Chapter 1

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Fairy Tail, Fiores weakest guild, was having a party and were in full swing. Their friends that they feared were gone forever, had finally returned from Tenrou Island. Seven long years they were gone, and they took the time now to be with their comrades. There was one, however, who was not joining in the festivities. "Gajeel, join Juvia for a drink." The rain woman said with a soft smile, but he didn't look at her. "Juvia... We were gone for seven years..." He said quietly,  and she could hear how broken he was, knew where his mind had gone. "Gajeel..." "Who knows where she is now..." His voice was little more than a whisper. Juvia gently place a hand on his uninjured shoulder.

"Once we are healed we will start our search again." She said softly, glancing at Lily who sat beside him. The exceed had learned about little Avery not long after becoming Gajeels partner, and had been more than willing to search for her. Gajeel nodded slightly, never looking up from his bandaged hands as Juvia walked away. Once the party had calmed down and most of the members had passed out, Gajeel finally left from his spot in the corner, making his way towards the master. Markarov looked up from his tankard as the slayer approached, taking in Gajeels sour look.

"Why the face young man? You should be celebrating!" He said with a drunken grin. Gajeel sighed, he didn't know if he could talk to Markarov in this state. "Master," He started but the old man waved his hand. "Iv already started my boy, you just get some rest." Gajeel blinked in surprise. They had barely been back a day, and the master had already picked up the search? Gajeel smiled slightly, a tug at the corner of his lips. "Thanks gramps," He said gruffly. Gajeel picked up his partner, who had fallen asleep at their table, and finally headed home.

Luckily, in the seven years they had been gone, his home was untouched. The worst was a thick layer of dust and some damage from weather that was easy to repair. It was a small home, just on the outside of town near the woods. Not many people knew it was there, only one did, and she had followed him. "Come on in Juvia." He said as he pushed inside, leaving the door open for the rain woman. Lily woke with a sneeze in the dusty home. Juvia entered, leaving the door open to allow the house to air, as well as helped open several windows. Once the task was done and lacrima lights were lit, they dusted off the couch and sat.

Gajeels home was mostly bare, only some furniture and he had no pictures, except for a single frame on the coffee table. Juvia picked up the picture and dusted off the glass, smiling softly. There were two people in the frame. Gajeel, smiling brighter than anyone had every seen, holding an umbrella as he knelt beside a three year old Avery. Her messy black hair was pulled into a side ponytail and she waved  at the camera with a toothy smile. "Juvia remembers when she was born... It was both the happiest and the saddest day in her life." She said quietly. Gajeel grunted quietly, pulled back into the memory himself.


Gajeel rushed through the rainy streets, he didn't have much time. He had gotten a call from Juvia, something was wrong with Karyn and she had gone into labor early. He had barely been able to sneak away from Jose, he couldn't let the man know about the woman with his child. Oak Town Hospital was in sight and he nearly crashed into the door, barely slowing down. He saw Juvia pacing in the waiting room, wringing her umbrella in her grip. "Juvia!" Gajeel called, causing the woman to look up.

"Gajeel!" She cried, running to the man and embracing him. "Juvia doesn't know what happened! Karyn said she wasn't feeling well and- and!" Gajeel gripped her shoulders and gently pushed her back. "Juvia calm down!" Juvia nodded and took a few deep breaths. "Karyn said she wasn't feeling well, and she had started hurting. After awhile she said she wanted to come to the hospital, afraid something was wrong with the baby. When we got here, Karyn collapsed! The doctors too her to the emergency room and said they had to deliver the baby now!" Juvia was nearly in tears again and Gajeel pulled her into a crushing hug.

They waited for what felt like ages before a doctor finally arrived. "Locksar?" Gajeel and Juvia stood, hurrying to the doctor. Gajeel felt his stomach turn at the doctors expression. "We are sorry, Karyn didn't make it, and the baby is weak. The next few days will be vital for her survival." Gajeel felt like his legs would collapse from beneath him, and he had to catch Juvia as hers did. She began sobbing, and the rain outside began to fall heavier with her sorrow. Gajeel held the sobbing woman tightly as he looked at the doctor. "Can I see my baby?" He asked quietly.

"Your the father then?" The doctor asked in which Gajeel nodded. The doctor nodded, and once Juvia had composed herself slightly, led the down the hall. In a little incubator behind a glass wall was his child, his daughter. She was small, and a small tuft of black hair sat on her head. Gajeel felt his throat clench and his eyes burn at the sight. Inside, he knew she would make it that she was a fighter, but she looked so fragile. "She still needs a name." Juvia said quietly, resting her hand on the glass. Gajeel thought for a moment, his mind going back to one of his talks with Karyn. "Avery. Her name is Avery"


Gajeel gently took the picture frame from Juvia. "She turns twelve this year." He said quietly. They were all quiet for a moment before Gajeel stood. He mad his way to his old desk, blowing the dust off its contents. Maps lay strewn about, cities marked out or circled, old job flyers about kidnappings and other things filled the desk. "Any lead I had will be cold. So much time has passed, I'll have to start over." Gajeel clenched his fists together before slamming them on the desk. "I'm never going to find her!"

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