under this tree all day.

Until it had happened
That flutter in our heart that made us jump up as quick as lightening
The jolt that sent Levi running through the trees at high speed

Mate? Raven? She was here.

Raven's POV

Our mate!
I wasn't used to hearing... that voice in my head. My... wolf.

She was scarce. She was... she was pushed deep down... Lilura.

Whereas Nalani? She was prominent. Constantly. And lately, all she wanted was Micah
She wanted to protect him, keep him close... seduce him.

I followed the direction I was being pulled in. Hopeful that it would lead me to...

Micah. The sounds of growls and leaves crunching beneath his paws turning my head upwards.

His broad furry form stood before me. Staring.
Before he began changing. Morphing and cracking into himself.
And the next thing I knew. I was cemented to my spot, as Micah stood naked. Watching me with disbelief

"Raven?" He breathed out, sending a tingle up my spine.
"You're here"
"Yeah. Let's go" I said, snapping out of my daze

"Go? What? No, come here" he said, walking after me, or more like stumbling after himself before he grabbed my arm, pulling me into him.

"Wha- get off" I said, wanting to shove him away
But my body didn't let me
In my mind, I was thinking rationally, we barely knew each other, we had to go and he was naked.

Not an ideal situation
But my body. My body melted into his like they just... fit
It annoyed me. I don't need a mate.

"We need to go" I said simply, standing there frozen
His head was nuzzled into my neck, it was almost... pleasant
"I missed you" he mumbled.

I didn't know what to say, was I supposed to say it back?
"Uh, you too" I mumbled, pulling away. I could feel a certain something digging into my front.

"Please don't" he said, holding me even tighter
"Micah. We have to go" I said simply, trying to pull away again
Hug him!
Fuck him
Shut it

"Go where?" He asked, pulling away. Finally
"Back to Hell" I said, quickly looking him up and down before I turned around
Fucking hormones
"Back... to hell?" He questioned
I groaned
"This is going to be a long journey if you ask questions" I said, stopping.

"You're dead. I'm dead. Everyone here is dead. Got it?" I said
He looked down for a moment, confused
"How am I-"
"That doesn't matter, we have to go, before you get stuck in here. Or even worse... they send you off to heaven" I mumbled.

If he didn't remember how he died, then we may as well keep it that way.
I know mother will be stomping around somewhere back home.
But once she meets Micah. Sees that I need him. For purely survival purposes. Then she'll have to let him stay.

And that means I need them to like each other
Not argue over the fact she killed him.
Or how she killed him
For me
In front of his entire pack

"And where is... here?" He asked, looking around
Oh my-
"Look just stop talking. Follow me. And... stay behind" I snapped, adverting my eyes once again

Every time I look at him, it's just... there
He smirked slightly
"Why behind?" He asked
"What did I say about speaking?" I said, rolling my eyes at him

He didn't say anything else, just walked behind me. A little too close might I add

Narissa's POV

Fucking fairies. Mischievous little annoyances
I left the house in disarray and headed off for the woods
Fucking soul eaters cracked easily.

Although I suppose if Raven's already paid them a visit then they would be scared
For all her faults... she was a scary thing when she needed to be

Not helpful in these situations though, she was doing my head in running off
She wasn't a love sick teenager
She was maturer than that, she had a brain
She had to know that we didn't need this wolf in our lives.

Raven's POV

"So, how did you find me?" Micah asked as we walked along, he'd taken to walking beside me
So I had taken to looking at everything around me. Anything but him.

"A feeling" I said
"A feeling?" He chuckled
"My... step dad told me, that you were in purgatory... then the fairies told me where you ran off to" I said
"Right" he nodded, mulling along beside me for a few seconds.

"I didn't know you had a step dad" he said
"Because I never told you" I said
"Why is that?" He asked
I sighed
"Because we aren't a couple Micah. You're nothing to me. A week of you clinging to me didn't change that" I said.

His head ducked down for a moment
"We're mates Raven" He said, sending tingles through my body. I hated it
"Whether you like it or not..." he said, softly grabbing my wrist, pulling me to a stop
"You're mine. And I'm yours. Always" he said sincerely. Standing close... so close

Too sincerely
Maybe... he did care
Of course he cares. He's obsessed with us
Shut up
He's our soul mate

My wolf's voice knocked me back into reality, and I pulled back
"Mates aren't forever" I said simply
He chuckled
"They kinda are darling, we're dead if you've forgotten" he said.

My wolf practically melted in the back of my head
I didn't like her being so vocal now.

"Don't call me that"
"Why not?" He asked
"I don't like it" I said
"Is it that?" He asked, walking in front of me, stopping me once again as we came face to face
"Or is it because you like it a little too much?" He asked with a smirk, moving closer once more.

I didn't have words. My body was reacting against me
In a way I had never felt it react before
"You..." he muttered expectantly
"You what... darling?" He asked

I swallowed hard
This trip was going to be harder than I thought
Let alone having to keep him around afterwards.

He smiled, pulling back
"As much as I'd love to push you up against this tree and kiss you right now... don't we have somewhere to be?" He asked
"... what?"
He chuckled
"Unless you want that option" he said, coming closer again.

"No! Uh- no... no just... keep walking" I said, snapping out of my daze
My daze? This wasn't a romance
Me and Micah weren't...
I just needed to screw my head back on. Be practical.

"You didn't have to threaten him" Micah grumbled, walking out of the house after me
"I solved the issue didn't I?" I asked, bored of his attitude
"You hurt him" he said
"Well he should have given us what we wanted the first time I asked then shouldn't he?" I threw back.

Mate mad at us
He needed to quit complaining.
He was naked. I provided clothes. Simple.
Threatening an imp was a walk in the park. I don't know why Micah had to be so bitchy about it.
He's clothed isn't he?

Now I don't have to worry about seeing his...
"You could ask Raven" he snapped
He said our name
He also said we're in the wrong.

"Look. You're not from this world. I am. Asking will get you no where. People take advantage of the weak down here Micah, you need to remember that if you want to survive" I warned him, glaring.
Now that I could look at him more.
"Survive? We're dead" he said.

"Yes. Yes we are" I said
"Are you going to explain anything to me, or are you just going to keep treating me like an idiot?" He asked.
"Maybe if you stopped acting like one I wouldn't have to treat you like one" I said, walking ahead.

"God, why are you so difficult?" He shouted after me
"It's my specialty" I rolled my eyes
"Earth to the moon goddess what did I ever do?" He asked.

I stopped.
What did he do? To get lumped with me?
"What?" I asked
"You're so difficult, why can't you just talk to me?" He asked
"What did you ever do? I'm that bad huh?" I asked
"No I didn't mean it like that. I meant why can't you just open up? Trust me. I'm your mate Raven, I'm here for you" he explained.

He wasn't here for me. He was here because he was dead.
"I don't know what you did..." I said
"But it must have been awful to get landed with me. Because I don't want a mate. Never have. Never will. You're needed for survival. Nothing else" I said.

Just until I could figure out how to break our bond without killing u- me.
He sighed
"Let's just keep going" he said
"Going to ignore it now huh?" I asked.

"No" he said, sounding determined
"I'm going to make you want me Raven. Whether you like it or not we are bonded. Our wolves are bonded. And I see it in your eyes. You already lust after me. I just need to get you to love me" he said.

I felt my eyes flicker at the determination in his words.
"What possibly makes you think I lust after you?" I asked
"I told you" he said
"Were bonded. So I can feel it every time you get aroused. I can see it in your eyes, your movements. The way you stumble over your words" he chuckled.

"And because I feel the exact same way" he said, looking me up and down

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