Chapter 20

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{Super long chapter.}

Gajeel stood outside the gates of Fairy Hills, waiting for Avey and Levy. He had got home the night before to find a note that his daughter had fallen asleep there and would be staying. He didn't mind, he would rather have her safe there than home alone. As he waited, all of the girls had snuck out of the dorms, making their way for the surprise party waiting at the guild, even Lily had already gone ahead. "Morning dad!" Gajeel smiled as Avery ran out of the doors, launching herself at her father. Gajeel caught her with a laugh, swinging her around slightly before setting her down. "Hey hatchling, did you behave?" He asked as Levy made her way down. "She was an angel as always." The bluenette said with a grin.

Gajeel chuckled as he ruffled his daughters hair before the trio made their way for the guild. Levy and Gajeel talked quietly as Avery ran ahead, making sure to not stray far from them. "You guys are so slow!" She called from in front of the guild doors. "You've got too much energy for this early in the morning brat!" Gajeel shouted. Levy giggled, "She's probably just still excited from yesterday." Gajeel raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Avery looked down shyly, "Aunt Juvia started teaching me water magic," she said quietly. Gajeel was quiet for a minute before grinning brightly. "You'll have to show me sometime!" Avery perked up and smiled brightly with a nod. Finally, she turned and shoved the doors open.


Avery jumped, startled at the loud chorus of cheers. Balloons and streamers fell from the ceiling, a large brightly colored banner hung over the bar that said Happy Birthday Avery. Averys eyes watered as she watched them all, smiles bright. A table stretched across one side of the hall, piled with presents, another with food. At the center of the room was a large cake with different colored icing, topped with a soaring dragon. All of the years trapped in the tower, she had forgotten about her birthday, and even before she had never had anything like this.

She quickly scrubbed her eyes as a large hand gently pat her head. "Thank you... Everyone!" She sniffed happily as she tried to stop her tears. "You should thank your father. He's the one that asked us to help him set it up," Mirajane said sweetly as she stood in front of the girl. Avery turned to her dad, who was slightly pink in the face and looking everywhere but at her. Averys eyes teared up again before she launched herself at him, latching around his waist. Gajeels breath was knocked out of him but he smiled, hugging her back tightly.

"Now let's party!" Markarov called, sending the guild into a loud cheer. Avery grinned up at Gajeel before running to the crowd, thanking them all and passing around hugs. Music played from lacrima all over the guild, food was handed out and Erza tried her best to keep Natsu and Gray under control. It wasn't hard, as Gajeel was determined to make his daughters day perfect, and made sure they didn't start trouble. The morning passed quickly, and at noon it was time for the cake. With Natsus help, the many candles were lit, and the dragon on top looked to be breathing fire. "Sure you can blow them all out hatchling?" Gajeel asked with a smirk. Avery puffed out her cheeks before dragging Wendy over to her side. The girls were incredibly close, as Wendy was only a year older now. Both girls took deep breath, and the air seemed to thin slightly.

With more force than two small preteens should be able to produce, a great gust left them that extinguished all of the fire. There was a round of laughter as the gust nearly knocked several people over but the cake stayed standing. Mirajane happily cut and handing out the cake, making sure Erza got a piece right after the birthday girl. Once cake was done, it was time for Averys favorite part.


She happily sat at the pile of gifts, simply opening the closest one. It was a small flat box wrapped in bright red wrapping with a white bow on top. The tag read From Natsu and Avery tore excitedly into it. Inside was a soft cloth, bright blue in color that faded to a soft silver. Upon further inspection, it was a thin scarf, more for fashion than for warmth. "You can put it in your hair too," the dragon slayer said with a grin. Avery grinned and immediately tied it in her hair before hugging him tightly. "Thanks Natsu!" Natsu grinned as he ruffled her hair. Avery dove in for te next gift, done in simple pink with no bow.

The Strauss' the tag declared. The box was a bit smaller than Natsus but a little heavier. She tore open the paper and lifted out a pair of leather gloves. Each pair only consisted of three fingers, the thumbs, index and middle finger. The leather was soft but durable, a warm caramel color with metal studs around the wrists. In addition, there was a matching leather sleeve, that seemed to have a bit of weight.

"Some archery gloves to protect your fingers." Lisanna said with a smile. "And an arm guard that you can wear on either arm. There are some metal needles inside that function as weights. You can also use them as extra weapons, or a snack if your low on energy." Mira added, pointing to the opening in the leather. Avery grinned, hugging each mage in turn while thanking them. Next were two slim boxes, one labeled Gray and the other labeled Lucy. Avery bit her lip as she tried to choose one, eventually deciding on Lucys and pulling the bright yellow ribbon free. Inside was a silver key, the handle was in the shape of a bear, before ending in a cross. "It's the Bear Cub Polaris. This way you always have a companion and someone who can help you." Lucy said with a smile. Avery squeeled and hugged Lucy tightly. The blonde laughed as she pat her head, "I'll teach you how to summon him after the party." Avery nodded excitedly before turning to Grays gift.

