5| Wings

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"I'll never be that me again" -h.m

Raven's POV

"My wings? I'm not giving you my wings" I said
"Then I cannot permit your passing" she said calmly
"Fuck your passing" I said, walking off
"Raven? Raven!" Micah called, coming after me
"Leave me alone" I said
"Stop walking" he called.

"No. I'm not giving up my wings" I said
"I'm not asking you to" he said
"We can stay here for a bit, figure out a plan, we can work something out" he said desperately
"No" I snapped, stopping.

"I'm not getting rid of my wings Micah" I said
"I'm not asking you to!" He stressed
"No! No I came here to get you! I came here to save your stupid ass and now we're stuck here. We're stuck in fucking purgatory unless I rip my wings out? That's bullshit" I shouted.

"I know. Just calm down, we can talk about this and figure out another way" he said
"No, leave me alone" I said adamantly
"No" he said
I groaned
"Why can't you just go away? Just fucking leave me. I don't need you Micah" I shouted.

"Too bad. You're stuck with me" he said
"Oh don't I know it" I chuckled annoyed
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked
"It means you're so goddamn annoying. It means I got stuck with a mate who never shuts his mouth, it means I want you to leave me alone!" I shouted.

"Well too bad. I'm here" he said
"Oh my..." I stopped, falling down to a crouch in just... exhaustion
"Why do you always want to be alone?" He asked
"Because everyone I know is irritating" I answered honestly.

"Or because you don't want to actually open up and speak to people who care about you" he said
"Oh shut up Micah, stop trying to figure me out" I said, getting up and taking a seat on an abandoned log.

I put my head in my hands
We're stuck here. Permanently
"I don't need to figure you out. I already have" he said, sitting next to me
"No you haven't, you just go on and on and o-"
I stopped. Because he pulled me into his side, wrapping both his arms around me.

And I... I didn't move them.
I was so exhausted. So drained.
I hadn't had a moment to just stop
I missed home. I missed my music and my snake. I missed my room and... I missed dad.

I missed Sin. Even Blossom...

"It's alright, just..." he trailed off, holding me.
And we sat like that for a while.
I didn't know what to say.
And I slowly felt my eyes droop after a while.

Micah's POV

Fuck she just had to... take a breath. Take a moment
She was exerting herself. Doing too much. Stressing out.
I didn't want her to give up her wings
I never expected her to.

I'll live here for the rest of my life if needed just to stay with her.
I miss home. And I miss my family. But I also feel very strongly for Raven. She's all I have
All I want.
Just looking at her now, sleeping soundly next to me, no longer shivering after I found a house for us to stay in.

Two nymphs, a couple, lost in here for years. Offered us a bed for a night in their cabin.
They seemed nice enough. I knew when she eventually woke up, Raven would hate them
She wouldn't trust them.

I reached out, stroking her hair softly
She was so beautiful
An ethereal, natural beauty. With flushed cheeks thanks to the fireplace. Rosy lips and pale skin.
Even with all her dark connotations. She was an angel to me.

A perfect angel.

And then. She woke up
And the peaceful expression on her face died away
She looked around for a moment, before shooting up into a sitting position and looking around more frantically
"Where are we?" She asked.

"A cabin, I found tw-"
"We have to leave" she said
"We have to go now. Get up, we have to figure out how to get out of he-"
"Raven" I said, halting her with a grasp on her hand as she walked past me towards the door.

"We can't do anything tonight, you're drained. Will you please just sit down?" I said tiredly.

She hesitated for a moment, before she sighed.
"We leave first thing in the morning" she said, sitting back down beside me with a huff
And here we were
Backs to the wall, sitting beside each other on the bed as the fire crackled across the room.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, looking to my side at her gorgeous face
"What?" She asked bluntly, eyes glued to the fire, orange swirling around in her blue eyes
"What did you feel when you first saw me?" I asked.

I wanted to gain some ground while we were stuck here for the night. I was right
There truly was nothing we could really do for the night
So I wanted to use it to get to know her better
Get her to trust me more
From what I had heard from Bloss, it took a while to gain any sort of cooperation from Raven.

But I was willing to try
She was my mate after all. And she is perfect.

"What do you mean?" She asked
"When we first saw each other, when I walked through that door and saw you and Bloss standing there. What did you think?" I asked
She shrugged after a moment
"I'm not sure. I just... froze I guess. I didn't expect to ever..." she went quiet.