Inside was what appeared to be a slender handle. It was a cool blue, almost white color. Etched on the side was a bird mid flight, crying to the sky. Avery looked up questioningly at Gray and he simply smiled, pointing to a small button near the top. Avery did as she was told and pushed the button, nearly dropping it as a blade sprung free. "A stiletto to keep in your boot." He said simply. Avery grinned brightly, tucking the blade away and locking it before storing it in her boot. She thanked him with a tight hug before turning to the next present, a long rectangular box from Erza wrapped in deep purple.

The paper came away easily and Avery could only stare at what lay inside. A quiver in fine dark leather, braced in bright iron. Along the side a dragon rested, carved delicately into the leather. It was ferocious yet graceful looking, and in its great jaw sat a bright blue jewel, a lacrima. "I had a water lacrima added into it when Juvia told me about training you. This way you always have a source of magic near by." Erza explained with a proud smile. Avery nodded dumbly, gently touching the fine craftsmanship, almost afraid of ruining it. The shoulder strap was simple, vines carved into the leather, and the buckle was the guild emblem. Avery threw herself at the armor mage, startling her slightly. "Thanks Erza!" She squeeled. Erza smiled and pat the girls head while she hugged her back.

Next was a small gift from Wendy, wrapped in orange with a blue bow tied on top. Inside sat a small bottle, soft pink liquid sloshed inside. "It's a healing potion!" Wendy piped up. "Iv been working on it with Porlyusika for awhile now. It can heal any great injury and relieve fatigue. It can even replenish a small amount of magical energy," she added proudly. Avery grinned and hugged her with thanks, before gently settling the bottle back in its box. Next was a thick gift from Levy, that turned out to be a stack of books.

Harry Potter to be exact.

The girl squeeled and tackled the bluenette, causing everyone to laugh. " Now you know why i said we couldn't get them." Gajeel said with a grin, gently pulling his daughter from the laughing mage. It took a moment for her to calm down before giving a proper thank you and moving to the next present.

Markarov handed his gift to her personally, a scroll tied with a simple gold ribbon. Avery took it gently before looking up at him. "Im very proud with your training, so i am happy to gift you your very first job." He said with a large grin, Avery left gaping at the scroll. She removed the ribbon and read her first job request. "Something easy to begin with. I would like you to take at least one other mage with you." He added as she excitedly showed Gajeel her request. "Aye sir!" She said with a grin, earning a laugh from the group.

Lily stepped forward with a smile, "I believe it is my turn." He lifted up a large cloth that was vaguely egg shaped and set it in front of her. Avery looked at it curiously, though Natsu and Wendy looked like they might explode. Avery untied the cloth and let it fall away, revealing a large white and gold egg. Lily pat it softly, "I was visiting the exceed village yesterday, and was told this egg had no family. Shagott had been caring for it, but she had her hands full trying to care for it and the village. And as a dragon slayer, you need your own exceed. So, I told Shagott I knew someone who could care for it." Averys grin was bright as she gently tied the cloth back around the egg securely and set it beside her. She grabbed Lily and squeezed him in a hug, "I won't let you down!"

After releasing the exceed she looked at the next gift, a small box from Juvia. Avery opened it to find a small lacrima, only about the size of her hand. She was about to ask her Aunt what it did, when it began to glow. They all watched as images began flowing into it. They day Avery got her guild mark, Natsu and Happy playing with Asuka, Gajeel losing to Cana in asbrm wrestling. A picture of Avery at three years old, smiling beside Gajeel. Gajeel and Juvia smiling beside each other. The last picture was of three people, Juvia, Gajeel and a woman that almost looked like Juvias double. Long blue hair, darker skin and ocean blue eyes. They were all standing in the rain smiling, arms linked. "That's your mother with us." Juvia said with a soft smile. "That was one of the last pictures we all took. You can add as many pictures as you want to the lacrima."

Everyone around them was teary eyed, wet smiles as they watched Avery wipe her eyes before hugging Juvia tightly. "Thanks Aunt Juvia," she said quietly. Juvia hugged her back tightly smiling through her own tears before releasing her. "Now open the rest of your presents!" Avery laughed and nodded, diving back in to the pile. Many people got her clothes and books, some different bits of iron. It took the girl a long time to finish her pile of gifts, but soon she was done. She was a bit saddened when she hadn't found a gift from her father but she brushed it off. He had planned this wonderful party for her! She had already been spoiled enough, she decided.

Something gently hit the top of her head, and she turned to pout at her father. He held a white rectangular box in his hand, no wrapping paper, only a simple black bow. Avery perked up and gently took it from him before opening it. Inside lay a bright silver necklace, a shining dragon that curled around a brilliant blue gem. The dragon seemed to cradle the jewel, staring up at her with bright green eyes. "It's so pretty." She whispered, touching the jewel gently.

Avery looked up as Gajeel held out his hand and she places the box in it. He motioned for her to turn around and she did, moving her hair and scarf out of the way. Gajeel carefully fastened the necklace on, nodding in approval when he was done. Avery turned and hugged him around the waist. "Thank you daddy." She said quietly. Gajeel smiled and hugged her back tightly, "Anything for you Avery. Happy Birthday hatchling."

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