"To ever?"
"Have a mate. I'm not a wolf" she said adamantly
"Part of you is" I said
"Exactly. Part of me is attached to you. Not all of me. You're just so..." she trailed off
"So?" I questioned, but she stayed quiet.

I was learning quickly that a serious conversation with Raven was like getting blood out of a stone
"Look I get it. I know I'm being very... full on. I just... I can't explain how I feel when I'm near you Raven. I don't think you can either. It's like this overprotective need to keep you safe and be around you" I said, causing her to look at me.

"When I saw you for the first time, my entire world stopped. And I thought I had actually been struck in the heart, because half of me was in such euphoria. I thought I would burst because I finally found you, because you were gorgeous and... and perfect. And then the other half of me physically just couldn't comprehend the pain I felt in my heart that I wasn't touching you. That I wasn't right by your side, looking into your eyes and begging for a chance" I admitted.

I know she had... issues she was dealing with
Especially if she were to ever see her mother again.
But that wouldn't stop me
She was mine. And I was hers.
I waited my whole life for her. For that very moment of bursting... love in my chest for the first time.

"I... I didn't know you felt like that" she said
I shrugged
"What else is there to feel. You're my other half. You complete me Raven. Whether you like it or not" I said honestly.

She looked down for a moment. So I took that as my cue to get up
"Get some sleep. I'll sleep on the chair" I said. Leaning down and pressing a kiss against her forehead
She didn't flinch. She didn't pull away. She didn't shout.

She just... sat
That was progress... I guess.

"Wait" she said
I looked at her. But she still hadn't moved, she hadn't even looked up, she just looked at the bed, then her lap. Then closed her eyes and sighed
"Get in" she said simply, standing up
"What?" I asked.

"I'm not going to make you sleep on the chair. Besides our... our wolves will only whine all night for each other. And I'd rather sleep in peace than with her running round in my head" she explained.

"Yeah... course. Uh- okay" I said, edging back towards the bed
"Can I... are you alright if I..." I felt awkward asking, so I just gestured to my clothes
"Do what you want" she said dismissively, pulling her shirt off like it was nothing.


And then... her jeans rolled off... down her toned legs... as she... bent over

I cleared my throat as she turned around
Pulling my own shirt off
Did she... not feel the same things I did? Did she not know that doing that... would make my wolf go crazy
Fuck... it made me go crazy
She just looked at me. Until I started pulling my trousers off... and she turned to get into bed.

I think she wanted to avoid looking down there again after having to walk with me naked for hours.
I climbed into bed next to her.
She had already established quite a big amount of space.
She was right against the wall. Facing away from me.

Great. I suppose I should just take the fact that she let me in the bed at all as a good sign.

"Stop it" she said
"Stop what?" I asked
"Staring at me. I can feel your eyes on the back of my head" she said
"If you can feel them, then you'd know they weren't on the back of your head" I said simply, looking up and down her body.

Her waist just disappearing under the covers.

She groaned in agitation
"Go to sleep" she snapped
"I was until you started talking again" I said, smiling
And she turned over
Which had been my goal. I knew her now.

If you push far enough into annoyance, then she'll give her attention. And right now
That's all I could do.
And now she lay there facing me
"Why are you smiling?" She asked.

I dropped the smile. And closed my eyes
"Thought you wanted to go to sleep" I said.
She huffed, and when I peaked an eye back open, she had closed hers
I closed mine again.

"But for the record. I was smiling at you" I said simply
"Why?" She asked
"Because you're lying next to me. You're talking to me. And because you look very beautiful right now" I said honestly.

I couldn't believe I actually had her next to me
Safe. It finally settled my wolf knowing we had her within arms reach.
Hold her
On the other hand. That was a challenge in itself.

I just wanted to hold her to me
To have her rest on my shoulder and sleep soundly in my arms.

So I just focused on trying to sleep, on trying to keep myself away from her and yet close enough for comfort and protection.

Raven's POV

What am I doing?
He's lying next to me. Practically naked. But so am I
Why did I tell him to get in the bed?
Why did I reach out?
I should have just let him sleep on the chair

Because now I found myself staring at his sleeping face in the light of the dying fire
Looking at everything and finding myself fascinated with him.

My hand coming up to softly ghost his cheek.
Touch him
Kiss him
Sleep in his arms.

I ignored them both, and pulled back. Determined to go to sleep so we could wake up early and leave.

Micah's POV

I peeked an eye open again
That touch... her soft fingertips grazing my cheek
That was all I needed to be able to sleep soundly and content.

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